
Hypoxia due to dehydration/heat

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Jumping 100 times in 6 months going to the dropzone only two times a month, required pretty busy jumping days last year; these are my observations based on this data... I often had a cooler with food with either water, gatorade, orange juice, milk, soda, smoothie. (Various mixes thereof, on different weekend visits)


Most sodas actually dehydrate you. Colas and several others contain caffeine, which is a diuretic, and the large amounts of sugar also act as such. Your body tries to dilute the sugar in your stomach, taking fluids from your tissues to do so.

Iced tea, made with actual tea have caffeine in them also, as well as many sweet teas have the same problems as sodas with the sugars.

That's very true, but I find that for my body, it is not nearly as bad as sodas for me. As a compromise, I definitely find having one iced tea per day is still better on my body than drinking only water all day. (i.e. I need at least a little sugar to replenish muscles). Probably about one or two iced teas, if Gatorade is not available. Sometimes I even have a bottle of water simultaneously, so I can have an immediate dilutition effect... compensate for dehydration. (I may lose a little minerals in the process; but better than drinking only water all day (no replenishing of muscle sugar) and better than drinking soda)

You're right in that it's better to have dilute sugar all day long (water+gatorade mix is good -- funny that military sometimes uses that), just the bare minimum to maximize efficiency of fueling your muscles without the bad effects of excess sugar.... My best performance may come from those days that I've mainly drank water with occasional gatorade sips.

What I like is that iced tea doesn't upset my stomach as much - it does not have the phosphoric acid that sodas have. A lesser of evils, so to speak...definitely feels better than excessive orange juice on my body. It seems somewhere between gatorade and soda in terms of rehydration-dehydration efficiency.

And ya, I still drink sodas sometimes (cola, gofast), maybe one every other day during a 1-week boogie. I just can't help the occasional caffiene kick. (I'm not a habitual coffee drinker - I often go without coffee for weeks or months at a time, but when I get up at 7am for a long skydive day, I sometimes simply have to get a minor amount of caffiene at least half of the time! :D I do compensate by drinking extra, something good such as milk if possible.) I don't notice caffiene in my iced teas, if there's any, it's definitely less than coffee or coca-cola. (I am sure some teas are high in caffiene; but I don't feel it with the iced teas I drink -- there is no added caffiene as an ingredient so they would have to come naturally from tea leaves)

I know Gatorade is better; but I argue a little iced tea is better than nothing at all in many cases). Some iced teas such as Snapple is too sweet for me (35g+); Nestea is less sweet (29g per can). Gatorade bottles are bigger than iced tea cans -- so they contain a similiar amount of sugar and sometimes, apparently, similiar amounts of sodium!! Nestea lists 30mg of sodium per can. While gatorade is a much better formulation; one argue that the iced tea formulation of certain brands roughly resemble a rehydration beverage, so it appears the bad effects of iced tea are somewhat (in one way or another) compensated with the good effects of rehydration. My body seems, apparently, to feel it, as long as I don't drink consecutive cans... (I am not sure if in U.S. the formulation is different. There's a good history there. In Canada, Mountain Dew DOES NOT HAVE caffiene -- a shocking fact to American visitors. So it's possible your iced teas are a bit sweeter...I think I noticed that on previous visits; though it may just be because of a different brand)

Doing too many consecutive excess sugar drinks sometimes leave me very tired or dehydrated after they "wear off"; especially at the end of the day. Excess caffiene will leave me tired and possibly sick at the end of 1-week boogie, so I know to only use it on an 'as-needed' basis (which would translate into three or four caffiene hits during a 1-week skydiving trip). My most energetic days come from the use of Gatorade or iced tea interspersed with water. I think gatorade worked marginally better, but it's a bit too close to call (at least for my particular body). Or smoothie drinks which works well; kind of sweet but they compensate by giving me a hit of fresher fruits, as long as I compensate by drinking water too... I don't seem to get good results from non-diluted orange juice, it dehydrates me and adds extra acid to my stomach when I am not in the mood for something acidic during the excitement/stresses of a skydive day. I get reasonable, but middling results, if I drink only water. Clearly, there's total truth to moderate sugar in the observations of my busy skydive days -- just enough to replenish my body. I'm less tired at the end of the day. I've become partial to interspersing water with gatorade and iced tea (less sweet brands) as a result. Even better results if I have simultaneous bottles of water and gatorade/iced tea. That way I can intersperse a few sips. Works even better!

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Bill~ So glad that you are ok!!!
There are a couple of sayings out here that you know well...

1. If you're thirsty you're already on the verge of dehydration.

This should serve as a lesson to all. If it can happen to someone like Bill who is highly experienced and knowledgeable...it can happen to anyone.
Just because one is not perspiring, does not mean they aren't losing water. Remember that too much water can cause problems as well. It is always a good idea to replace electrolytes in addition to water.
A mixute of 1/2 water and 1/2 gatorade seems to work well in these parts, and I dare say...it gets mighty hot.
Much love to you Bill and Dr.Amy.
X's and O's

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A few people mentioned lack of salt, etc. That can be as big or bigger a problem than typical dehydration because people often don't realize the problem and in turn drink more water and make themselves worse. You can be drinking liter after liter of water, but if you don't maintain the salt/potassium levels you will present with the same smyptoms as dehydration but additional water will actually hurt you. The actual name is hyponatremia, though it is often refered to as water intoxication.

