
Marv Trudeau

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All around nice guy Marv Trudeau died yesterday from injuries he suffered in a hang gliding accident.
Marv was a Canadian jumper from BC. Whenever I would see him I was assured of a big smile, a kung fu grip handshake(Marv trimmed trees and was in great shape) and a "How's the wife and kids"?
Marv was attending all of the big way camps and was working hard at being on the World Team.
He was a guy that you knew you would share a laugh or two with every time he was at the DZ.
Fly Free my friend.

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I last jumped with Marv about 4 weeks ago at Kapowsin. He was excited for the upcoming LFL boogie and had made plans to attend. Chris Hale brought down the news that Marv had been seriously injured.

Everyone who had the pleasure of knowing Marvin knew what a great guy he was. Always upbeat, ready to laugh and enjoy life, he exemplified what we love about jumpers so much. The world is truly not quite as good of a place now that Marv has left it. :(

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Marvin emailed me just a day or two before his accident to tell me how he was looking forward to coming down to the LFL boogie. He wanted to make sure to save him a slot on the big way. He emailed me back to let me know Chris Hale would be coming with him and was really happy about that. It was shocking to see Chris come without him and with such tragic news.

Marvin will be greatly missed by all. :(

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