Anachronist 2 #1 February 1, 2018 So I'm visiting CA for the first time and will be close to Perris and Elsinore. Was wondering if anyone could give me an overall impression of both, or either? I searched the forum and only really got info that was several years old, and not specific. Anything sketch or important to know about either one? From their websites it looks like Perris runs an Otter frequently, and Elsinore has a few Caravans (also maybe an otter?) If what I'm into matters, I'm alone, no kids or dogs, mostly wingsuit, like to mostly come jump and leave, not too much of a social jumper. Also not interested in the Perris tunnel. Thanks in advance. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kat00 11 #2 February 1, 2018 Perris usually runs an otter or two with the occasional skyvan on weekends. You will find wingsuiters at both dropzones since Lightning Flight has an office at both. Either is good on a weekend but you are more likely to find consistent turns at perris on a weekday. The perris flight pattern for winsuiting is weird according to some. So if you go there make sure you know jump run. There are signs which show the pattern and you can find the landmarks easily in the sky, especially the tip of the triangle. The only thing sketchy is the winds usually. If it is warm the dust devils can kick up in the afternoon at either DZ. They are easy to spot usually but people new to the area might find them a little frightening. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rmarshall234 14 #3 February 2, 2018 I've worked at both - nothing sketchy about either one. If you are going to be that close you should visit them both. They are close enough that you can do so in the same day. That way you won't be left wondering about the other, or your decision. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tikl68 6 #4 February 2, 2018 I often use the analogy when people ask to explain the two like this. You have 2 brothers. One has a 4.0 GPA at a well known popular college, and gets a job in the corporate world making 150k,wears nice suits,lives in an expensive condo, and socializes with other corporate people. The other brother has a 3.2 GPA at a local college, gets a regular job with a city municipality making 60k, hangs out at the local micro brewery, and lives down by the beach. Both DZ,s are good. They have different vibes. Perris is little more business feel to it. If your goal is to jump more and not focus that much on the social side of our sport it is a good place for that. If you want to skydive and enjoy the social side of our sport,specially after a day of jumping, then Elsinore is it. Perris does have 2 otters,and 3 skyvans. Elsinore has 2 caravans,an otter, and a skyvan. The area for wingsuits is west of the DZ about a half mile, running North to South, offset, but parallel to freefall jump run if you look at google maps, basically their own lane. hope this helps. Hi Robert. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rmarshall234 14 #5 February 2, 2018 Hi Buddy. Thanks for the aircraft update....I should get my commercial ticket and come fly the Caravan. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anachronist 2 #6 February 2, 2018 Thanks for the info everyone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlyLikeARaven 0 #7 February 2, 2018 tikl68's assessment is pretty good. But really, they're 20 minutes apart. Visit both! They're both great. I like Elsinore for the CRW dogs and their laid-back attitudes (and the nice views), and I like Perris for big-ways and their organization (also their bar and cafe are quite nice).I'm not a lady, I'm a skydiver. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites