
Mia Prebinski

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Word was released today that Mia passed away due to her injuries from her incident at Deland. Blue Skies Mia.


I am copying some comments from users inthe Incidents forum to here:


blue skies forever Mia, we won't forget you ...


I have chiken skin... Les filles je suis complètement à l'envers... Please give me news on facebook.



Je suis complètement bouleversé.
Mia était la plus charmante des parachutistes et talentueuse.
Mes condoléances les plus sincères à la famille et aussi aux autres membres de Cat Woman.
Tous les parachutistes du Québec sont en deuil !

Blue Sky Mia.

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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To the rest of the CatWomen team and all Mia's close friends, family I'm so, so sorry to hear about this. Every loss is tragic, but this is going to hit the Canadian community hard (and of course all her friends from elsewhere).


Mia, sweet Mia.
I don't even know what to say.
I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.

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I am in shock...

I met Mia a couple of years ago, when she lived in Ottawa, Canada. We drove down together to NouvelAir (Farnham) for a weekend of jumping that summer, and she's jumped locally here in Ottawa as well.

She was a beautiful person, always cheerful, always happy. Put a smile on everyone's face. Someone you just wanted to hang around, such a great vibe.

Blue skies Mia. I will miss you. We will miss you.

Alain Bard
Ottawa Canada
CSPA D-1046 TI Coach2 RiggerA JM SSI SSE GCI EJR Canadian 102-way record holder

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Mia and the Cat Women are an inspiration to Skydivers across the country... You will be remembered by many, even those that barely knew you.

As one person said... The sky belongs to you!!

Bon Voyage and Blue skies





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Mia.......a wonderful inspiring and just simple an amazing person. Sweet heart I am going to miss you! We will meet again some day!

Truly a tragic loss such a wonderful person, always smiling, always bright, always making people smile, dam the girl even inspired me to learn how to speak french! GodSpeed love you Mia! xxxx Dan Whitman

To Mias friends and family, my deepest condolences to you.
REMEMBER! If your not living on the edge..... your taking up too much space!

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I just read this post from Vincent Lemay, their coach, on the Nouvel Air Forum. I'll try my best to translate in () and I'm very sorry if the translation is not perfect...Vincent wrote a very beautiful message and I hope I do it some justice but my french is a little rusty. Note the email address near the bottom to send your condolences to her family and friends. Here you go:

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

J'imagine que tout le monde est troublé par cette nouvelle et je le suis également. Nous vivons des moments extrêmement difficile ici depuis l'accident. Tout c'est déroulé très rapidement et c'est encore insensé et difficile à croire.

(I imagine that the world is troubled by this news and I am as well. We're living through some extremely difficult moments here since the accident. Everything happened very quickly and it's still crazy and difficult to believe).

Assurez-vous que Mia a terminée sur une bonne note, elle était très heureuse, débutait son camp d'entraînement en Floride, en vacances. Tout s'annonçait super bien et elle semblait profiter de la vie au maximum, en vivant sa passion, le parachutisme.

(Be assured that Mia finished on a good note, she was very happy, starting her training camp in Florida, on holiday. Everything was looking good and she seemed to be living life to the fullest, living her passion, skydiving).

Les parents de Mia et son frère ont appris la mauvaise nouvelle cette après-midi quelques minutes après leur arrivé à l'hôpital. Ce sont des gens très sympatiques et ils méritent notre soutien. Pour leur faciliter la tâche, SVP envoyez tous vos mots d'encouragement à l'adresse bonvoyage_mia@yahoo.ca

(Mia's parents and her brother learned the awful news this afternoon just minutes after they arrived at the hospital. They are very kind people and they deserve our support. To help in this task, please send your words of encouragement to bonvoyage_mia@yahoo.ca).

Envoyez votre énergie (send your energy/spirit)
Merci et SVP passez le lien aux autres forum (Thank-you and please pass this on to other forums).

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God, it makes me so sad to see another beautiful young life gone. PLEASE let's all be careful out there, it's never over until we're down and back in the packing area.

My deepest condolences and prayers for her family and friends.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Loss of Mia will be felt not only by her family or closest friends, but by anyone who was lucky enough to have been touched by her presence. Her smile and kindness, love for life, lust for skydiving could not have been unnoticed. She had the ability to bring joy and laughter, a simple and down-to-earth girl that will be missed by all that knew her.
She could laugh, she could cry, she could dance and she could fly!

My deepest condolences to her family and all her friends.
Blue skies forever, my dear Mia! :(

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!

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I knew Mia from my home DZ at Nouvel Air. Always smiling, nice to people and very helpful to beginners. Her passing this morning deeply saddened me. My sincere condolences to her family and her friends.

We will miss you Mia.

Blue Skies Forever


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