
Net Neutrality

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As many of you have probably noticed net-neutrality is being attacked again. If you don't know what it is, net-neutrality means that all internet traffic must be treated the same by internet service providers. No traffic can be given preferential treatment or slowed down.

Who I am, why i'm advocating for net-neutrality. I'm a former Navy Information Technician where I worked with military intel. I have a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering and currently earning my Masters in Public Administration with a focus on Policy Analysis. Repealing net-neutrality is bad for everyone except large internet service providers like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon. It does not matter if you are a democrat, republican, or independent, repealing net-neutrality is bad for everyone. If you don't take my word for it more informative links are below.

**What is net-neutrality:**




**How Net neutrality effects small business**:


**What can happen:**


**What you can do about it:**

Email the members of the FCC panel, write a physical letter, call and e-mail your representatives, sign petitions, and spread awareness. Listed in order of effectiveness. Urge your representative to introduce a bill that makes the internet a public utility. That is the only way to stop the repudiative attacks on net neutrality.

These are the emails of the 5 people on the FCC roster. These are the five people deciding the future of the internet.
We need convince three of the other members to flip to a No vote to save Net Neutrality.
Blow up their inboxes!

Ajit Pai - Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov

Mignon Clyburn - Mignon.Clyburn@fcc.gov

Michael O'Reilly - Mike.O'Reilly@fcc.gov

Brendan Carr - Brendan.Carr@fcc.gov

Jessica Rosenworcel - Jessica.Rosenworcel@fcc.gov

Spread this comment around! We need to go straight to the source. Be civil and be concise.

Here is all the contact information for the US Senate.


Here is all the contact information for the US House.


Here is another way to contact your representatives


Here is a partition to sign:





**Skydiving analogies**

Paying more for free flying jump tickets than RW or vice versa. Being restricted to a 206 instead of the Otter for certain jump types. Some drop zones only allowing certain types of containers at there drop zone or requiring you to pay extra to use a different manufactures equipment.


If you have an questions please ask, policy analysis is one of the things I do.

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I wonder how all this ties into the September, 2016 prediction of change?

Correlation reaching 100%.
U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership


U.S. Falls in U.S. News Best Countries Rankings
More than 70 percent of survey respondents lost respect for U.S. leadership as a result of the toxic nature of the U.S. election, according to a poll conducted for the 2017 U.S. News Best Countries Rankings.

That sentiment, combined with global distaste for Donald Trump, played a role in the U.S. falling from the No. 4 Best Country to No. 7.

Tax-cut proponents ignore that there’s no free lunch

Republicans’ tax reform proposals, but also because the resolution itself contains bad news for many Americans. If you have a high income and are wealthy, you stand to win a lot, if you are poor or have modest income, you stand to lose a lot, and if you are old, you should be afraid, very afraid, of what comes next.

The US has been downgraded
The US has lost its status as a “full democracy” and is now what the research group calls a “flawed democracy,”

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No clue what you're referring to.
Although with the changes you've predicted, one would think the rapture already happened.

It did.

Only we sinners are left behind.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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23 Sep 2016, had nothing to do with the Rapture, the Second Coming or the end of the world. It was a prediction about a major shift in world affairs. The focus countries at the time were the U.S. and Israel.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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>If he follows through with moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, he's liable to have a war start
>in the middle east.

Even better for him. Wait until he's about to be indicted, start a war, then have his sycophants claim "it's madness to indict a president in the middle of a war! You are colluding with the enemy!"

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Actually, voters chose Hillary.
Republican gerrymandering gave us the child we have instead.

gerrymandering has nothing to do with the electoral college.

If states opted to allocate Electors on a district basis, then it would be possible, but Trump won because he captured several states by very close margins. Voter suppression efforts in battleground states may have contributed, but gerry'd districts just helps keep the GOP's hold on Congress.

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***Actually, voters chose Hillary.
Republican gerrymandering gave us the child we have instead.

gerrymandering has nothing to do with the electoral college.

If states opted to allocate Electors on a district basis, then it would be possible, but Trump won because he captured several states by very close margins. Voter suppression efforts in battleground states may have contributed, but gerry'd districts just helps keep the GOP's hold on Congress.

Correct thats a congressional/house effort to thwart democracy.



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Gerrymandered districts help Republicans keep control of statehouses, where the districts maps are drawn. You're right that gerrymandering doesn't affect the presidential election directly, but control of the statehouse means control over voter laws, which certainly have effects on national elections.

- Dan G

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