RonD1120 62 #1 February 24, 2018 I am starting this thread to allow the Russiagate thread to stay on track. Dr. Dan Eichenbaum is a local ophthalmologist, radio personality, 2nd Amendment rights advocate, biker, military veteran and all round good guy. The following article sums up what we are fighting for in America today. QuoteWhy did we not recognized what was happening? At first, this socialist agenda was hidden behind the “Cloak of Benevolence” . . . it’s for the children, it’s for the poor, it’s for the sick, it’s for the best. Today, as we see the changes taking place, it is brazenly out in the open. The ends justify the means, and America’s course was set on a downward spiral toward totalitarian control of the individual. The Trump victory put them on notice that there are vast numbers of Americans who don’t live on the east or west coasts and who still believe in the true American Dream. If we want to have any chance of preserving true freedom for our children and grandchildren, we must take this battle to the next level NOW. It is time to publically call out and confront anyone, anywhere, in any position of power or influence, high or low, federal, state, or local whose plan and agenda is to steal our property, our natural law rights, and our freedom. We still do have the First Amendment Right of Free Speech to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Just remember – they consider burning the American Flag and riding a bike naked through downtown Seattle an act of “free speech”. Over the years I have noticed a pattern to the objections of my posts. They originate in America from CA, OR, WI, IL (Chicago) and FL Not much from heartland America. Furthermore, the British and the Canadians are very frequent opponents. In other words those who tend to be on the outside looking in voice the loudest complaints. Understand this, those of us on the inside looking out are at a level of maximum resistance. Free market capitalistic conservative democratic government is the battle ground. Free speech and the rule of law are the implements of war.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #2 February 24, 2018 Oh Ron! This is where you get your philosophical approach to God and life? What is Agenda 21 and How It Will Affect You Dr Dan Eichenbaum NC Freedom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #3 February 24, 2018 Phil1111Oh Ron! This is where you get your philosophical approach to God and life? What is Agenda 21 and How It Will Affect You Dr Dan Eichenbaum NC Freedom My philosophical approach to God is a relationship with Him through Jesus the Christ. Agenda 21 not been talked about much lately. Maybe it should. It was/is of grave concern. The progressive liberal movement has many factions, Agenda 21 is one of them. One world government, one world leader, one world religion for the weak non-Judeo/Christians. We can't stop it but we must seek to muddy it up and slow it down.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #4 February 24, 2018 Here just for Joe Weber: for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #5 February 24, 2018 There is a lot of stuff there. But the biggest flaw in this whole thing is the assumption that Dr Dan gets to define the "true American dream". His idea of that may appeal to you, but it does not match up with the majority of Americans. He clearly wants the first Amendment to apply only to those who agree with him. That is a fatal flaw right there. So in order to keep things reasonably simple lets start with that premise. Do you believe in free speech for flag burners? Or Muslims. Or war resisters? Or people who sit during the Anthem? Are you a true enough American to support freedom for all?Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #6 February 24, 2018 QuoteAgenda 21 not been talked about much lately. Maybe it should. It was/is of grave concern. The progressive liberal movement has many factions, Agenda 21 is one of them. If you believe that you are just plain wrong. That list is simply a list of fears made up by someone. Do you really believe there is any organization anywhere in the world with that agenda? Are you really so far into made up conspiracy theories? There is no such agenda Ron.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,063 #7 February 24, 2018 Jesus was a progressive liberal. Why do you pretend to love him when in fact you hate all that he stands for?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #8 February 24, 2018 Wisconsin isn't the "heartland"? And the act of protest in burning the flag isn't "Free Speech"? I don't agree with the Professor Gowlerk on a lot of things, but you seem to want free speech to mean "I can say what I want, but I don't want you to say things I don't like". Which isn't how it works. Edit: Oops."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeWeber 2,768 #9 February 24, 2018 RonD1120Here just for Joe Weber: Yes, and thank you for turning me on to WND News. Sadly, it was a week late to catch the WND Exclusive Special: Have Sodom and Gomorrah been found? I have to say those Muslims are a damn tricky bunch pulling the hijab over all the local cops eye's and the darn FBI, too. For sure they had them cold on digging a bunker. I mean who was that dumb cop who investigated and believed they were installing a septic tank? Like, Duh??? You know, I heard the other day that there was a group of rogue Amish who were planning on ramming their buggies into a local car dealership. Do you think WND could check that out, too? Did you see this: It's in a masnews link, number 2 in your bing search. Sadly, this one was for real. Three white guys from Rome, Georgia who wanted to overthrow the US Government by bombing police stations and power lines and stuff. Bad for them their bomb supplier (who can you trust anymore?) turned them in to the FBI. No biggie. They were white and weren't using food stamps to buy the bombs so get over it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #10 February 24, 2018 Ron, I am just as much of an American, with my way of life being protected, as you are. Finding wedge issues to drive co-countrymen apart is one way that tyrants start to work on populations to let them take away freedoms so they can take over. It is far worse to destroy America trying to “save” it than to accept that 2018 is different from 1958, and that people just like you define what is worthy and what isn’t. Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RMK 3 #11 February 24, 2018 RonD1120 the British and the Canadians are very frequent opponents. In other words those who tend to be on the outside looking in voice the loudest complaints. I'm curious how the internet blog of an ophthalmologist is going to give great insight into geopolitics. I lived in the US for 18 years; so have a fair understanding of what the US is like. For the last God Damn time on "Freedom" here are some numbers: The planet has 196 countries of which: 125 are electoral democracies 86 are free and while I'm at it... 38 have red, white & blue flags You're not that God Damn special."Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcd11235 0 #12 February 24, 2018 RMKThe planet has 196 countries of which: 125 are electoral democracies 86 are free and while I'm at it... 38 have red, white & blue flags You're not that God Damn special. Click Me.Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #13 February 25, 2018 I am responding to you because your post is neutral. The others are attacks. I am trying to provide some insight as to the values of the people who elected President Donald Trump. If bitterness and downright anger against us is all that can mustered by your opposition then you are doomed to failure again. You people have to come up with ideas that work. Your intellectual elites have only provided ideas that sound good.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #14 February 25, 2018 > If bitterness and downright anger against us is all that can mustered by your opposition > then you are doomed to failure again. I disagree. Trump's campaign was characterized by bitterness and anger - and it _worked._ And democrats will learn that lesson, and work to stoke even more anger. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #15 February 25, 2018 I'm going to suggest that expecting every single liberal to come sympathize with and understand the conservative point of view because we "lost" is just as disingenuous as expecting you to accept and embrace Obama was elected would have been. Neither side is more right or more wrong, for that side. And, just as random mutations end up evolving into successful (relatively) creatures, so do political movements change the country, and impact its people. Some may want a more authoritarian approach so they feel secure, others may want a less authoritarian approach. Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeWeber 2,768 #16 February 25, 2018 RonD1120I am responding to you because your post is neutral. The others are attacks. I am trying to provide some insight as to the values of the people who elected President Donald Trump. If bitterness and downright anger against us is all that can mustered by your opposition then you are doomed to failure again. You people have to come up with ideas that work. Your intellectual elites have only provided ideas that sound good. Whatever, Ron. Your insight has no value. You are a locked down Christian living in the hills of North Georgia. How can you know anything about the changing world we live in? I've traveled to maybe 12 countries in the last year. I doubt you've traveled to 3 counties. People here have been trying to share with you the benefits of their more worldly experiences and when you ignore it and fall flat you quote the bible. You won't give an inch until we accept your God. Why are you even here? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,534 #17 February 25, 2018 RonD1120If bitterness and downright anger against us is all that can mustered by your opposition then you are doomed to failure again. When you lost all you mustered enough bitterness and anger to lead you to abandon the religious beliefs you claim to hold so dear just so you could find other ways to denigrate and lie about the CINC. Now that you’ve won (despite still being in a minority of voters) you’re still holding onto so much bitterness and anger that you’re calling the majority of voters in your country ‘Domestic Enemies of Freedom’. Meanwhile I’ve never seen you come up with a positive plan for anything apart from ‘wouldn’t the country feel so much more united if everyone agreed with me?’Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #18 February 25, 2018 billvon> If bitterness and downright anger against us is all that can mustered by your opposition > then you are doomed to failure again. I disagree. Trump's campaign was characterized by bitterness and anger - and it _worked._ And democrats will learn that lesson, and work to stoke even more anger. You may be correct. If so, then we are headed for a national show down. Sadly, I think that is entirely possible.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #19 February 25, 2018 JoeWeber You won't give an inch until we accept your God. Why are you even here? Maybe it is simply to provide you an outlet for your frustration, anger and, dare I say it, hatred.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tkhayes 348 #20 February 25, 2018 one man's patriot is another man's terrorist. I consider Ron and his like to be a domestic threat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #21 February 25, 2018 Until Ron starts actively working against Americans with foreign viewpoints, as opposed to separating himself, advocating, pontificating, and discussing, he's not an enemy. He's someone who disagrees. Advocating, voting, even contributing reasonable amounts to building the kind of political system he likes is what we do. I might disagree with his goals, and I'm welcome to share mine. I see a huge difference between trying to build my goals, and undermining someone else's. The one is standing on strength; the other is weaking the "other," which is the antithesis of fair competition. In a race, the faster person should win. They should not win if they deliberately trip their opponent. They won fair and square if their opponent is having a bad day, or if their opponent ran the wrong way, or even if the opponent tripped. If the opponent is regularly seen as being superior, most viewers are still going to consider the opponent to be stronger, until subsequent matches. So no, Ron isn't my enemy. I don't understand his negative viewpoint entirely, but if I were in the mountains of north Georgia with a dead car, I wouldn't hesitate to ask him for a reference to a garage, a reference to a place to stay. And he he were to send someone this way who needed such things, I wouldn't hesitate to provide the same. Until that person proved themselves. But then I trust first, then verify, unless it's pretty evident that I need to protect myself first. I've been rewarded for that approach far more than I've been penalized. And, TK, given your personal history, I can totally see your having an opposing view. Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeWeber 2,768 #22 February 25, 2018 RonD1120*** You won't give an inch until we accept your God. Why are you even here? Maybe it is simply to provide you an outlet for your frustration, anger and, dare I say it, hatred. Hatred? No. Anger? Sometimes. Extreme frustration? Absolutely. Your domestic enemies thread is something I find frustrating. It's a bogeyman hunt originated by someone in desperate need of bogeymen. The very title presupposes that we are both surrounded and infiltrated by enemies. The implication is that these enemies are both seen and not seen and quite possibly unknown. While that might fit in to your theology I find it to be a horrible and inaccurate world view. Of course there are dangerous crazies running around. And, no doubt, some are running in crowds. But we are not under general attack. For you, it seems, any two muslims constitute a terrorist cell. The three actual white guy terrorists from your own back yard in Rome, GA don't seem to count. And because you look straight past them and see people of color to find your bogeymen it comes off as racism to some. It's been suggested before but it might be that you need to come out of the hills for a while and see the world others are living in. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #23 February 25, 2018 I don't think you have any idea of how common such thinking is in the gun community. For lack of a better term. There is scarcely any gun forum in the US that dosn't have separate sections on "survival". Survival isn't how to live in the in the bush should you get lost while hunting. Its all about assembling a "bug out bag", a rifle(usually AR-15), handgun and misc backpacking supplies. All to survive a meltdown of US society. Brought about by civil unrest, a debt implosion, domestic political unrest, etc. Those with financial means buy rural properties stockpiled with weapons, food, etc. Is Ron alone? Additionally, Ron is not unique in viewing any organization, be it the UN, the FBI, democrats, etc. Who want to remove gun rights for them. As having some sort of ulterior motivations. i.e. first the guns, then freedom, aka George Orwell 1984. AFAIK such thinking is unknown in Europe, given limited consideration in Canada and Australia. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoink 321 #24 February 25, 2018 The title of this thread speaks volumes about your attitude. I am NOT your 'enemy', Ron. Nor are most Americans... that you need to classify people who disagree with you as enemies is unhealthy and paranoid. It's the action of someone trying to find a threat to justify something about their world-view. I agree with Wendy's post, 100%. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #25 February 25, 2018 Good post, I agree.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites