
Ryan won't seek re-election

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Once he's out of office, it'll take about a 6 month shower in very hot water to get the Trump stink off of him.

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Just as the Tea Party took control of the republican party. trump has full control of the party now. There is but one left with a backbone and thats John McCain. Ryan may develop a new style of resistance to trump's leadership but its not likely to be a backbone of any sort.

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Rumor has it that Kevin McCarthy is his likely replacement. Recall he is the guy who said this just before the presidential election:

"There's two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump . . . swear to God."

Looks like the GOP will have to schedule a spinectomy for McCarthy if he wants to be considered for speaker.

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RYANGONE, by Euripides *:

The tale of a young, idealistic family man transformed into an enabler for the most morally indifferent and utterly selfish leader in the nation’s history.

* Greek Tragedy: A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.

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Once he's out of office, it'll take about a 6 month shower in very hot water to get the Trump stink off of him.


Don't bet on it. That taint will be on those Rs who supported the Mango Mussolini for a long time.

And that includes those who publicly supported him, but privately opposed him.

Ryan knows this. He wasn't enough of a "Trumpette" to be sure of winning the primary, and too much of one to be sure of winning the regular election.

Given Trump's approval/disapproval numbers, anyone running against an R simply has to say "He supported Trump here, here and here."

And unless Ryan steps down as Speaker (possible because he's now a 'lame duck'), McCarthy won't have to worry about it. I don't see any way that the Rs are in charge of the House next year.
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