
Melania Trump, Powerful Presence

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Naw, she gets a pass on pronunciation and language. It's much harder for some people than others. But I haven't lived in Brazil since the 1970's and I can still recite the Lord's Prayer.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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*********Melania opens her speech with the Lord's Prayer. That is powerful and what a vast departure from the past first ladies. Her power is magnified by the silence of the MSM.


So it is being reported that she had to READ the prayer from a script.

I'm an atheist and I can recite it from memory.
She'd probably also have to read it if she said it in French, Italian or any other non-native language that she may speak.

Do you think you'd be able to cite it perfectly in another language without writing it down? Can you even speak any other language?

I'm surprised nobody criticized her for plagiarizing it yet. I guess that's an improvement.

Mrs. T LIVES in the USA and has done since 1996.

I can speak French quite well, and I'm sure that if I lived in France since 1996 I'd be quite fluent enough not to need a script..

The greater question would be why trump wasn't giving this prayer himself. Oh there is a good reason!!!
"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that he attends a church in Manhattan, but the church released a statement saying the real estate developer is not an "active member."

Just another layer of lipstick on a pig and I'm not talking about Melania. There is a reason why she is staying in NY while "Barron finishes school".

trump never recited the "Lord's Prayer." because he would need a teleprompter. Melania read it because she is not familiar with it and is a actress in the play for the day.
and she is good at that.

In fairness to the republicans here, acting is not limited to them.


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Naw, she gets a pass on pronunciation and language. It's much harder for some people than others. But I haven't lived in Brazil since the 1970's and I can still recite the Lord's Prayer.

Wendy P.

A condition for my scholarship to Cambridge was that for two weeks out of each academic year I had to say grace, in Latin, before formal dinner. It took me about 5 minutes to learn it and I didn't need a script.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't know why anyone here feels a need to criticize this woman. It's a distraction.

Yup. We know she doesn't like to do these events and Trump puts her up there with something that Stephen Miller likely wrote. I doubt she has any serious political views, she would probably not vote for her husband if they were not married.
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I don't know why anyone here feels a need to criticize this woman. It's a distraction.

I agree. But she has allowed herself to enter the political equation. Just as Chelsea Clinton was off limits before but now has decided to enter the political scene.

The idea of this thread "Melania Trump, Powerful Presence" was nothing but a bannon inspired play to the religious conservative base. trump has never given any substantive view of real Christian values. No you don't have to go to church every week to be a Christian. But he is not.

trump has never stated or formulated any sort of national policy for helping the poor, giving aid to any foreign group or country. His views on Christ:

"Trump's attempts at public religion have been awkward, at best.
He said he does not ask for forgiveness and "does not bring God into that picture" when he makes mistakes. He has tried to put money in the Communion plate and referred to the sacrament as "my little wine" and "my little cracker." He mispronounced a book of the Bible, and when asked about his favorite verse, has either deferred or, in one case, cited "an eye for an eye," an Old Testament revenge scheme specifically condemned by Christ.(Turn the other cheek, Jesus said.)

Trump tussled with the Pope and was shushed by a minister in Detroit. He often looks uneasy when pastors lay their hands on him and pray. He says he is proud of his evangelical support but not sure he deserves it.
When asked theological questions, Trump often speaks in terms so vague they approach opacity.
Asked "Who is God to you?" by the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump answered "God is the ultimate," then began a brief spiel about how he got a great deal on a golf course before circling back to his original definition. "So nobody, no thing, no there's nothing like God."

Trump's broad language often serves a purpose, says Michael D'Antonio, author of "The Truth About Trump," a biography. "Donald keeps his options open. He make things mysterious and unclear so that he can say anything else at another time."
Trump's supporters have a different explanation. Trump is a businessman, not a pastor. He doesn't have practiced answers about religious questions, nor should he be expected to, they say. But that doesn't mean he's irreligious. (Trump's campaign did not respond to several interview requests.) ...

