
Here's to my DZO

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A special friend, who watched over me as a new jumper,
And even though it was a low turn he took the time out to say that was a nice landing, but start the pattern a lil earlier.

You need a place to stay your more than welcomed.

Go sleep it off in the hanger

I have a million thoughts of you Caleb
I love you man
I'll miss you dearly


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God! I just got tears when I read this. Haven't been able to really grasp this all day. Even worse when my SO calls his cell phone this morning expecting to talk about football and someone else answers the phone and gives you this kind of news. :(:(

I cannot get the facial expression out of my mind when he comes to my office with tears in his eyes giving me the news
Breathe out so I can breathe you in...

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Well for now we are not certain, only that he passed away in his sleep. Typical of him, finding one of the best ways to go.

As I would only think of two.

Man!!!! I fucking hate that, you know that last time you see someone, and now there gone.

Here's to the SWAMP MOLLIES
ahh that was a good one.

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Post: Here's to your DZO ..sounds like a good one!

I jump at a lot of dz's but I'll only ever have one dzo.. and I miss him too.

Chuckles,,, my days are numbered again. I've been warned about crossing the "beer line"

CM was not a stupid man.
Its a good day to LIVE, why puck up a good thing.

There is no reply in aad section for. " hell no i would not put an AAD on my back"

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OMG! I am so sorry to hear this! It is completely unexpected. I just heard about it from my husband who just saw him this past Saturday. I only met Caleb a few times but he was very cordial, nice, and extremely professional when discussing the AFF course with me. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. :(
Character cannot be made except by a steady, long continued process. -- Phillips Brooks

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That really bites, man, that really bites.:(

The only good thing I could think of is that he and Freddie must be havin' a bud somewhere ...;)

I thought the same thing, Jack.....he's keeping Freddie company.;) Today was a big day at work and it was really hard to maintain my composure after I got the news.


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So it turns out to be heart disease, (enlarged heart) Imagine that, enlarged heart, And the irony is my boy had a great heart.

Service will be Saturday January 20th at Air Adventures in Clewiston. at 12:00 Noon. They will be closed for skydiving,
We will be celebrating his life.


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Yes he sure is, The turn out today was incredible. As we all know the comrotery of your skydiving family is huge, it goes near and far and all places in between.

the stories were good, personally I kept quiet, cuz he has swarn me to secrecy on occasion.

now it's the feeling of he's gone, a friend , a mentor, a roll model (well) we are talking about Caleb. No hell yes a roll model. I wish I'da huged him as many times as I hugged people today,

So sorry to see him go.

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Today at the service we were sharing memories about Caleb. Mine were all the same....Me harrassing him and him bitching about me....Last words I spoke to him on Saturday was telling him his new shoes (rubber clogs) looked gay and all he needed was a dress. His dog Cubby is gonna be wreck, thankfully he will be going to live on a ranch with Caleb's brother. Caleb's wife is a sweetheart and is holding up well....all my best love.
Sunday will be business as usual at the DZ, Caleb would have wanted nothing less or more.

I'll miss you chief, we'll keep the place running for you. The shoes were pretty girlish. And I still hope my Bears beat up your Pats...if they both get to the Superbowl.

Blue Skies Caleb.


"Call me Darth Balls"

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Thank you everyone who showed up to Caleb's memorial Saturday. It was overwhelming just how many people he has touched over his lifetime.
I'm speechless over the past weeks events and the support that his family and us, as his friends, have received. Caleb was more than a brother to me...I will miss him and his laughing "cakle" on a daily basis.
He cared for you all more than you could imagine, or more than he would have ever let you know.

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What a bummer:(
I just found out in this thread today.

Me and my wife both did our first jumps at Air Adventures, with me going on through AFF there.

Caleb was a great person.

He was willing to take the extra time to help me understand the sport better and was always looking out for the everyone around him: doing it all with a great attitude and sense of humor.

Me and my wife send our condolences

Blue Skies

This is my rig... There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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finally found this thread... but i guess its never too late to write bout a good man... he tought me a lot, including how to pack and is one of the reasons i still hold Air Adventures as my home DZ even though i live in Orlando now... good people live on forever...
Life is all about experiences...
Luck, is when opportunity and preparation meet...

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Yea, he sure will, I was at Z-Hills the other day and seen the full page in parachutist and I was like, But we don't fly during the week, well at least this week. lol. FKN GUY Still missin that jump, oh and I tried to catch him when he was jumping, but I think he was just walking around w/ his jump suit onn.

he was a classic, like so many who get taken from us, we get so much out of them and times like this you realize it wasn't enough, and you want more.


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