
Muff Muff Johnny Gates...........

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This is one of my fav pics.

Johnny at the wedding, Rantoul 2005. Wearing the Muff tux with patch pants and a tie-dye shirt.

that is a great pic. How come 99% of the photos I have of Johnny he has his middle fingers extended?:D Oh yeah in the other 1% he didn't know a picture was being taken:P
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Well Bill, I have one of my favs of both of you on my wall....the inflatable jump parachutist centerfold that lewmonst took.

Maybe she could contribute it to the memorial page.

I will post a few fotos here as soon as I get home.


"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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i'm gonna have to go home and dig thru my photos to get some old school pics from quincy (1998-ish). i'm pretty sure i have some of the muff brothers 10-way speed team from the jet. bickner was there, brad lambert, TK was there, etc.

just wanna make sure a lot or years are represented.

see you guys saturday.

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Johnny Gates

I was Muffed by him in 1997 on a Roger Ponce Load.(ooooooh!!!)

When I got home to Limey Land we had a big family party. People asked to watch some of the video from my trip to Z-Hills.

The usual crap about 'dangerous' and 'irresponsible' as the video is playing. I start saying how professional and disciplined everyone at Z-Hill is and suddenly I realise that everyone is laughing.

I turn and look at the screen and there is Johnny on my Muff load rear-rear floating - flapping grey beard, black jump suit, shades, red muffs with his middle finger in the vidiots face!!!!!

What could I say???????

God bless you Johnny - I am just grateful that I saw you for a chat at last Thanksgiving.

If I could have chosen the manner of your death it would have been this. As we speak, St Peter will be shouting "Hey asshole!!!"...........

I'm smiling Johnny

The probability of being observed is directly proportionate to the stupidity of your actions at the time!

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I'm so glad Johnny got to leave this plane the way he did - shortly after leaving a plane. Not many people get to die doing what they love.

He was indeed an institution at ZHills, and I can't imagine the place without him. Interacting with Johnny was always a highlight of my time there and my visits back there.

He used his humor to make people feel good, and I will never forget the way his irreverent rib-poking provided some rare laughs during a time of great personal pain for me. He also knew when a joke had gone too far, and was quick to let me know what was up when some other pranksters had crossed a cruel line. While he had, as someone has mentioned, the playful spirit of an 18-year-old, he had the wisdom that comes with as many years on the planet as he had accrued, and he would on occasion dispense that wisdom if you knew how to listen.

Johnny organized and rode tail on my 500th jump - a Magic Carpet Ride that went to s**t but was an absolute hoot - just like him.

Blue skies, Brother.
Muff #2323
"You guys should just do CRW. There are so many more ways to get killed, it makes a CYPRES seem safe." -Kevin Keenan

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I don't know if anyone has started a collection yet...but I have at least $200 earmarked for his memorial page in Parachutist.
I know we have plenty of pictures of him!

come on folks...let's get this going!

Count me in......

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Sweet exit Johnny - but too soon, man, too soon.

Although I spend most of my time hauling beef, the passengers always had fun (mixed with some disbelief :) when they heard the response to "Make room for the tandems" ....
"Fuck the tandems!"

I had to smile last year when enroute from Atlanta back to Lakeland in a marked up black and gold Sheriffs OH-58A/JetRanger I decided to stop in at the Hills. There was a nice spot near the Muff trailer to set it down. I was expecting to see the main Muff making a hasty exit from the den having assumed it was a raid - I saw nothing but i could have sworn I heard the toilet flushing ... :)

Blue skies. You'll be missed.

Nigel MB#2803

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when my husband went missing, I always new where to find him!

that's funny....alysse said the same thing.....B|

One time LeslieAnns husband was hanging out with us in our old trailer.

There was a 2x6 holding up part of the roof that we never nailed to the roof because it was in such bad shape.
Bobbo (the proverbial Bull in a China Shop) was next to it and decides to lean on it. It falls down, Bobbo falls on Richard, knocks him out of the chair, and lands on him.

Richard looks up and says, "I thought we were all landing in the same direction."

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New Years Eve of 2003 when he got burned lighting the Fireworks and he would not go to the Hospital. He was afraid to miss the Party.

Here's a foto of alysse reajusting the bandage from his burned bicep. It burned right thru his down jacket...notice we are all in shorts by next day....

"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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