christelsabine 1 #26 March 18, 2017 feuergnom try this one - it's great, it's huge. you'll love it: Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänsanwärter Yep, and after few beers/wine: It's tremendous .... ! It's phantastic! dudeist skydiver # 3105 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #27 March 19, 2017 Meanwhile for Russian Consumption. Every opportunity to separate European allies and diss trump now that the Putin trump bromance is dissolved. "There were discernible slights and insults for German Chancellor Angela Merkel at her first meeting with US President Donald Trump at the White House on Friday. For Donald Trump, it was just another day, full of outrageous behavior and controversy. The grave consequences of rudeness at this rarefied diplomatic level should not be underestimated. But it was nuances of what was said and what wasn’t said at the White House that will have the more far reaching results. Angela Merkel was portrayed by the world media as a put upon woman, a victim of the slights of a misogynist. But she is a mature and substantial politician in her own right. She will know that she came away from this summit with nothing. She is the kind of consensus, liberal politician that Trump holds in the greatest contempt. And she has the most to fear. It was the more nuanced, less obvious slights that will rankle Merkel. She will get over the brutish behavior of Trump, for she is a woman who has put up with George Bush, Silvio Berlusconi, and Nikolas Sarkozy in the past. It is her failure to win any concessions that will wound her more deeply. But first, to the ghastly fun – Trump’s obnoxious behavior. The German media, clutching at straws, said that the pair had clasped hands twice. But it was the outrageous snub of the German Chancellor’s offer to shake hands at the particular time and location – the official photo call in the Oval Office – that caught the world’s attention. The footage will be replayed for many years as a reminder of how badly Trump can behave. The photographers called for the two to shake hands and Merkel can be heard saying: “Do you want to have a handshake?” Trump ignored her, and enhanced footage later shows that he clearly heard her. Its unfortunate that the republican leadership has no control over trump. That Fox news has no concept of political international relationships. Fox is solely a US national phenomenon. That there is no one to suggest that the US will need allies sooner or later. That trump's treatment of Australia, Germany, GB, etc. will soon come back. In a manner that will only benefit Russia. Hopefully Merkel will rise to the occasion. Together with Republican house and senate leaders. Because Putin, China and North Korea all have agendas in mind. Ones that differ from that of the US. For Germany and Japan. Worldwide competition and free trade was on the agenda. While trump wants to hide, to baby and protect US domestic industries. Who will have domestic markets protected by the rigors of real competition. Business News | Sun Mar 19, 2017 | 5:27pm EDT Germany's Merkel and Japan's Abe urge free trade with jabs at U.S. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke up for free trade at a major technology fair on Sunday with jabs clearly pointed at an increasingly protectionist United States. Both called for a free trade deal to be reached quickly between Japan and the European Union, in comments made after G20 finance ministers and central bankers dropped a long-standing mention of open trade in their final communique after a two-day meeting in Germany. Neither leader named the U.S. government as they opened the CeBIT technology fair in Hanover, but both used the opportunity to distance themselves from protectionist tendencies coming from the Trump administration. "In times when we have to argue with many about free trade, open borders and democratic values, it's a good sign that Japan and Germany no longer argue about this but rather are seeking to shape the future in a way that benefits people," Merkel said. As G20 president, Germany feels especially committed to these principles, she added. After meeting President Donald Trump in Washington on Friday for the first time, Merkel said she hoped the United States and the European Union could resume discussions on a trade agreement. Trump said he did not believe in isolationism but that trade policy should be fairer. Merkel stressed that Germany was strongly in favor of free trade and open markets. "We certainly don't want any barriers but at a time of an 'Internet of things' we want to link our societies with one another and let them deal fairly with one another, and that is what free trade is all about," she said. Speaking at the same event, Abe said: "Japan, having gone through reaping in abundance the benefits of free trade and investment, wants to be the champion upholding open systems alongside Germany." He added: "Of course to do so it will be necessary to have rules that are fair and can stand up to democratic appraisal." He also said the European Union and Japan should soon reach an economic deal. Merkel welcomed his comments, saying: "It's very, very good that Japan says we want a free trade agreement, we want it soon because that could be the right statement and Germany would love to be a driving force behind this." European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told Bild am Sonntag newspaper he was pleased that he would be meeting Abe on Tuesday and said the bloc wanted to conclude a free trade deal with Japan this year." Meanwhile China, South Korea,are joining in free trade talks to replace the US in the TPP. Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, , Mexico, Chile and Peru. Canada is already in a EU free trade marketplace. As such the US will now have free trade agreements with....wait... nobody. These are the free trade deals which trump has vowed to cancel and renegotiate. Such that US manufacturers can have free reign over domestic consumers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #28 March 21, 2017 Angela Merkel has just released this new video in order to help trump out. To answer questions about trump's political correctness. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #29 March 21, 2017 christelsabine BTW: What was Ivanka's job in that meeting? She's da brain in the family? There to promote her after daddy.......check out the bedrooms. "Ivanka Trump is reportedly getting an office in the White House, but is not assuming an official role. Ivanka Trump's office will be on the second floor of the West Wing, Politico reported. She is also reportedly getting security clearance and government-issued communications devices. But her attorney said she will not have an official position in the White House or get a salary. Instead, she will serve as the president's "eyes and ears" and give advice, attorney Jamie Gorelick told Politico. Gorelick also said Ivanka Trump will follow the ethics and records retention rules that government employees adhere to. "Having an adult child of the president who is actively engaged in the work of the administration is new ground,” Gorelick told Politico in an interview Monday. ... “While there is no modern precedent for an adult child of the president, I will voluntarily follow all of the ethics rules placed on government employees," she said. The arrangement raises questions about possible conflicts of interest. “They're not saying she's going to voluntarily subject herself to ethics rules to be nice,” said Norm Eisen, the former ethics czar under Obama. “There’s recognition that they're in very uncertain territory here. The better thing to do would be to concede she is subject to the rules. It would create some outside accountability, because if she can voluntarily subject herself to the rules, she can voluntarily un-subject herself to the rules.” Trump still owns her fashion brand, but she stepped down from her position at the company. Gorelick said, regarding divesting from her business, that "we don't believe it eliminates conflicts in every way." “She has the conflicts that derive from the ownership of this brand," he said. "We’re trying to minimize those to the extent possible." Perhaps Germans don't understand. In China they call them princelings.;search_string=princelings;#4828251 In the US its called "filling the swamp", "pigs at the trough", etc. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 814 #30 March 21, 2017 Frau Kommissar Kushner Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christelsabine 1 #31 March 21, 2017 normiss Frau Kommissar Kushner Dad will be happy and soon finally enjoy his role as president .... For her, it's gonna be a tough fulltime job: - *Ears and eyes* for Daddy, - perhaps monitoring his tweets, - - Fulltime job. For the security too, I guess. Does that include the entire Kushner family/home? WRT to princelings: They were invented together with politicians and are available in German version, too. dudeist skydiver # 3105 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #32 March 21, 2017 normissFrau Kommissar Kushner I can see her now. Sneaking around the WH, listining at every door. Peaking around the corners of the hallways,hiding in the closets, listening quietly.... trying to ascertain.... where are...where are the Obama fifth columnists? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #33 March 21, 2017 US Presidents have a habit of odd interactions with Merkel:"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #34 March 22, 2017 DJLUS Presidents have a habit of odd interactions with Merkel: GWB was like that. People that knew him would say thats him being him. More dumdum: Perhaps it would be best if Tillerson met all the other world leaders from now on. trump could just go to Mar-a-Lago and pretend that he forgot about the visiting world leader coming to town. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites