
Scala rider Packtalk?

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i stay on the forums about the scala/ sena. i personally use a sena 20s. its great if there are 3 or less people in a group. if you try adding more people than that you start getting strange sounds like popcorn etc that makes communication pretty tough. its decent for wingsuiting while wearing a g3, i dont know how effective it would be for regular freefall.
Flock University FWC / ZFlock
B.A.S.E. 1580
Aussie BASE 121

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Team flatspin (Acro Team) uses the sena at my local DZ and they love them. 2 flyers and a camera flyer all have them and the only complaint I've heard is that occasionally its hard to connect to each other. Side note I use them on my motorcycle all the time and love them.
Belt and Suspenders

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I have 2 Sena 20s EVOs and my coach has a set of Sena 20s (the EVOs have a shark fin antenna, the non EVOs have a pop-up antenna).

We use them winguiting, freeflying, and under canopy, with pretty good success.

One time, when he was turning a load from wingsuit to freefly (not a fuel load), I managed to give him a play-by-play of the incoming plane landing and taxiing down the runway from the air (I was just entering the pattern) as he was running to change rigs and get to the loading area (we land across the street from the airport).

It works much better win in-ear noise isolating earplugs (I use the Etymotic Research ER-6i. And I'm not sure what he uses. The Ryobi construction headphones my other friend used when he borrowed my spare Sena worked well for him as well. Cheapo and free in-ear headphones don't work very well, nor does using the in-helmet soeakers supplied with the kit (way too much wind noise) though they are quite loud, and work great on the plane. Just not in free fall.
You fail at 100% of the things you don't attempt.

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i stay on the forums about the scala/ sena. i personally use a sena 20s. its decent for wingsuiting while wearing a g3, .

. Oh but if only you had a c6air then it would be perfect :P. Ducking and running flameproof suit on
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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