I suffer from this if I don't keep my my electrolyte levels up because I sweat so damn much! I work outside fulltime in the Florida heat, often made even worse working on a wild or prescribed fire, and have become ultra-aware of the symptoms. Now when I'm working outdoors I always carry a few of the mini-size V-8 cans with me and drink one sometime mid-morning, at lunch, and mid-afternoon. It is overkill for most, but just right for me. Also, snacking on some salty foods can do a wonder of good in keeping the salt levels high.

The main key for someone suffering from hyponatremia is that additional liquids will generally make them worse, and what they need is salt/potassium, ingested in solids if possible. Anytime you come across someone that seems to show signs of dehydration, it is a good idea to ask them what their intake of liquids has been like. If they say they have been drinking regularly, or that they are peeing clear, etc., chances are pretty good that they need to get some salt/potassium into them in the form of solids. At this point liquids won't do them any good, and if it is far enough along can actually do more damage.

I work as a wilderness first responder on firelines and have started to keep a bag of peanuts, some pretzels and a few of the little V-8s in my med kit because of how often this happens. They also make small packets of "Oral Rehydration Salts" that really help to keep the levels up if they are given before the symptoms deteriorate too badly.

The rehydration salts are actually very neat, because to someone that is dehydrated they taste very sweet, and almost good, but as your hydrate up the taste covers a range from sweet to more sour to "I'd rather be drinking the sweat from my sock." One packet dissolves in one liter and is consumed over the course of an hour.

Be careful everyone! Don't tell yourself that you are in good shape just because you are peeing a bunch, or because your pee is clear. Make sure you are keeping up with the salt and potassium too!

Edited: for clarity
Killing threads since 2004.

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A few people mentioned lack of salt, etc. That can be as big or bigger a problem than typical dehydration because people often don't realize the problem and in turn drink more water and make themselves worse.

Exactly right. The next thing you know you are having dizzy spells and before too long...down you go.
This happened to me once in Hawaii. I have since had to learn that Gatorade (as much as I dislike it) is my friend.:ph34r:

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A few people mentioned lack of salt, etc. That can be as big or bigger a problem than typical dehydration because people often don't realize the problem and in turn drink more water and make themselves worse.

Exactly right. The next thing you know you are having dizzy spells and before too long...down you go.
This happened to me once in Hawaii. I have since had to learn that Gatorade (as much as I dislike it) is my friend.:ph34r:

Yup, and then people start feeding you more liquids...[:/]:S It only took it happening to me once on a fire to make me pretty much obsessed with letting other people know about it.
Killing threads since 2004.

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A phrase I learned one hot August in Virginia that works is "If you don't have to pee, you're not drinking enough water"

Glad you're OK, Bill.

To quote Bill and Amy's player/coach (Pat McGowen), "If you're not peeing like a race horse you're not drinking enough water!" Something I remember from last year's team training (also with Pat) which I've taken to heart. I put it into practice each and every hot skydiving day.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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A phrase I learned one hot August in Virginia that works is "If you don't have to pee, you're not drinking enough water"

Glad you're OK, Bill.

To quote Bill and Amy's player/coach (Pat McGowen), "If you're not peeing like a race horse you're not drinking enough water!" Something I remember from last year's team training (also with Pat) which I've taken to heart. I put it into practice each and every hot skydiving day.


I've never watched a racehorse pee, so this simile doesn't help much.:S

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm glad you're ok!

I think the main lesson here is to know when to say "no, I am not going to jump"

It's difficult to do it when (for example) you've got team training going on and you have everything organised (back to backs, premanifesting etc)

I used to feel like a wimp when I pulled myself off loads when I was a newbie to the sport.

Now I admire people who can say "no" to a jump when it's not right for them.

Well done to your very switched on team mates too!

Quick question though... is it really a good idea to give blood if you are a skydiver? This to me would seem to be the worst culprit in this scenario.



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I've never watched a racehorse pee, so this simile doesn't help much.

Be creative in your thinking, John. I'm sure you can picture it. ;)


I'd rather picture Nicole Kidman naked:)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I've never watched a racehorse pee, so this simile doesn't help much.

Be creative in your thinking, John. I'm sure you can picture it. ;)


I'd rather picture Nicole Kidman naked:)

And that reminds you to pee? :ph34r:


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I've never watched a racehorse pee, so this simile doesn't help much.

Be creative in your thinking, John. I'm sure you can picture it. ;)


I'd rather picture Nicole Kidman naked:)

And that reminds you to pee? :ph34r:


No, but biology does enter into it.;)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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How very strange you both are.

After a race horse races, it usually pees once the horse analogue of adrenaline passes.

The mechanics of this is the horses penis distending to just about full length (about two feet sometimes) and then a very high pressure burst of urine blasting out of the business end. Pressure like hydraulic mining kind of pressure. Then the main event is over and there is a couple post squirts and everything goes back inside and the women stop blushing. The guys look at each other and think "Um, when I think about it, I'd have no use for that".

Glad I could be of help. Angry black men I couldn't understand who were wearing smokey bear hats taught me some useful stuff, and one of the best was "when it's hot and you don't have to pee, you aren't drinking enough water"

It took me a few weeks to understand them, because they spoke backwoods Marine Corps, but they knew their shit.


It was funny because we looked to the black Officer Candidate to translate and he said "Fuck You!. I'm from Chicago. I don't know what this motherf*cker is sayiing!"

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