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>LOL I love how all the libtards screamed RACIST . . . .

Yep. When Trump (or Beck) does something racist, the libtards scream "RACIST!" - while the conservatives open up their wallets and send more money to their shows, so they can protect their privilege.

But keep protecting your hero and making excuses for him. I hear the KKK has never been stronger.

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>LOL I love how all the libtards screamed RACIST . . . .

Yep. When Trump (or Beck) does something racist, the libtards scream "RACIST!" - while the conservatives open up their wallets and send more money to their shows, so they can protect their privilege.

But keep protecting your hero and making excuses for him. I hear the KKK has never been stronger.

So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying? Not all immigrants are bad. But those are the worst. Trump was clearly referring to them in his comments, but like I said, the libtard media jumped on it and reported it without the context.

Oh and fuck the KKK. I've said before I don't like them. They have no place in society, and neither does MS-13.

Build the damn wall. It's working pretty good for Israel.

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>So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying?


>Build the damn wall.

So you hate all Mexicans - is that what you are implying?

>Oh and fuck the KKK.

Talking like that is going to get you in hot water with other Trump supporters.

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***>LOL I love how all the libtards screamed RACIST . . . .

Yep. When Trump (or Beck) does something racist, the libtards scream "RACIST!" - while the conservatives open up their wallets and send more money to their shows, so they can protect their privilege.

But keep protecting your hero and making excuses for him. I hear the KKK has never been stronger.

So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying? Not all immigrants are bad. But those are the worst. Trump was clearly referring to them in his comments, but like I said, the libtard media jumped on it and reported it without the context.

Oh and fuck the KKK. I've said before I don't like them. They have no place in society, and neither does MS-13.

Build the damn wall. It's working pretty good for Israel.

Guys, he was doing his MS13 rant. Yes, we know that he likes to stitch that rant into his views on immigration but he was responding to someone mentioning MS13. You may as well put a porn star in his bed and think he won't try to bang her as you would think he's not going to pass up a chance to rant about MS13.


As for "the wall" and comparisons to Israel, sure, build a 440 mile wall as protection against terrorist trying to physically infiltrate your border. Unfortunately our border is 1954 miles and people crossing doesn't equate to bombings and murders inside our borders. And sorry to say but MS13 is home grown. Yes, they also go back and forth across our borders by various means to include physically sneaking across the border but that's a really really dumb way to spend money if your target is to stop what what MS13 does.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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...but that's a really really dumb way to spend money if your target is to stop what what MS13 does.

Or anything else.

Drugs, illegal immigration, gangs,

"The Wall" is a huge (hyuuuge) distraction. It sounds good (at least to the uneducated), it's a 'quick fix' (that won't actually fix anything), it gives the "Trumpettes" a retort of "you want MS-13 to come in?" despite the fact that it does almost nothing to actually keep them out.

Typical Trump policy. Bad idea based on a false premise. Extremely expensive and accomplishes virtually nothing.
The only thing missing is one of Trump's companies, or a large campaign contributor being the primary contractor and making an obscene amount of money on the project.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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*** ...but that's a really really dumb way to spend money if your target is to stop what what MS13 does.

Or anything else.

Drugs, illegal immigration, gangs,

"The Wall" is a huge (hyuuuge) distraction. It sounds good (at least to the uneducated), it's a 'quick fix' (that won't actually fix anything), it gives the "Trumpettes" a retort of "you want MS-13 to come in?" despite the fact that it does almost nothing to actually keep them out.

Typical Trump policy. Bad idea based on a false premise. Extremely expensive and accomplishes virtually nothing.
The only thing missing is one of Trump's companies, or a large campaign contributor being the primary contractor and making an obscene amount of money on the project.

Wait, I thought that if we built the wall it would crush MS13 like the house did the witch in Wizard of OZ? I thought that for some reason a concrete structure in the middle of the Sonora Desert does something about gangs that reside in Kensington, MD. Yeah, this thing is on par with a Wile E. Coyote solution to immigration.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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>It sounds good (at least to the uneducated), it's a 'quick fix' (that won't actually fix
>anything), it gives the "Trumpettes" a retort of "you want MS-13 to come in?" despite the
>fact that it does almost nothing to actually keep them out.