"Out there in civic centers he would say, over and over, 'You can, if you think you can,'" Brown said. "In the pulpit of our church he would quote Philippians 4, 'You can do all things through Christ.' "
But other Christians accused Peale of peddling jingles, not the gospel, worldly success instead of salvation, and simplistic solutions at a time of increasing complexity.
"He promises quick, painless, and complete 'solutions' to problems which may be deep and complex, and which may require real discipline and professional treatment," wrote religious studies professor and journalist William Lee Miller in 1955.
Nevertheless, Donald Trump loved Peale's preaching, especially his stories about businessmen surmounting obstacles.
"He would instill a very positive feeling about God that also made me feel positive about myself," Trump writes in "Great Again." "I would literally leave that church feeling like I could listen to another three sermons."

Trump and Peale became close. Peale officiated at Trump's first marriage, to Ivana, and at the funeral services for his parents. "He thought I was his greatest student of all time," Trump said.
The businessman credited "the power of positive thinking" for helping him rebound in the 1990s, when his casinos were tanking and he owed creditors billions of dollars. "I refused to be sucked into negative thinking on any level, even when the indications weren't great."
Trump's book titles evoke Peale's brand of pop psychology. There's "Think Big," "Think Like a Champion" and "Think Like a Billionaire." In another book, "Never Give Up," Trump gives an example of how he put the power of positive thinking into practice.
Scouring the newspapers for real estate deals, he found a rundown property in Cincinnati, which he bought from the Federal Housing Administration. The complex had a reputation for "rent runners," Trump writes, so he hired 24-hour patrols, spruced up the place and hired a "politically incorrect" project manager. When the surrounding area got "rough," Trump sold the complex, reaping a $6 million profit.
"Creative, positive thinking can be a powerful source of success," he wrote. ...

In the book, Trump's week ends at 4:45 on Friday afternoon with a visit from David Letterman. Other than a dinner with the late Cardinal John O'Connor of New York, there is no religion, no mention of God nor any hint of introspection.
"I don't like to analyze myself," Trump told biographer D'Antonio, "because I might not like what I see."
In recent years, Trump has said that he attends church occasionally, on Christmas, Easter and "special occasions," but that he is too busy on most Sundays.
He is no longer a member of Marble Collegiate or First Presbyterian in Queens, and it's hard to picture him sitting through a service, or confessing his sins before a congregation, or listening, in quiet hours of Trump Tower, for the still, small voice of God.
Trump puts his faith in work, and waits upon the whirlwind."


" After months of reflection, Donald Trump says he still doesn't regret his decision not to ask God for forgiveness for his sins.

In an interview on Sunday with CNN, the Republican presidential frontrunner said that he does not regret never asking God for forgiveness, partially because he says he doesn't have much to apologize for. "


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I'm just saying nobody is gaining anything going after her directly. She's a trophy wife and while she has he own will we all know she operates at the whim of Donald. I fully understand her immigration status is probably not legitimate, but that's all Donald's doing.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I'm just saying nobody is gaining anything going after her directly. She's a trophy wife and while she has he own will we all know she operates at the whim of Donald. I fully understand her immigration status is probably not legitimate, but that's all Donald's doing.

She became a permanent resident in 2001, and a citizen in 2006, so that is probably a moot point.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I don't know why anyone here feels a need to criticize this woman. It's a distraction.

Ron put her on a pedestal at the start of this thread - read the title.

The woman apparently worked here illegally before getting her work permit, and posed naked in sexual poses with other women. But worst of all was her poor judgment in choosing a husband. SAD.

Of course, no-one ever criticized Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton or Michelle Obama. Not ever.

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Of course, no-one ever criticized Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton or Michelle Obama. Not ever.

Yes, and that was wrong as well.

I think you'll find some really VILE things about Michelle O. and Chelsea C. just based on their appearance, not on anything they had done.

Once a FLOTUS starts participating in political events, her performance (or lack thereof) is fair game, IMO.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Mrs. T LIVES in the USA and has done since 1996.

I can speak French quite well, and I'm sure that if I had lived in France since 1996 I'd be quite fluent enough not to need a script for a short prayer.

A condition for my scholarship to Cambridge was that for two weeks out of each academic year I had to say grace, in Latin, before formal dinner. It took me about 5 minutes to learn it and I didn't need a script.

