
Condolence thread for Danny Page and Bob Holler

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Second that. I challenge anyone who is pretty impressed with themselves to look at Danny's list of accomplishments, and then enjoy a slice of humble pie. What he accomplished in his short life, paired with his attitude towards *living life* is what made him such an incredible person... however, not bulletproof. [:/]

Danny's service was amazing. Thank you to everyone who shared your memories and experiences with a few hundred people. Thank you to the USAF for honoring Danny.. that is something I will never forget.

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R.I.P Danny and Bob

As a newbie to the sport, I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Danny during my AFF jumps at SDA. I remember him ragging on me when I screwed up but always had something positive to say about the jump. Most of my AFF jumps were with Danny and I got to know him a little better then some of the other instructors, he would tell me stories about how he got started in the sport and how much he loved doing it. I will never forget the last time I saw him, we had just finished my last jump of the day which had not gone too well and he talked to me about what I did wrong and what I needed to correct, he said he had to run an errand and will be right back to jump with me again so that I can get it right. His last words to me were "I know you can do this man, let's get up there and get it done". I saw him driving of with the sun getting ready to set, with a hot blonde at his side (sounds fake but it's true). I decided not to wait since it was getting late and headed home. I will miss you man, thanks for everything you have taught me about the sport and about life. Rest in peace my friend.

I knew of Bob, but never got to meet him. Deepest sympathies go out to both families and all the lives they have touched.


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I was not sure if I wanted to post this or not. It is something I wrote as kind of a eulogy to B.O.B. I was very honored to be on his ash dive. I will miss you Bob!

As many of you know but for those that don’t, Bob organized monthly big-way jumps in DeLand for whoever wished to show up that weekend. He did everything he could to make them successful. He chose which weekend and made sure aircraft was available. Always keeping us informed as to the plan. He organized each load based on who was there and who was jumping. From being here bright and early at 9:00AM for the first dirt dive to harassing those of us that showed up late. Did he expect to be paid for all of this work? No – not even to cover his slot. I believe he did this because he wanted to share with others his love for this sport. It wasn’t important that each and every skydive was successful. He always said the most important things were to learn something, be safe, and have fun.

Yet he did not do this only for those that were experienced. He also set up another similar weekend for those of us that were just learning. These jumps were tailored to our skill level to give us experience jumping in bigger groups with the eventual goal of joining his experienced group. This meant that sometimes he would put together jumps where he knew we would not even make the first point. But that was not the goal of the skydive. It was to give us the experience of diving to a larger formation without having to worry about ruining the dive for everyone else. He even pushed me to join his experienced group before I thought I was ready. But he knew better. I was ready. And I will think of him and pay tribute to him on every major big-way I join for the rest of my life. I would like to close with the last email I received from Bob. I think this exemplifies who Bob was as a person.


>>> Bob Holler 1/21/2007 1:19:40 PM >>>
Once again, I'd like to say "thanks" to those who supported Skydive DeLand and my Whatever Way Weekend. It was a bit smaller (I think the most we had was 15) but all but one of the dives completed at least 3 of the 4 points planned. Chris Spence (the man in charge of Roaming DZ) even showed up after 9-months of promises. This will be my last weekend for awhile due to other commitments/travel. I return to DeLand on 16 March and drive up to Dublin GA that evening to co-organize with Carl Daugherty at the Roaming DZ St. Patrick's Day Boogie. The boogie promises to be a good time and if you're in for some travel and a boogie, come check it out (details at http://www.roamingdz.com ). My next weekend will most likely be the end of March or beginning of April. I'll let you know as we get closer. Until then, Peace.

P.S. Thanks again for a great year!!

Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all.

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It was great to see so many attend Danny's service on Sunday. Danny touched alot of people over the years and he will be sorely missed. For those that attended I have the video memorial presention on DVD for anyone that would like a copy. It is also on:


I would like to raise money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundationon Danny's behalf. I am selling the DVD's for $10. All the money will go to SOWF. send me an email at amcortese@hotmail.com and put "danny video" in subject block.

you can make checks payable to Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Please add an extra $1 for shipping if you can.

Anthony Cortese
4826 Bellevue Ave
Louisville, KY 40215

All money will go to SOWF minus shipping charges.

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I am Bob's little sister. Everyone tells me he was the safest diver around. Maybe the reason for his death is to wake everyone up. Maybe people doing the kind of things that Danny was doing need to land else where in the DZ. Maybe thats what Bob's legasy is. He's still trying to make it safe for others. I would like to see the DZ's adopt a B.O.B. rule. Because od BOB rule. Swooper moves land eksewhere. If they don't, they get banned for a predetermined amount of months. How do we get the DZ's to enforce the rule? all of you make them. If they don't have the B.O.B. rule, you take your money and your gear and go else where. I hope his death will not be in vein. I'd like to see all of you have your actions speak louder than your words.


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Thank you so much. His death will not be in vein. everyone I met said he was the safest diver out there. B.O.B. now means "because of Bob." I want evry Dz to adopt a B.O.B. rule. People who do moves like Danny was doing need to lean elsewhere. You divers can make this happen. If a DZ dows not have a B.O.B. rule, you need to take your money and your gear elsewhere.