Anyone who thinks walls work is free to come down to San Diego (which does have a wall.) When we landed out in Mexico, the local kids would show the jumpers where to climb over (or under) the wall. For larger cargoes (drugs etc) there's about half a dozen tunnels a year dug. (To be more accurate, a half dozen tunnels are found by the border patrol every year; there are no doubt many more in operation.) Many of these tunnels have rails, lighting, ventilation, railcars etc - everything you need to move tons of cargo under the wall.

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***>LOL I love how all the libtards screamed RACIST . . . .

Yep. When Trump (or Beck) does something racist, the libtards scream "RACIST!" - while the conservatives open up their wallets and send more money to their shows, so they can protect their privilege.

But keep protecting your hero and making excuses for him. I hear the KKK has never been stronger.

So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying? Not all immigrants are bad. But those are the worst. Trump was clearly referring to them in his comments, but like I said, the libtard media jumped on it and reported it without the context.

Oh and fuck the KKK. I've said before I don't like them. They have no place in society, and neither does MS-13.

Build the damn wall. It's working pretty good for Israel.

You do know that MS-13 is an American gang? Born in LA.

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"As for "the wall" and comparisons to Israel, sure, build a 440 mile wall as protection against terrorist trying to physically infiltrate your border. Unfortunately our border is 1954 miles and people crossing doesn't equate to bombings and murders inside our borders. And sorry to say but MS13 is home grown. Yes, they also go back and forth across our borders by various means to include physically sneaking across the border but that's a really really dumb way to spend money if your target is to stop what what MS13 does. "

I thought MS13 is part of the reason half the people in Honduras want to come to the US, despite the US government warning them that they're here too anyway.
And my problem with the comparison is that I LIKE animals.

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******>LOL I love how all the libtards screamed RACIST . . . .

Yep. When Trump (or Beck) does something racist, the libtards scream "RACIST!" - while the conservatives open up their wallets and send more money to their shows, so they can protect their privilege.

But keep protecting your hero and making excuses for him. I hear the KKK has never been stronger.

So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying? Not all immigrants are bad. But those are the worst. Trump was clearly referring to them in his comments, but like I said, the libtard media jumped on it and reported it without the context.

Oh and fuck the KKK. I've said before I don't like them. They have no place in society, and neither does MS-13.

Build the damn wall. It's working pretty good for Israel.

You do know that MS-13 is an American gang? Born in LA.

The gang may have been but the members weren't. I don't care where they were when they named it.

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Wait, I thought that if we built the wall it would crush MS13 like the house did the witch in Wizard of OZ? I thought that for some reason a concrete structure in the middle of the Sonora Desert does something about gangs that reside in Kensington, MD. Yeah, this thing is on par with a Wile E. Coyote solution to immigration.

Well, the morons who think that a wall would have much effect on drugs or immigration are the same morons who thought Trump was going to make Mexico pay for it.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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*********>LOL I love how all the libtards screamed RACIST . . . .

Yep. When Trump (or Beck) does something racist, the libtards scream "RACIST!" - while the conservatives open up their wallets and send more money to their shows, so they can protect their privilege.

But keep protecting your hero and making excuses for him. I hear the KKK has never been stronger.

So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying? Not all immigrants are bad. But those are the worst. Trump was clearly referring to them in his comments, but like I said, the libtard media jumped on it and reported it without the context.

Oh and fuck the KKK. I've said before I don't like them. They have no place in society, and neither does MS-13.

Build the damn wall. It's working pretty good for Israel.

You do know that MS-13 is an American gang? Born in LA.

The gang may have been but the members weren't. I don't care where they were when they named it.

"In the early 2000s, at its height, MS-13 reached about 10,000 members nationwide. But even then, the gang’s influence was disproportionate to its size, representing a small portion of America’s 1.4 million gang members. ...