While I can appreciate that, there are still plenty of immigrants in this country that can't even speak English despite having lived here 10-20+ years.

There is a certain amount of discipline needed to think fluently in another language so as to speak it with any amount of confidence, YMMV. I doubt she was under as much scrutiny as you were at Cambridge. When you have bedroom eyes and body language like hers, being fluent isn't all that necessary.

Nevertheless, she may now want to pollish up a bit more if she is to effectively relate to women and children, especially while much of the liberal world desperately awaits for her to flub a line.

Gowlerk is right, this is all just a distraction. The left needs to get organized and ease up on all the speculation if they're serious about the threat that Trump poses to the World. However I get the sense that life is good right now and people have nothing better to do than get on each others nerves.

It's unlikely that this country will unite under prosperous circumstances. It will probably take a disaster for us to come together, as it often does.

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It's unlikely that this country will unite under prosperous circumstances. It will probably take a disaster for us to come together, as it often does.

Is it possible Trump could lead the USA into such a crisis. Therefore becoming the Great Uniter?
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It's unlikely that this country will unite under prosperous circumstances. It will probably take a disaster for us to come together, as it often does.

Is it possible Trump could lead the USA into such a crisis. Therefore becoming the Great Uniter?

I suppose it's up to us. We can either remain divided and distracted, or we can get organized and finally put an end to this ongoing charade.

It's probably in our best interest to have the foresight to do it voluntarily, I just question our self discipline.

I think there are plenty of left/right leaning moderates that have concerns, but they just loathe how the left and right have dealt with it. All the hypocrisy and speculation make it difficult to discuss - it's quite a turn-off.

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I think we know Ron's moral fabric, let's not blame her for that too.

You sparked my curiosity. I'm 75 YO, what do you think I've done in my life to create my moral fabric?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I'm just saying nobody is gaining anything going after her directly. She's a trophy wife and while she has he own will we all know she operates at the whim of Donald. I fully understand her immigration status is probably not legitimate, but that's all Donald's doing.

I see The First Lady, regardless of who it is, like I see the (adult) kids of the President. *

As long as they are doing nothing overtly political, no harm, no foul. The second they begin to speak politically, they're fair game. I'm not talking about generic public health (be active 60 minutes a day kids!) or generic education (reading is fundamental) or generic low level tourism (let's tour The White House).

I'm talking actual, political speech.

Now, here's where I have an issue with Melania, The Lord's Prayer and campaigning for Trump 2020 (oh, dear no). Those are overtly political acts.

I agree there are bigger fish to fry than Melania and personally I don't give a shit how many nude photos she might have posed for.

* Obviously, a President's underaged kids are excused almost entirely since they have almost no control over their lives.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I think we know Ron's moral fabric, let's not blame her for that too.

You sparked my curiosity. I'm 75 YO, what do you think I've done in my life to create my moral fabric?

I've met many Christians in my life but few who have missed the point of Luke 3:11 more than you.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I think we know Ron's moral fabric, let's not blame her for that too.

You sparked my curiosity. I'm 75 YO, what do you think I've done in my life to create my moral fabric?

I've met many Christians in my life but few who have missed the point of Luke 3:11 more than you.

Thank you. May the Holy Spirit guide into the bounty of God's blessings.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Melania opens her speech with the Lord's Prayer. That is powerful and what a vast departure from the past first ladies. Her power is magnified by the silence of the MSM.


Another take per a Pastor who went there so his daughter could see the President:


Same news source as yours.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Well, that sounds about typical for a Trump event.

I don't know what I find more incredulous:

The idea that Trump and his minions thought that having his wife read a prayer would make people think that they were actually religious

The fact that it seems to have worked, at least for some of the more gullible ones.
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I heard similar effects that Pres. Clinton had on people in person. People who could never get behind his politics or programs, suddenly were in his camp upon meeting him in person. It seems he has one of those personalities that just wins people over in person, like he just exuded charisma.

Too bad this one exudes an air of hatred and exclusion. [:/]

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