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I didn't know Danny very long, but I will never forget the day I met him back in October. I was warned that I might have to bite my tongue because he was kind of an asshole. After meeting Danny I was left alone with him and Danny made a smartass remark. I looked at him and said "But no matter what my chest will always be bigger then yours" Danny cocked his head to the side looked at my chest, smiled from ear to ear and said "Well you do have a good point." From that point on we were talking and laughing the rest of the day. You will be sadly missed.

Blue Skies Danny

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Thank you so much for introducing me to your brother, Bob, on his visit to Reno after his retirement. I could see that special look in his eyes when he spoke of skydiving and I could tell it was his passion. I will always remember the memorable motorcycle ride I took with Bob across Nevada on the “Loneliest Road in America” to Ely. That road wasn’t so lonely following Bob down it. The blizzard we got caught in on our way back will be something I will always remember. We spent the day in Eureka watching it snow and waiting for Dan and Joel to pick us up and take us back to Reno. When the snow was over, Bob went outside, lit a cigar, and proceeded to clean and polish his bike. He was quite a guy. I will always have fond memories of him.

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“You’re damn right I got the blues, from my head down to my shoes” - Buddy Guy

I thought maybe today would be the first day without tears, but it’s not time yet. I have lost two true and loyal friends. These are both people who have made a difference in the lives of many skydivers, not just mine. They were both leaders - facilitators, motivators and mentors.

Danny I have known the longest. He was a mover and shaker at the political level. Yes, he sure could be a jerk. But he didn’t mince words, and you knew where you stood with him. He was always a loyal friend, willing to share, never turning his back on you or acting like he didn’t know you. He made sure I got to my first WFFC. He told me yes I could do front float out of the Porter. And yes, right now I am angry with him. We all know his head was big in more ways than one.

And Bob. More subdued. A mover and shaker at the hands-on level. A loyal and trustworthy friend. He was a welcome fixture at my dropzone with his dog’s leash in one hand and a cigar in the other. He was a natural leader, willing to share his time and talents with you no matter what your level of skill. I’m sure I never would have known what kind of a hero he was if it had not been for this incident. I am so impressed at the difference he has made in so many lives.

Now is the time to initiate some sort of common-sense policies about HP landings. We do not need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We do not need to mandate additional training or licensure through the USPA. If there are no other canopies in the landing area – have at it. Swooping is an awesome discipline – we have some of the best in the world right here. But there has to be zero tolerance for high-speed/radical maneuvers in the main landing area when other canopies are in the air. Period. Doesn’t matter who you are. The consequences need to be swiftly meted and equally enforced.

Blue skies.....

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Danny took me on my AFF5 jump after I had a nightmare that he threw me out of the plane with no parachute.

I was doing poorly in AFF and went to the DZ almost not expecting to pass Lvl5 and quit. He made a video of my jump and encouraged me, he asked "Whats the key to success" repeatedly on the ride up. He pointed at my chest strap and said "Whats this?" and popped me on the nose.

I passed the jump and this was the last time an instructor held on to me on exit.

Danny, I will always remember you. You taught me how to refuse to fail that day.

Here is my AFF5 video, taken from his perspective, if you don't mind watching a computer geek try to skydive.


Blue Skies Danny, I will always remember you.

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I have been informed that the B.O.B. stickers have sold out. I will let you know if I hear that more are being made (with the correct date!). I hope so, I would love to see these stickers on helmets across the country!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Here is my AFF5 video, taken from his perspective, if you don't mind watching a computer geek try to skydive.


Pretty nice skydive. ;) The end of Danny's freefall was a bit ominous though...I'm guessing some discussion ensued over that part.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I put up a poll in Bonfire to see if more B.O.B. stickers should be made. If you still want to get one, here's your chance to vote for more to be made!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I agree more stickers or a patch is ijn order to remind us all of our friends and the lesson in safety we must all, I repeat ALL, must adhere to .
I am designing a patch, now posted on the
'patch' thread of the 'Blue skies' forum, about the third or 4 letter in the thread.. I plan to add a maroon beret and other stuff, this is only a draft.

Don't send emails ordering them just yet, please.
Will let everyone know when it is available, next week sometime, all profit will go to Bentprop.org.
Please send only constructive ideas, all "hate mail" folks can make their own patch.
Laurel Nichols

If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable.-Anon

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Diana, I agree with your statement below. See the incidence thread for my 2 cents worth!

"Now is the time to initiate some sort of common-sense policies about HP landings. We do not need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We do not need to mandate additional training or licensure through the USPA."
"When you have tasted flight, you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been and there you will always be." Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519

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Here is my AFF5 video, taken from his perspective, if you don't mind watching a computer geek try to skydive.


Pretty nice skydive. ;) The end of Danny's freefall was a bit ominous though...I'm guessing some discussion ensued over that part.


Good eye, Is that a collision avoidance turn as soon as Danny opened? Someone somehow got underneath us and deployed. Theres an alitimeter glimpse just before it, I started opening right at 4000.

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