
Kelley Fredrickson - US champion skydiver & friend, *Funeral date 5/31*

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Copy of original post by ederen here: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3217230#3217230

I couldn't identify a better forum to put this in, but I just wanted to let concerned folks know that Kelley Fredrickson passed (I hate that word) in her sleep last night. Nothing else is really known yet, pending an autopsy, which will probably reveal some physical condition she didn't know she had. She was in great health and had routine flight physicals as part of her naval flight career.

She will be loved and missed by all who knew her. Please send your thoughts and prayers to her family, her brother John (of couchfreaks), and to the members of her team, Fastrax Blue, who were training for the upcoming world meet in France.

Made a few scheduling changes at the request of Kelley's Father Keith. The burial will now be before the funeral.

respectfully, Jon Frederickson

Viewing: May 30th 6:00pm- 8:00pm (officially, I will try to stay and extra hour later)

Crosby Burkett Funeral Home
11902 West Center rd.
Omaha , NE 68134

Burial May 31st 10:00am

Forrest Lawn Cemetary
7909 Mormon Bridge rd.
Omaha , NE 68152

Funeral with reception to follow 11:30 am

Dundee Presbyterian
5312 Underwood ave.
Omaha , NE 68134


Additional Information:

In lieu of flowers the family would like her friends to make a donation
to the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Kelley ' s mother died
of breast cancer when Kelley was 20 years old. http://www.komen.org
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Kelly came to Skydive Suffolk in 1998 she didn't have a lot of jumps at that time, but right away you could tell it was in her blood and she was there for the long haul. She use to make me laugh and always seemed to be waiting for me to make a mistake,so she could gig me on it. Her brother John came to Suffolk right after Kelly and she said now you got your hands full. One of the best laughs she ever played on the boys was when they were trying to get her to fall for the T for A trick. I remember her saying hell if I do that he'll take us down a 1'000 feet. or make us get out now. I almost chocked I laughed so hard. Thanks Kelly for coming by your the best!!!

Larry Pennington
Teach by the way you live

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Very nice write-up by John Hart on the NSL web page.


To add to this...Kelley was also a World Record Holder for JFTC 2002. We'll miss you, sister!



Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I just got a call about this last night. I am stunned. I had not talked to Kelley in some time and just last weekend had the thought that I should try to track down a number for her and give her a call.

Kelley was always full of energy and always fun to be around. I will miss her. I am so sad about this.

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To amend Eric's original post, please note the following request from Kelley's family:

The service will be in Omaha, Nebraska on Saturday May 31, 2008. There will be a viewing Friday night.

In-lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation (in support of breast cancer research). Kelly's mother died of breast cancer when Kelley was 20 years old.

Blue Skies Magazine

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Friends and Skydivers,

Thank you for the support via phone, email, myspace. I apologize if I haven't responded to all of you. It has been a busy couple of days making arrangement for Kelley's return to Omaha.

The following Memorial arrangements should not change that I have listed below. So, come with and open heart and share as Kelley would have wanted. I look forward to seeing all who can attend.

Brother Jon

Viewing: May 30th 6:00pm- 10:00pm

Crosby Burkett Funeral Home
11902 West Center rd.
Omaha, NE 68134

Funeral May 31st 10:00am

Dundee Presbyterian
5312 Undewood ave.
Omaha, NE 68134

Burial to follow after Service

Forrest Lawn Cemetary
7909 Mormon Bridge rd.
Omaha, NE 68152

Reception after burial, those who do not want to attend the burial may remain after the service for the reception.

Dundee Presbyterian
5312 Undewood ave.
Omaha, NE 68134

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She was one of the first to welcome me to Atlanta. Funny thing: we were jumping at Dallas at the same time but never really crossed paths b/c of her training schedule and my freeflying. I am happy to have gotton to know her a bit.

I'll never forget the random conversations, wonderful smile, and great laughs at Neighbors.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Here is a bio from Navy command of how Kelley was perceived by leadership with personal info she added about herself.

