xenaswampjumper 0 #151 January 24, 2007 all these pics are GREAT!!!!! I can't wait to see more!!!! till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates.... In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground.............. PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcandalysse 0 #152 January 24, 2007 Quotehold a cloud for me up there here's your cloud asshole! (i think i got this off another thread some time back) "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RkyMtnHigh 0 #153 January 24, 2007 That's AWESOME, Marc!!!! Thanks _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #154 January 24, 2007 guys- Johnny's obituary is in the local paper this morning. http://www.legacy.com/theledger/Obituaries.asp?Page=Lifestory&PersonId=86130666 muff muff muff Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyditch1 0 #155 January 24, 2007 QuoteGo to http://paulharvey.com/ and then click on Tuesday afternoon broadcast. He mentions Johnny about 9 minutes into the broadcast. don't bother listening to this usual media crap. they just dont get it. somebody send paul harvey a link to this thread so they can actually get the true story justin mb66WAKE UP TANDEMGUY !THERES A DUI CHECKPOINT UP AHEAD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #156 January 24, 2007 it's actually a very accurate little piece - a first I believe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcandalysse 0 #157 January 24, 2007 In Johnny's obit they ask for donations to be sent to Victory Junction Gang Camp. Here is a description of it: Quote The mission of the Victory Junction Gang Camp is to enrich the lives of children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses by providing life-changing camping experiences that are exciting, fun, and empowering, in a safe and medically sound environment. Founded by NASCAR driver Kyle Petty and his wife Pattie in honor of their late son Adam, the Victory Junction Gang Camp is a year-round facility serving children, age 7 to 15. Each summer, children suffering from similar medical conditions including heart, lung and kidney disease, spina bifida, HIV, cancer, burn survivors, neurological disorders, and a host of others, gather to kick back, relax and have some fun. The camp offers traditional activities, including horseback riding, boating and fishing, arts and crafts and others, as well as NASCAR related program areas. The Victory Junction Gang Camp is a member of the Association of Hole in the Wall Gang Camps and is free to children and their families. The camp operates solely on the generous donations of individuals, corporations and foundation. For more information, visit www.victoryjunction.org. That is definitely cool! marc Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSpenceFLY 1 #158 January 24, 2007 It's at 10:37 sec on the Paul Harvey thing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rustyrahe 0 #159 January 24, 2007 From the Northern Muff Brothers Written January 21, 2007 yahoo muff muff muff hey assholes, yesterday my best asshole friend went to that big ear muff store in the sky... johnny gates was certainly like no other person or skydiver... the grin forever attached to his well worn face just had to make you smile and even on a bad day he was filled with compassion...just last night about 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning i thought i should e-mail him since i didn't get a chance to say goodbye at bridge day... if you are wondering why i am writing one long sentence with no capitol letters, it is in johnny's memory for that is the way he wrote to me and others i know...i know johhny didn't start the muff brothers and he was always the first to tell you who did, but as far as i'm concerned and as most know, their wouldn't be a muff brothers or at least the thousands who are members if it wasn't for johnny gates...the who's who of muff brothers is quite astounding in our little world of skydiving, of which johnny initiated most. for years i have thought of johnny almost daily because a part of his creed is my password on many of my computer forums...he and i initiated my wife on her first jump(tandem), last year along with arron stocum (friend and tandem master) and tony hathaway on camera, a memory that will forever live in our hearts...johnny was a big part of the last few goodtime boogie's and even when i couldn't offer him much he paid his own way just to be a part of the fun...i have so much more to say about a man who along with jerry bird, bob gates and others kept me in skydiving when i thought i no longer wanted to be a part of it, yet i hope all of you will share your stories of johhny and your initiation with me so that i can compile into some sort of organized muff brother mess to print and send out. please forward this to your e-mail lists because mine is in need of much updating. i don't know if johhny was a religious kind of guy, but his attitude certainly was one of generosity and love, you can be sure he will be trying to initiate the big guy in the sky the first chance he gets...goodbye for now my friend... i leave you with the message he always finished his e-mails with... "hope to see you soon maybe rantouul or zhill,s if you get the chance till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny" AT 4:20 TODAY AND EVERYDAY RAISE YOUR MIDDLE FINGER AND SHOUT MUFF MUFF MUFF! ASSHOLE #2417 RUSTY RAHE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gjhdiver 0 #160 January 24, 2007 He was one of the first people I met when i came the hills in the late 80's. He never seemed to change a day in all that time. What a life that guy lived, and I can't think of a better way for him to go. A true original, they really don't make them like that any more. Blue skies Johhny..