skymiles 3 #1 March 21, 2018 Really! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Westerly 61 #2 March 21, 2018 I thought this was common knowledge? Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all garbage. All funded by stakeholders with a financial interest in trying to get you to believe certain things. The bias in Fox News' reporting is painful. Any so-called news agency that has such a blatant, obvious strong bias toward any one side, liberal or conservative, is obviously not a real news reporting agency. If you want real news go to NPR or BBC. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcd11235 0 #3 March 21, 2018 "If you look at this chart and are convinced your 'extreme' source belongs in the middle, you just might be part of the problem plaguing America today." LinkMath tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #4 March 21, 2018 How come it took him so long to figure that out?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #5 March 21, 2018 jcd11235"If you look at this chart and are convinced your 'extreme' source belongs in the middle, you just might be part of the problem plaguing America today." Link This chart has been posted here before and IMO its very accurate with regards to bias. This is a larger view of that same chart. It shows the sources of real news and fake news. If you feed yourself fake news. Like a crack addict, sooner or later, it will cost you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,029 #6 March 21, 2018 Geez, ya think? Hannity, 2008 - Being willing to meet with Kim Jong Un is "one of the most disturbing displays of Obama's lack of foreign policy expertise." Hannity, 2018 - "A huge foreign policy win for President Trump. Little Rocket Man blinks. Now, the president’s tough rhetoric, his bold action, his severe sanctions, they appear to be working tonight. President Trump is accepting an invitation to meet with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolhtairt 0 #7 March 21, 2018 WesterlyI thought this was common knowledge? Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all garbage. All funded by stakeholders with a financial interest in trying to get you to believe certain things. The bias in Fox News' reporting is painful. Any so-called news agency that has such a blatant, obvious strong bias toward any one side, liberal or conservative, is obviously not a real news reporting agency. If you want real news go to NPR or BBC. When you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #8 March 21, 2018 nolhtairt***I thought this was common knowledge? Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all garbage. All funded by stakeholders with a financial interest in trying to get you to believe certain things. The bias in Fox News' reporting is painful. Any so-called news agency that has such a blatant, obvious strong bias toward any one side, liberal or conservative, is obviously not a real news reporting agency. If you want real news go to NPR or BBC. When you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. You don't think illegal actions by the President of the US are newsworthy?"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,029 #9 March 21, 2018 >When you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, >and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. I just walked into our breakroom to check. CNN - NorEaster hitting New York and New Jersey. FOX - Touting Trump's work on the budget bill. From their websites: CNN "top stories" section - They found Austin bomber by tracking his receipts and internet purchases Here's what else we know about the bomber See the bomber inside FedEx Fred Savage accused of on-set harassment and battery Here's what the storm looks like from space NBA team accused of discriminating against white employees Overall headline - Zuckerberg breaks his silence. . .Facebook CEO issues a statement five days after a data scandal engulfed his social media empire FOX News "Hot Topics" (top of web page) - More explosives in Austin? Zuckerberg breaks silence Ivanka's salon visit backlash Overall headline - Serial bomber may have sent more deadly parcels before blowing himself up, warn police Hmm. Pretty much the opposite of what you claimed. CNN covering bomber, storm, Facebook, discrimination and assault - FOX covering bomber, Facebook and Ivanka's hair salon woes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #10 March 21, 2018 nolhtairt***I thought this was common knowledge? Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all garbage. All funded by stakeholders with a financial interest in trying to get you to believe certain things. The bias in Fox News' reporting is painful. Any so-called news agency that has such a blatant, obvious strong bias toward any one side, liberal or conservative, is obviously not a real news reporting agency. If you want real news go to NPR or BBC. When you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. Depends on the time at which you tune in. Cherry picking a time to suit your bias deceives nobody. Last time I checked Fox it was reporting on how to photograph a rainbow.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,217 #11 March 21, 2018 QuoteThere's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. CNN is nearly all Trump nearly all the time. It is very true. They are clearly as anti-Trump as Fox is pro Trump. I agree with them, but that is beside the point.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
headoverheels 333 #12 March 21, 2018 billvonGeez, ya think? Hannity, 2008 - Being willing to meet with Kim Jong Un is "one of the most disturbing displays of Obama's lack of foreign policy expertise." Hannity, 2018 - "A huge foreign policy win for President Trump. Little Rocket Man blinks. Now, the president’s tough rhetoric, his bold action, his severe sanctions, they appear to be working tonight. President Trump is accepting an invitation to meet with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un." Why would he want to meet with Kim John Un in 2008? He wasn't in power for another 3 years? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,029 #13 March 21, 2018 >Why would he want to meet with Kim John Un in 2008? He wasn't in power for another 3 years? Sorry, make that "il." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #14 March 21, 2018 wolfriverjoe******I thought this was common knowledge? Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all garbage. All funded by stakeholders with a financial interest in trying to get you to believe certain things. The bias in Fox News' reporting is painful. Any so-called news agency that has such a blatant, obvious strong bias toward any one side, liberal or conservative, is obviously not a real news reporting agency. If you want real news go to NPR or BBC. When you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. You don't think illegal actions by the President of the US are newsworthy? CNN didn't care about Clinton's concubines. The media trashes Trump for congratulating Putin but they thought it was great when Obama did the same."America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcd11235 0 #15 March 22, 2018 nolhtairtWhen you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. A more reasonable explanation is that they don't cover the same stories at the same time.Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Westerly 61 #16 March 22, 2018 jcd11235***When you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. A more reasonable explanation is that they don't cover the same stories at the same time. The most reasonable explanation is that neither of them cover news period and they are both garbage propaganda dissimulators and not real news outlets. But then again I guess people dont want real facts, they just want a bunch of political drama wrapped up into something CNN and Fox calls news and they just want to believe that what they are watching is real news, even if it's not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #17 March 22, 2018 Westerly******When you're watching CNN today, they're talking about Trump and his tryst with the porn star, and then on Fox News, they're talking about the Austin, TX bomber. Yep. There's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. A more reasonable explanation is that they don't cover the same stories at the same time. The most reasonable explanation is that neither of them cover news period and they are both garbage propaganda dissimulators and not real news outlets. But then again I guess people dont want real facts, they just want a bunch of political drama wrapped up into something CNN and Fox calls news and they just want to believe that what they are watching is real news, even if it's not. Not saying I agree or disagree with you, but just for reference, what would you consider "real news"? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcd11235 0 #18 March 22, 2018 WesterlyThe most reasonable explanation is that neither of them cover news period and they are both garbage propaganda dissimulators and not real news outlets. But then again I guess people dont want real facts, they just want a bunch of political drama wrapped up into something CNN and Fox calls news and they just want to believe that what they are watching is real news, even if it's not. Both substandard? Yes. Both equally bad? Not even close.Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,029 #19 March 22, 2018 >The most reasonable explanation is that neither of them cover news period and they >are both garbage propaganda dissimulators and not real news outlets. CNN is infotainment. They are often accurate, but will usually go for the starlet sex scandal over the budget talks. Their reporting is shoddy and superficial at best - but tends to be accurate at a 10,000 foot level. FOX is propaganda. They are a bought and paid for arm of the GOP. Their reporting always favors the politically correct spin over and above the facts. (That's why FOX viewers have the greatest number of misconceptions concerning current events.) Want to watch car crashes and stories about popular movies? CNN is great. Want to see what the GOP's talking points are? FOX is your source. Want news? Reuters, BBC, AP, AFP and NPR are all good sources there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #20 March 22, 2018 billvon CNN is infotainment. They are often accurate, but will usually go for the starlet sex scandal over the budget talks. Their reporting is shoddy and superficial at best - but tends to be accurate at a 10,000 foot level. You left out "missing airliners"."There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #21 March 22, 2018 gowlerkQuoteThere's your difference. CNN is so hyper-focused on Trump's life and job it's beyond ridiculous. CNN is nearly all Trump nearly all the time. It is very true. They are clearly as anti-Trump as Fox is pro Trump. I agree with them, but that is beside the point. I let my Washington Post subscription expire because of that, I got so sick of seeing BS about Trump while there are real issues going on in the world. I go to Reuters and BBC now, was going to get a WSJ subscription but I don't want to put money in Murdoch's pocket."I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob_Church 7 #22 March 23, 2018 What really bugs me are the people who instantly respond with "well, if you didn't get your news from Fox" anytime you disagree with them. I've accumulated maybe an hour of Fox while stuck in waiting rooms, but say something they don't like and that's the instant assumption. The other one that I hate is people who think that since i'm past 60 I must like country music. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob_Church 7 #23 March 23, 2018 ryoder *** CNN is infotainment. They are often accurate, but will usually go for the starlet sex scandal over the budget talks. Their reporting is shoddy and superficial at best - but tends to be accurate at a 10,000 foot level. You left out "missing airliners".When I worked on the phone company line crew they all called CNN the "Commie News Network" and condemned it for it's left wing bunch hippies bias. When I went to work at the School of Art I got used to it being referred to as a tool of the Right Wing Fascists. Personally, I just found that it had way too many commercials to wade through. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,217 #24 March 24, 2018 I don't actually watch TV at all. But I look at the CNN website a lot. It's pretty rare lately that the top story is not something about Trump. Big stories can push him from the top for a couple hours once in a while. But not for long. CNN is definitely in the business of going after Trump. They are all over every aspect of his story like they are over plane crashes. It's like a "white Bronco chase" that never ends. It's good for their ratings and they are pumping it for all they can get out of it. As far as FOX goes, I never see it at all. I only hear about what they are doing. NPR and CBC are my mainstays. A lot of right wing people consider them to be anti Trump. But I only see them reporting the news. The facts are what is anti Trump. You have to be willfully blind not to be anti Trump.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,385 #25 March 24, 2018 Hi Ken, QuoteYou have to be willfully blind not to be anti Trump. A lot of that afflication out there. Jerry Baumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites