
Left wing bigotry and xenophobia... wtf??

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I went to a TYT video talking about a Russian disqualified for banned substances in the olympics, a story they misreported overall, but here are some comments from their viewers, which made me sad for the state of neoliberal brainwashing in the US today. The video was posted less than 5 hours ago.

Russians are doing absolutely poorly in the medal count. This is Russia in their true form....they absolutely SUCK!

Russia being Russia

Russians are ALMOST as dumb as right wingers.

Russia is so pathetic.

The Russians get caught doping EVERY Olympics. They're notorious cheaters.

Russians just love cheating lol

Guess it's just innate for a Russian to cheat.

russians cheat in everything, period !!!

This is the type of crap you get from "liberals" now. If Trump said this about Mexicans, they would throw a fit, but since it's "The Russians" it's ok... utterly repulsive.

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Given the rigorous testing there it does show, who and what countries are clean.

IMO this story most accurately reflects the IOC.

Of course Russian sport is corrupt, but then so are the Olympics

Russia’s backdoor Olympics

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Well, since we now know that the head of the Russian Anti-Doping Program, was also in fact the head of the Russian Doping Program, why should we think they have changed?

See the Netflix documentary "Icarus"(2017)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icarus_(2017_film)
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I went to a TYT video...

...This is the type of crap you get from "liberals" now. If Trump said this about Mexicans, they would throw a fit, but since it's "The Russians" it's ok... utterly repulsive.

Well, first off, who is this?

I've never heard of them before. Did a quick search and found a fairly obscure group.

And there's always been 'this type of crap' from all sides.

Liberals have had Alternet, Common Dreams and a host of others.

Conservatives have Breitbart, InfoWars, Fox News and a host of others.

To judge an entire political spectrum (any group for that matter) based on one group is pretty foolish.
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I just assumed this is the result of CNN and MSNBC blaming Russia for Trump. Maybe TYT viewers are more reactionary, but obviously they swallowed the "Putin meddled in our elections" narrative, for which there is no evidence. There were social media trolls of course, who happened to be ethnically Russian... but that isn't the way it's being reported.

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This is the type of crap you get from "liberals" now. If Trump said this about Mexicans, they would throw a fit, but since it's "The Russians" it's ok... utterly repulsive.

Sorry, first of all how do you know these are liberals?

Second of all how do you know conservatives aren’t saying the exact same things?

Third do you get the difference between what happens when random individuals say dumb or racist things and when the head of state says dumb or racist things?

And really, if you think it’s a relevant defence of Trump that he’s no worse than a bunch of anonymous internet comments section contributors then it’s a pretty strong indictment of Trump, isn’t it?:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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That wasn't meant to be a defense of Trump. I voted for Jill Stein, so I'm to the left of democrats. Then I demexited and registered green party, since they are the only party in America that doesn't take bribes. They're still trying to smear Jill Stein as being a Russian puppet and taking votes from Hillary, MSNBC interviewed her recently. She dominated the confrontational interviewer, as always, but the hacky democrats put out articles and such with titles saying she went nuts.

They show no signs of stopping this Russia smearing. There are even idiots comparing it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor attacks. At first they said Podesta's emails were hacked, then when that was proven false, they just moved the goalpost. Now it's twitter bots! Even the neutered cuck Bernie Sanders is pushing this garbage, because he thinks it hurts Trump and others in his administration. The democratic establishment literally rigged the primary against Bernie supporters.

I had to give up on anything getting better in the next two decades. All I can do is continue to vote green until they become a viable party. Even the "Justice Democrats" movement are a bunch of passive whiners, and the establishment will continue to neuter and steamroll them. I can no longer vote in the rigged primaries anyway, since the democratic party has closed primaries in my state, and I'm no longer a democrat.

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>This is the type of crap you get from "liberals" now.

Hating the opposing team isn't a liberal or conservative thing. It's as American as hot dogs and cracker jacks - "root for the home team; if they don't win it's a shame."

Go to any sports bar that has an significant football game on and see if there's any difference in behavior between conservatives and liberals. You could replace "Russians" with "Redskins" or "Patriots" or "Chargers" and hear exactly the same sorts of smack.

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