-Brother Jon

From: Stephen M. Cobbe
Date: Tue, May 20, 2008 at 9:49 PM
Subject: LCDR Kelley Frederickson USN

99 Third Fleet JFMCC,

It is with great sorrow that I must inform you that today we lost one of our own. LCDR Kelley Frederickson of the Las Vegas Detachment was in Southern California yesterday, staying with friends. She was there as part of the US Women's Skydiving Team, preparing for the upcoming World Championships later this year in France. She and her team jumped yesterday. They were going to do so again today. She went to bed last night and never woke up. Her friends discovered her this morning and were unable to revive her. She was subsequently pronounced dead by the Riverside County paramedics.

I had previously met Kelley last year during my visit to Vegas, under the Mullet Regime. I saw her most recently several weeks back with Tatu during this year's trip to the Det. I liked the way she embraced life. She and I would joke how after 7 jumps (5 static lines and 2 clear and pulls) I found the sport to be just this side of insanity. Falling and watching the plane fly away was absolutely the best. It was stepping out of the damn thing with a good engine running that was truly terrifying. At well over 2800 jumps, Kelley Frederickson was clearly made of sterner stuff... or perhaps more correctly she was the embodiment of the warrior ethos.

I have attached her bio to let you get to know her just a bit more. The other reason I do so is to give you an insight into someone who knew how to break the code when given a homework assignment. You may recall that shortly after my Change of Command when I gave the tasking, I was intentionally vague as to format. I knew it would be difficult for me to get to know all 120 of you in a unit that meets only twice a year. Thus, I wanted to give you the widest latitude in telling me your story. For those of you who gave me the standard Navy blurb, with the standard photo, in the standard format... absolutely A-Okay... square filled.

Now take a look a Kelley's (below and in the attachment). Two nice photos, short bulletized write-up. It didn't take her much time to throw it together, but it told me everything I needed to know about her... particularly the bottom line... just in case I happened to be to be especially obtuse.

I had been in command 10 minutes, hadn't even met the woman, and yet I had already figured out that she was one to watch. Pretty simple once it's laid out in front of you... isn't it?

Anyway, we can lament that we have lost such an incredible human being at such a young age, in the prime of her life. Or we can marvel at how she lived her life at full Military Rated Thrust and went out with both guns blazing. I prefer the latter... at least I will try.

For those of you who feel the need, like me, to have a chat with your Maker over the next several days... well, from my perspective, that is most assuredly authorized and encouraged.


Stephen M. Cobbe
Captain , United States Navy
Commanding Officer, Third Fleet JFMCC

----- Original Message -----
From: Frederickson Kelley Ctr 59 TES/DOR
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 4:12 PM
Subject: BIO


Per request,

Name: Kelley Frederickson

Rank: LCDR
Birthplace: Omaha , Ne
Family/Marital Status: Single
College: USNA, 1995, B.S. History
City of Residence : Las Vegas
Occupation: F-22 System Administrator, Lockheed Martin
Former Occupations: F-14 RIO , VF-213, Pfizer Pharmaceutical Representative
Hobbies: 4 way Skydiving competitor (member of current U.S. women's team!) working out, flying, reading history or current events, watching football
Favorite Book? Umberto Eco, Name of the Rose
Favorite Place? The Sky
Total Skydives: 2800
Life Philosophy: discipline is the bridge between dreams and accomplishment
Most people don't know this about me: I was a cheerleader at the Naval Academy
What is you most significant life achievement? USNA graduate, F-14 combat vet
What drives your competitive spirit? challenges
Explain "who you are" in five words or less: Loyal, dedicated, playful, quick-witted, passionate
What quirks do you possess? scatterbrained on the "small stuff", intensely focused on the "big stuff"
Where would you like to be 10 years from now? In command in the Navy Reserve

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Made a few scheduling changes at the request of Kelley's Father Keith. The burial will now be before the funeral.

respectfully, Jon Frederickson

Viewing: May 30th 6:00pm- 8:00pm (officially, I will try to stay and extra hour later)

