quade 4 #1 October 14, 2017 Quote PollingReport.com Would you say that Donald Trump is honest? Yes 40% No 56% (Quinnipiac U., RV, 10/5-10) Source: https://twitter.com/pollreport/status/919338655939887104 Data: http://www.pollingreport.com/trump_ad.htm I can understand how some people may still support Trump. Okay, root for your team no matter what, but how the hell does anyone believe Trump is honest? Seriously. How the hell is that even possible? Not only is Trump a liar. I believe he enjoys it. I also believe he's freakin' HORRIBLE at it. I have never seen any conman in my life who was so blatantly bad at outright lies.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #2 October 15, 2017 QuoteNot only is Trump a liar. I believe he enjoys it. I also believe he's freakin' HORRIBLE at it. I have never seen any conman in my life who was so blatantly bad at outright lies. That may be the source of some of his support. When you tell a lie that everyone knows is a lie, and you know they know, is it still a lie?Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #3 October 15, 2017 Which is a ludicrous concept. Hey, I'm more than willing for people to tell me they'll go along with him and ignore his lies because they want their; tax break, guns, Omaba erasure from history, whatever, but if they honestly believe Trump is honest, which is what the poll indicates, they're suffering from some sort of delusion.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoink 321 #4 October 15, 2017 quadeQuote PollingReport.com Would you say that Donald Trump is honest? Yes 40% No 56% (Quinnipiac U., RV, 10/5-10) Source: https://twitter.com/pollreport/status/919338655939887104 Data: http://www.pollingreport.com/trump_ad.htm I can understand how some people may still support Trump. Okay, root for your team no matter what, but how the hell does anyone believe Trump is honest? Seriously. How the hell is that even possible? Not only is Trump a liar. I believe he enjoys it. I also believe he's freakin' HORRIBLE at it. I have never seen any conman in my life who was so blatantly bad at outright lies. It's not lying. It's LEADERSHIP. This is how real men run stuff. Not pussy liberals. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #5 October 15, 2017 In some ways, we have always lived in a post-truth era Think about the way you search for information. If you’re a new mom who believes vaccines cause autism (and a number of women in your mommy group do, too) are you searching for research that shows whether they actually do, or are you Googling “vaccines cause autism” to find stories to affirm your belief? (Studies show there is no link between vaccines and autism.) The mother above is probably motivated by fear. Such “motivated reasoning,” says political scientist Charles Taber of Stony Brook University, shows that we are all fundamentally biased. “You have a basic psychological tendency to perpetuate your own beliefs,” he said “to really … discount anything that runs against your own prior views.” It gets even more complicated. Once we’ve convinced ourselves of something, research suggests facts don’t appeal to us. A study co-led by Nyhan found that trying to correct a person’s misperception can have a “backfire effect.” When you encounter facts that don’t support your idea, your belief in that idea actually grows stronger. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/04/20/science-march-war-truth-political-polarization/100636124/ I personally don't agree with this concept but it explains those who go to sources that predictably are proven wrong. Yet they keep returning to those same sources. Sort of like a old horse that keeps returning to a dry well. Because there was water there once. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #6 October 15, 2017 Phil1111In some ways, we have always lived in a post-truth era Have you read "Fantasyland" yet? https://www.amazon.com/Fantasyland-America-Haywire-500-Year-History/dp/1400067219?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-osx-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=1400067219 That said, there is a difference (I think so anyway) between believing in a lie about subjective things like a god, and believing lies in objective facts. Many of the things Trump says are lies which can be proven to be lies simply by looking at objective facts.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #7 October 15, 2017 yoink***Quote PollingReport.com Would you say that Donald Trump is honest? Yes 40% No 56% (Quinnipiac U., RV, 10/5-10) Source: https://twitter.com/pollreport/status/919338655939887104 Data: http://www.pollingreport.com/trump_ad.htm I can understand how some people may still support Trump. Okay, root for your team no matter what, but how the hell does anyone believe Trump is honest? Seriously. How the hell is that even possible? Not only is Trump a liar. I believe he enjoys it. I also believe he's freakin' HORRIBLE at it. I have never seen any conman in my life who was so blatantly bad at outright lies. It's not lying. It's LEADERSHIP. This is how real men run stuff. Not pussy liberals. You really do need to put little winky faces after you write things like that. Somebody might take you seriously.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #8 October 15, 2017 I don't know why you would find that poll surprising. Considering this: Quote God’s creation of the Earth, Noah and the flood, Moses at the Red Sea: These pivotal stories from the Old Testament still resonate deeply with most Americans, who take the accounts literally rather than as a symbolic lesson. An ABC News poll released Sunday found that 61 percent of Americans believe the account of creation in the Bible’s book of Genesis is “literally true” rather than a story meant as a “lesson.” Sixty percent believe in the story of Noah’s ark and a global flood, while 64 percent agree that Moses parted the Red Sea to save fleeing Jews from their Egyptian captors. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2004/feb/16/20040216-113955-2061r/Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoink 321 #9 October 15, 2017 quade You really do need to put little winky faces after you write things like that. Somebody might take you seriously. Sad, isn't it? quade Many of the things Trump says are lies which can be proven to be lies simply by looking at objective facts. See a post I made in the mass shootings thread a few days ago - Objective facts aren't what they used to be. They're more emotional than they've ever been... which is ridiculous. 'Here's a proven fact!' 