
Alti-2 Reader for Neptune3 date bug update?

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Hello. For the past few years, I've been happily using Alti-2 Reader to download and back up the logbook and jump details from my N3. However, it seems like with the recent N3 update for the "logbook date rollover bug", Alti-2 Reader can no longer communicate with the N3 because Alti-2 changed the encryption protocol, almost deliberately to keep people out.

Is anyone aware of an updated version of Alti-2 Reader somewhere, which gracefully handles both encryption schemes and date formats?

I finally got a chance to sit down and figure out the new encryption, and things seem to be working. However, it is going to take some effort for me to clean up the code and make everything nice and backwards-compatible, and it would be silly to go through this effort if someone else already did it. So, before publishing my own fork of Alti-2 Reader, it would be good to know if anyone else out there already did. I've also been trying to get in touch with the original author of Alti-2 Reader (to send updated encryption code and to ask permission to publish my own version), but it seems like so far I've had no luck.

Any ideas?


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No takers? Okay, I made my own fixes for the date rollover bug (and for the encryption key update that Alti-2 sneakily snuck into their Y2K update).

Update found here:

Needs a little documentation but it seems to be working.

Note that the 'master' branch is for Linux (via Mono), but there's a 'windows' branch for, well, windows.

This is provided "AS-IS" with no warranty of any kind.

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