
Jim Baron, DZO of Hinckley passed fast :-(

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An Era ends: Jim Baron checks out

Life is a hotel; people check-in and check-out.
We lost a rock; a piece of our collective past.

I am hearing sad news.
Seems our own Jim Baron checked-out.

Dunno. Sounds so.
Grim city. Not pretty. Ouch. Damn!
Jim is our era; our age, our memories.
He, Lou, and the tribe befriended us long whiles.

Memories of Sky, dives, wind, packing, rain, kids,
and Hinckley crazy wash over us like waves.

The tide receding, landlocked we are,
wondering about why
Smiling. Remembering when.
Big guy. great friend. Grand family.
Love 'em all.
His Era ends
Ours' diminished
Cherish. . . and remember

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As far as I know.. he hadn't flown jumpers since one of his Westwind Twin Beech 18's did a ground loop in Tullahoma back in 2004.

He was back in Tullahoma 2 or 3 years ago and I was helping him disassemble that airframe for transport..which never happened and its still sitting on the airfield out in the weeds [:/]

He sure had a lot of interesting stories. BSBD :(

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