
Josh Nahum

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Omigod! We lost Josh Nahum. Josh was an instructor (AFF and tandem) at Mile Hi in Longmont, Colorado, and I count him as one really good friend. I wish I were not the one to have to start this thread, but since no one else has, I will.

I was at the DZ the day he had a bad landing, but I was so sure that he would be jumping again with me. He was supposed to make a full recovery. My heart is really broken right now.

Josh, you are the brightest light up there. I look forward to seeing you again one day.


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This isn't news I wanted to read on a Saturday morning. :(

Josh was a great friend to me when I was living in CO and I know he had many many friends in CO who will miss him dearly. Truly a sad day for the CO jumping community.

BSBD Josh ...

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Josh, I will never forget anything you taught me. Thank you for being one of my best friends in and out of the sport. I will always hold on to the time we were able to spend hanging out and jumping and such.

We will jump together again one day and I can't wait for it buddy.

I'm gonna miss you man, but I know you're always here with me...right beside me, watching over what I do.

I said it to you before, but you'll always
be a brother to me. I love you man.

I'll never forget you. Thank you again for everything you've helped me with, skydiving wise and in my own personal life. I'm a better person for having known you.

I will become an instructor and will do my best to live up to everything that you did.....I won't let you down...

Twin brother Darknesses!!! I love you buddy...
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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Josh was a good person and friend. We both got our coach rating together some years ago, at a course that was taught by Mustard. I will always remember him as a man that had a great balance of strength and kindness. He was considerate of people's feelings and he taught skydiving liked he loved skydiving. He was one of the good guys, and I'll miss him a lot :(
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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I had the joy of having Josh as one of my instructors while on AFF. He had a great attitude and his advice will carry with me the rest of my life. Josh, I will miss you and will jump with you when I get there! My heart goes out to your fam. and everyone else at the DZ.

"How high are we? Man I need to poop"

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I will miss you a lot.

You did wonderful things for the sport.

You also were watching my back, I know you went to someone and asked them to give me a piece of advise that I respected. I appreciated the fact that, instead of spreading rumors behind my back, or lecturing me, that you spent the energy to seek out someone who you knew I respected, and asked them to educate me on a concern of yours. I took your concern seriously, but more importantly, will remember your style forever - as you had it figured out.

I will miss your "wouldn't it be cool if" mentality. In conversations with you about improving student experiences, your open mindedness and creativity were to be admired. You clearly thought the sky was the limit and had no reason to stop half way in finding new creative solutions.

Thanks for everything, and I will make sure you live on in small tokens of appreciation to others with your name on them.

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Josh was at a dz in Canon City CO the first time I ever jumped, it was a tandem. Although he was not my tandem instructor I liked him right off the bat. The next time I saw Josh he was my jump master for my first AFF jump at Mile-Hi. Josh was an awesome guy and a great instructor I will NEVER forget him and will miss him.
Side 5 & knuckle tap till we fly again!

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The last time I saw him was from the window of the otter, laying on the ground.

Although I didn't know Josh super well, I remember the day of my AFF lvl 2 I met him and his energy and enthusiasm for the sport was amazing!

I did my level 5 AFF with him, and he was a great instructor. It was awesome seeing him months after graduating AFF with the same excitment.

Josh, you will be missed. Thanks for your enthusiasm, you really showed all of us what the sport really is all about. Blue Skies!

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Blue skies to him and vibes to his family and friends.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I really can't believe this. I wasn't there but heard the story and heard about his seemingly great recovery. Such a sad day.

As others have said here, Josh was not only a great skydiver and instructor...he was an awesome person in general. A real no-BS standup guy by default. If you were a student he told it how it was whether you liked it or not, but also took a genuine part in trying to make you better both on and off the ground. Very heads up and a fun fixture around the DZ, always talkin smack and having fun. I remember not too long ago last season when I had a freshly cut A-license, he took me out to a different hangar on the airport to show me the Otter Frank was finishing up. You should've seen his eyes. To say he was excited to jump that thing was a huge understatement. He was always the social guy too, introducing newbies to more experienced jumpers and the like, and I will always be appreciative of the things he's done for the DZ and students.

You will be sorely missed, Josh, and someday we'll meet up again. Eternal blues and sincere condolences to your friends and family.


There's something about the smell of jet fuel, nylon, and adrenaline that gives me a huge boner.

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Boobies, boobies, boobies. I will miss you so much. You helped me keep my sanity on more than one occassion and I'm not sure what I'll do without your smiling face, many hugs throughout the day, coming in and shutting the door when I clearly needed the break and the the back rubs when I can't see anything but the numbers on the computer monitor anymore. It hasn't been the same without you for the last 50 some days and it will never be quite the same again. You've left a permanent impression on my life. I love you.

Boobies, boobies, boobies. Somewhere, I know that made you smile.

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I had josh for most of my AFF. He was a constant source of encouragement, excitment, and wisdom when it came to this sport. I am truly in his debt for opening my eyes to our world above, and know that he now gets to play up there without ever having to come down. I am truly saddened. Thank you Josh for everything!!

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Need clips/still images of josh ASAP!
If you have any, and you can, please contact me about emailing them to me TODAY (thurs) or you can upload them to my ftp folder.
Please let me know asap.

my email: chris AT triaxproductions DOT com

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Thank you for the all the sound advice and safety talks...I appreciate you looking out for me and I wish you still could. I think it rocks that you were the one to take my wife tandem, she really had a great jump because of you. We will jump together again one day at that dropzone where the ground never rises up and swats us down...Peace man.

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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Hi ... My name is Kristen, Josh's girlfriend. Thanks so much for sharing this picture. It's awesome! Do you know if it would be possible to have an original copy sent to both his mom and myself?

I found that photo by searching for his name via Google Images. I have no connection with the site. I would suggest using the contact link on the sites main page to ask them your question.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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