
What did you learn this weekend? 4/15-17

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I learned that getting my first new complete rig right before my first boogie that offered my first helo jump then doing my first atmonauti dive equals alot of beer for said boogie. It was a blast though and sharing that beer with everyone there was great.
"I've taken the liberty of drafting your confession, you will be given a fair trial and then taken out back and shot."

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I learned that parties that involve two hot straight women, three men, all eleven lesbians in the Tri-Cities, and lots of alcohol are freaking hilarious. :D

I edited for you.

Actually, that's kinda close to accurate. One of the funny parts is that I learned that a small lesbian community has at least one point of similarity with the small community of skydiving, i.e. you don't lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn. It was pretty obvious most of the women had at some point dated each of the others. The drama was breathtaking. :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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ahhhhh...I don't suppose J was the one that talked ya into that?!

Who Me???

Just because there was Poker and Nekkid Hotties involved.. How come you instantly think I had something to do with it?

I dunno how I came to that conclusion....I have always thought of you to be as pure as the driven snow


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Although you were in despair after learning that Gia loves you for your mind and I love you for your cock.:|

Umm...well, yeah, I was! I think most guys would agree with me, that's a pretty sad day! [:/]:D


That's OK, because Piisfish loves Gia for her penis. Or so he claims.:|

See? I'm sure you're equally in despair now...Piisfish ditching you like this...I mean, what's she got that you don't?! :|

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I learned that ADD is not a "child's disease" and that, if left untreated for 30+ years, can actually hinder your sociological, and professional, development.[:/]

I learned that when a friend is in need - other friends come out of the woodwork for them...and seldom is it the first person you'd think of (Thanks Randy!:D)

I learned the benefits of being a friend to someone who recently hurt themself....and seeing the humbled look of appreciation in their face almost brings tears to the eyes now:)
And I learned that no matter how hard you try....flying video is ALWAYS harder than you think!!!:S:D

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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I learned that it freakin sucks to have to stay home and study, especially when it's gorgeous out, and my fiance and jumping buddies are all having fun at the dropzone.

Stupid finals. Stupid law school.
"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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I learned that I should follow my instincts and not be complacent. In my case, I was packing my main and wasn't really happy about the bite stoes being too short and thought about repacking it. I was due for a repack and my rigger has always repacked my main as part of the service. I told myself, "Ehhh... just get it in the rig, he's going to repack it anyways"
On my first jump this weekend, I got slammed by my canopy which has never done that to me before. I'm still sore in my shoulders and neck. I have to confirm this (to be sure) but it seems that my rigger only repacks the main if you give it to him unpacked. If it's packed, he just takes the bag out and moves it off to the side.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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My first 'real' pack job resulted in massive line twists from risers up to... well, as far as I could see as it had pinned my head down :o. First thing I did was check my alti to see how much time I had (I had lots) and then managed to kick out and still stand up the landing! I rock :P

Go Jen! Way to handle an emergency - and not let it get you! Or maybe that distracted you, and you didn't over-think your landing? ;)

Sorry for your loss:(.



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I learned that it is possible to float with 15 lbs of weight.

I learned that I miss 4-way training with the Foxes.

I learned that it is OK to sometimes let others do for you what you think you should do yourself.

I learned that a gentle nudge can sometimes send a friend soaring.

This morning I learned tha Bill V is such a genius because he works at it, and that FrogLady loves backpacking, much to her own surprise!



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I know I learned plenty this weekend, but more importantly, I was reminded of a lot of things.

1. Keep it new, keep it interesting. Sadly, after almost 800 jumps and 6 years, my enthusiasm for skydiving was beginning to wane, but events this weekend gave me a huge boost. I jumped with some very well known and esteemed folks in the industry and some less experienced skydivers too. All of them, though, challenged me and pushed me to get better, and their zeal and flying skills in the air (and their smiles on the ground) reminded me about what I love so much so much about this sport. The weekend was a much needed charge and the variety and energy level of skydives wereinvigorating. Thanks Jeff and Roberta, Ron and Kelly, Kelly F., Justin, Wyatt, Matt, Nick, and Katie. And a huge thanks to Andy for an awesome boogie at Skydive San Diego.
2. Always include a few toiletries, change of underwear and socks in your carry-on.
3. Few things are as precious as family and good friends.

God Bless.


Edited for typo

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My rigger will do that also unless I specifically ask him to repack the main. If he repacks the main (and I usually ask him to) he charges an extra $5.00. Our gear store, on the other had will charge an extra $10.00 or $15.00 to inspect and repack your main if you bring your rig in with the main attached.

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See? I'm sure you're equally in despair now...Piisfish ditching you like this...I mean, what's she got that you don't?!

I am sooooo insulted! :P You owe me, even more now!


Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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I learned that a Scorpion 150 packs like a 175 (you should see the look on my packer's face having so much trouble putting a 150 canopy in a 150 container).
I learned a 3 hour trip to the dropzone, 3 hour trip home is totally worth it for just 3 jumps.
I learned I love helo jumps!!!
I learned rain at 110 MPH really sucks!!! Especially when you're hitting the pointy ends ;^D
I learned girls with cats are really boring. And they're not worth dating no matter how good the lasagne is.
I learned skydivers are the most considerate, most helpful, coolest people in the world - voobshe okhuitel'nie!!!
I learned Juan is now a Tandem Instructor! Kick ass.

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