Crosby Burkett Funeral Home
11902 West Center rd.
Omaha , NE 68134

Burial May 31st 10:00am

Forrest Lawn Cemetary
7909 Mormon Bridge rd.
Omaha , NE 68152

Funeral with reception to follow 11:30 am

Dundee Presbyterian
5312 Underwood ave.
Omaha , NE 68134


Additional Information:

In lieu of flowers the family would like her friends to make a donation
to the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Kelley ' s mother died
of breast cancer when Kelley was 20 years old. http://www.komen.org

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To All,

I am simply in gratitude for al the help I have had in the last 11 days. Every time something came up there was someone to help. Despite the cruel enormity of what happened all involved were able to overcome and send Kelley on her way with class and sincerity.

thank you, Jon Frederickson

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Taken from the Chris Saub weekly...

Let the Inside Out
I was recently informed that a young woman from my graduating class had passed away. Receiving news of anyone's passing seems to stop us in our tracks, if even for a moment, a reality check. Someone we knew or close to us experienced their "the end," causing us to realize all too well we have a "the end," in time, for us.

It wasn't so much "the end" that provoked my heart but how this young woman lived her life up until her "the end."

We didn't have a Valedictorian in our class, but as I recall three top students were asked to give motivational speeches at our Commencement, this young woman was one of those three. The speeches were about dreams, believing in yourself, striving for the impossibility, making it reality, aiming high, etc. etc... I used to think those kinds of speeches were merely cliche, just sentimental fluff. Words for a specific context... the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another.

I now realize, having grown in life, that those words are only cliche and fluff if we choose not to believe those words are true, or choose not to live what those words are saying. This young lady, who spoke these words, not only believed these words, she lived these words. In High School she had a dream to attend the Naval Academy , she did. She dreamed of jumping out of airplanes working for the Department of Defense, that was her career. She traveled the world in an elite, Naval group, jumping from airplanes. She was training for an international competition to be held in France later this year.

Before her "the end" came, she had let the inside out.

I guess we all have things on the inside, "wouldn't it be great to try that?" "Wouldn't it be great if I could do that for a living?" "I wish I could see this... or go there... or I wish I could do this..." "I've always wanted to try this..." Whatever this or that is, we have things inside us, wishes, goals... dreams. I suppose someone in our path told us "logic, common sense, these are the things that matter, not lofty dreams about accomplishing something great, or doing something adventurous. Get a job, work hard, work well, earn a living." Not that this is terrible advice, but often upon hearing this counsel we tend to say, "of course, I can't just spend the rest of my life doing that, I gotta eat. I want to get married, have kids, etc.... " So, we say no to the things inside, but we don't have to look too deep to know... those "things" are still there.

I'm happy. Though my co-graduate's life was short, she "lived." She believed dreams were true paths to take in life, she took hers and let what was inside, out. She went for it, and lived to find the impossible her reality. She held a dream and lived it. I'm happy.

I was pursuing a Law Degree, to be a lawyer. My parents sat me down and said, "Son, you love music so much, why don't you pursue that, if you fall down, Law School will always be there." I finished my undergraduate degree six months later, closed the books and never looked back.

Life. One day we will all face our "the end." I want to experience my "the end," with my "inside" empty. No more wishes, or would like to's on the inside. When my "the end" comes, I want my inside to be empty.

I've had senior citizens, World War II generation tell me, don't wait to travel. Look, I saved money my whole life to enjoy my "golden years," and now I'm too old to travel, or do much of anything. Don't wait...

What have you always wanted to do, but thought it too impractical to try, too... "eh, I could never do that." "How does that fit the family budget?" Maybe now is a time to try, start a new hobby, take a trip to somewhere you've always wanted to go. Don't be foolish, but let something inside, out.

I hope when my "the end" comes, people will look at my life as I look upon my co-graduates life, and they too can be inspired to "live," and let the inside out.

Thanks Mom and Dad,
Thanks Kelly.

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