It also seems to make up only a fraction of deported criminals. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s division that focuses on gangs, Homeland Security Investigations, deported 114,434 individuals last year, according to data given to CNN. MS-13 made up only 429 of those.....

Except, there’s no data to support such claims. Insight Crime, an organized-crime investigative nonprofit, explained “there is no evidence that the migratory patterns of gang members are different than those of any other group of migrants, or that they are moving in accordance with a grand plan forged by the MS13’s Salvadoran leadership to revitalize the organization.” Quite simply, Insight wrote, “there is no study by federal agencies or academic institutions that proves that there is a significant number of gang members among these minors.” This is backed up by the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, where Customs and Border Protection Acting Chief Carla Provost said that of the 250,000 unaccompanied minors apprehended since 2011, only 56 were suspected or confirmed of being affiliated with MS-13."

Why let the facts interfere with trump's fairy tale, or a Fox news story with an agenda.

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>You are absolutely correct- the government should just go ahead and let them all in.

This is the usual strawman BS that Speaker's Corner is so famous for. Because the only alternative to building a $20 billion wall is to "just let them all in."

Too bad you don't apply this thinking to skydiving. It would be fun to watch.

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>You are absolutely correct- the government should just go ahead and let them all in.

This is the usual strawman BS that Speaker's Corner is so famous for. Because the only alternative to building a $20 billion wall is to "just let them all in."

Too bad you don't apply this thinking to skydiving. It would be fun to watch.

So what the hell Bill? The Obama Administration was bussing them into communities all over the country. Maybe we should send a whole bunch of them your way. What do you think?

That would be fun to watch!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>You are absolutely correct- the government should just go ahead and let them all in.

This is the usual strawman BS that Speaker's Corner is so famous for. Because the only alternative to building a $20 billion wall is to "just let them all in."

Too bad you don't apply this thinking to skydiving. It would be fun to watch.

But what is the alternative? If we patrol certain areas then people die in the heat crossing in others. Or they get cheated raped and murdered by their own coyotes. It's a huge deadly mess. IF, and I'm still at the IF stage, but if it would work and nothing else does then wouldn't it be worth the cost?

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US births hit a 30-year low, despite good economy

The US isn’t fertile enough to sustain itself without immigrants
"The report also highlighted differences between ethnic groups in the US. Preterm birth rates are much higher in black women compared to their white peers, for example. And while nearly 83 per cent of white women received prenatal care in their first trimester, only 52 percent of non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian and North Pacific Islanders did. It is difficult to know whether these differences might be down to socioeconomic status or other factors, says Doody."

Don't worry Marc. When you and Ron are in a nursing home. I'm sure that the Black or Brown nurse will disregard your thinking. That they will still look after you.

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We have a system that depends on letting immigrants in so they can pick our grapes, slaughter our chickens and mow our lawns.

And support our pyramid-scheme Social Security program. It depends on getting new taxpayers constantly, in ever larger numbers.

But we have to keep them illegal or we'd have to pay and treat them like human beings.

Very true. And no one wants to pay another 25 cents a pound for broccoli. That's, like, communism.

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>But since you are feeling so generous, the next dozen of busloads can go to your
>neighborhood and you can deal with them.

They are already here. I live in San Diego; we have a lot of immigrants around these parts.

And you know what? They're pretty good people. Not one of them has tried to kill or rape anyone I know, despite Trump's claims to the contrary. In fact, just going by percentages, you are better off hanging with a group of illegal aliens than a group of US citizens when it comes to avoiding violent crime.

But don't worry. We will round up all those US-born violent criminals and send them to your neck of the woods. Since they were born right here in the US, I am sure you will open your home to them.

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This is the usual strawman BS that Speaker's Corner is so famous for. Because the only alternative to building a $20 billion wall is to "just let them all in."

I don't understand why we can't just compromise and build the wall, but include plenty of doorways.
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Reference Time Magazine May 15 2017 (a known left bias publication.)

Um, no.


But since you are feeling so generous, the next dozen of busloads can go to your neighborhood …

I'll have to concede that the prospect of the decreased crime rates associated with immigrant populations is worrisome.
Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials!

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