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenaswampjumper 0 #161 January 24, 2007 That brought tears to the eyes.....but more of joy at the wonderful life that Johnny lead......as I was thinking about my next visit to zhills this weekend.....I was thinking.......DAMN....JOHHNY GATES WAS/IS ZHILLS!!!!!!!! and speakin of assholes.... till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates.... In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground.............. PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MsGlock 0 #162 January 24, 2007 Moving post, Rusty. Met Johnny a few years back in Zhills when he announced on our 12-way he was going to "muff" me. I didn't know what the hell to expect, so I'm thinkin' to myself..."ok, just be prepared on the whole skydive to put someone in a leg-lock when they put their head in my crotch." So, of course that didn't happen and needless to say, I was tentative walking around the dz for awhile afterwards for some pie-in-the-face-like muff-initiation. Little did I know it had already happened. A great skydive with such incredible vibes! I am very conscious right now of what Johnny was about and I aspire to live more of my life with his "don't take yourself or life too seriously, just have fun" attitude. It is my intent to not have it be a temporary state of being. I'm thinking of having a pair of earmuffs airbrushed onto my Z-1 just to keep me mindful of Johnny's lesson. I feel blessed and am so grateful for having known him, and it feels good to read such wonderful stories about him. He made a difference in so many lives. What an asshole! MB #3592"till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #163 January 24, 2007 I wonder if somone would come with a memorial patch with his rules: Rule number one: DON'T FUCKING DIE. Rule number two: DON'T SLAM THE FUCKING DOOR!" Also would be included Earmuffs....Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #164 January 24, 2007 I've been looking for orange ear muffs on line all morning. Do you have any clue how hard it is to find ear muffs in Florida???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BarbaraKobzik 0 #165 January 24, 2007 Look at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007M40P2/ref=olp_product_details/002-0669351-4636852?ie=UTF8&seller= I think they ship overnight (especially for bigger orders, if more people want to order muffs) Thanks a lot for setting up the account and taking care of the Parachutist thing! Barbara--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's nice to be important, but it's much more important to be nice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MsGlock 0 #166 January 24, 2007 QuoteI've been looking for orange ear muffs on line all morning. Do you have any clue how hard it is to find ear muffs in Florida???? Pffffff...we got 'em here in NY, I'll bring you a pair! (insert Muff Smiley here!)"till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates" ...The Finest Asshole I've ever met! Muff, Muff! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmytavino 16 #167 January 24, 2007 earlier today i sent this note to a friend who encouraged me to share it here......... ......I was only at Quincy 2 times and didn't have a camcorder the first time ( '94 ). The next time, ( i think it was '98) I got a video of this guy with a big smile on his face riding by on a bicycle Chiseled features, twinkling eyes, Long hair , white beard, WEARING his jumpsuit, and muttering to no one in particular, " muff muff muff muff muff muff " as he rode rode outta the frame....hahahahaha...... He was having as much fun that day, as i was having... and I remembered him from the first time I was there, cause we made a few jumps together out of an otter... I never got his name that day and never saw him again in person, but was hoping to.That moment, that day @ the convention, was yet another one, of the many many times over the past decades, that I have grinned to myself and thought "man, I Love this sport" Years later, I came to realize 'that old guy' was/IS..... johnny gates, and learned what dropzone he called HOME.....and what great vibes he helped to create there ... I am sure that his spirit will Hover Happily over Zephyrhills Airport .... forever..Peace and comfort to all who knew him and love him. jmy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leslieann 0 #168 January 25, 2007 Wow! That's awesome, the asshole even had an honorable mention on Paul Harvey's news! MUFF MUFF I sent these pics to TK for the gallery, but though I'd post them here too. They're pictures from when a group of us jumped out of the B-17 Bomber at Zhills about 5 years ago. Leslieann MB 1602 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenaswampjumper 0 #169 January 25, 2007 That was another touching story!!!! Thought I would share a couple of pics......and loved that Johnny called me Buckwheat!!!! don't know why....don't care..just loved it till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates.... In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground.............. PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcandalysse 0 #170 January 25, 2007 I think he called everybody 'buckwheat'! Johnny's name is painted on the side of that bomber by the way, as a major contributor to its upkeep. That's a nice group with you LeslieAnn.....about $3000 worth of jump tixs, huh? The bomber jump tixs were around $350 last time... Love ya, Marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenaswampjumper 0 #171 January 25, 2007 hum.....never heard him call anyone else that, but who knows.......johnny did fly by the seat of his pants!!!!!!! even if they were patchwork pants!!!!! till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates.... In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground.............. PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakyrat 1 #172 January 25, 2007 Been reading this thread for a couple of days and I don't think I can add very much to what has already been said. Johnny you were a true Icon in this sport and a fun luvin party one at that. Above all you were a genuinely good person and I know God has reserved a special place for you. Blue Skies Forever Chris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
briangilbertson 0 #173 January 25, 2007 I didn't know his name during my rides to altitude but nobody has made me laugh like he did on the otter. I enjoyed sharing many flights with him at the Thanksgiving Boogie. When I read about him, not knowing his name, on here only one asshole came to mind and regretfully it was him. "Fuck the tandems!", I remember hearing in response to one of his comments from his clan. As a newbie to the sport it was my first time seeing the sloppy rigs overflowing for crew work. He's probably looking down at us right now with soap in his mouth. I'm glad to hear he died doing what he enjoyed! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jmpnkramer 0 #174 January 25, 2007 I knew Johnny for over 10 Years. I canot believe he is gone and I cannot be there. He was A TRUE SOUL! I may have to catch up with ya'll on a trip sometime. I am going to be doing some travels soon. At least as much as the Military will let me. You and the Wifey Stay Safe and Have FUN! Laters, Keith .The REAL KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER! "HESITATION CAUSES DEATH!!!" "Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #175 January 25, 2007 Nice pics, with Doris and Big Dave. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Page 7 of 10 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0