'I don't like it. It must be FAKE NEWS. Moving on...' That is the world we're really living in - I'm still baffled by it. I honestly don't know how to communicate effectively in it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #10 October 15, 2017 quade***In some ways, we have always lived in a post-truth era Have you read "Fantasyland" yet? https://www.amazon.com/Fantasyland-America-Haywire-500-Year-History/dp/1400067219?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-osx-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=1400067219 That said, there is a difference (I think so anyway) between believing in a lie about subjective things like a god, and believing lies in objective facts. Many of the things Trump says are lies which can be proven to be lies simply by looking at objective facts. Had not heard of it. I agree, somewhat about some people believing in God but question their same beliefs in creationism.Only the US among modern industrialized western nations. Has allowed debate about creationism being taught in schools. With regards to trump, he is just an old fashioned lying salesman. The kind you find in auto transmission shops. Where every issue requires a "rebuilt" transmission. For him lying is just deeply ingrained in his psyche. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonyhays 86 #11 October 15, 2017 I'll see your creationist nonsense and raise it with...well, whatever you call this stupidity. Quote A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/14/277058739/1-in-4-americans-think-the-sun-goes-around-the-earth-survey-says“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #12 October 15, 2017 tonyhays I'll see your creationist nonsense and raise it with...well, whatever you call this stupidity. Quote A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/14/277058739/1-in-4-americans-think-the-sun-goes-around-the-earth-survey-says OK, so now we have to account for the other 10% of Americans who are trump supporters. IMO they are the ones that think Elvis is still alive. 25% above from study and another 10% is the 35%, the total who are still trump believers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #13 October 15, 2017 >You really do need to put little winky faces after you write things like that. >Somebody might take you seriously. Trumpoe's law - there is no parody you can make about Trump that someone won't take seriously. Because, really, what's so outrageous/stupid that Trump wouldn't do it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
winsor 236 #14 October 15, 2017 billvon>You really do need to put little winky faces after you write things like that. >Somebody might take you seriously. Trumpoe's law - there is no parody you can make about Trump that someone won't take seriously. Because, really, what's so outrageous/stupid that Trump wouldn't do it? I'm kind of hoping that he realizes "What's this red button..." is supposed to be a joke. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #15 October 16, 2017 I honestly believe President Trump's supporters simply do not care. I also do not put trust in the polls. I believe the sampling is skewed from the start. No one I know, including me, will participate in those telephone polls. We are looking to the end result and we believe it will be much better than the start. This day to day noise is just cacophonous nonsense.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #16 October 16, 2017 QuoteI also do not put trust in the polls. I believe the sampling is skewed from the start. No one I know, including me, will participate in those telephone polls. Me too. And the people who do participate often lie just for fun. Trumps supporters do not care is correct. But many people who held their noses when they voted for him are likely having regrets. Even I had some hope that he might rise to the position. But apparently he is not willing or able to grow.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #17 October 16, 2017 RonD1120I honestly believe President Trump's supporters simply do not care. Which says enough about them to wonder why they participate.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #18 October 16, 2017 When I am overwhelmed with data that supports whatever the communicator is attempting to communicate, I ignore the message. Our world and its systems are bombarding us with a never ending mass of information. No one tries to think. They just ask Google and take the top link. Interestingly enough, our sermon at church last night was delivered by a medical professional on looking at facts and trusting the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As one of his examples he related going into the hospital room and looking at the patient, his chart, the three IV drips and, the settings on his ventilator. From his examination, his medical mind concluded and convinced him that the patient would never walk out of that room. He is also a licensed Bishop in the Church of God. The Holy Spirit spoke to him and directed him to pray for the patient and he did. The patient returned to church last Sunday. Facts are indisputable facts and they are everywhere. But God intervenes and guides for His purpose. I voted for Donald Trump because I wanted a massive shake up in Washington. Right now as far as I am concerned, we are right on schedule. No one expected Trump to be president. The facts were not in his favor but, God intervened.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #19 October 16, 2017 QuoteNo one expected Trump to be president. The facts were not in his favor but, God intervened. Hopefully She will intervene again soon. Before too much damage is done. Prayer never hurt anyone. But God helps those who help themselves.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #20 October 16, 2017 I was unaware that your god is in the Electoral College. That's who intervened. Gerrymandering seems to work until it gets before a court. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aphid 0 #21 October 16, 2017 RonD1120When I am overwhelmed with data that supports whatever the communicator is attempting to communicate, I ignore the message. Rejecting a message because data overwhelmingly supports it? I thought that was the domain of conspiracy mongers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Niki1 1 #22 October 16, 2017 If you tell a big lie over and over more and more people will believe it. Especially if it's something they want to believe anyway. "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts." The good news is that we maybe shouldn't as worried about climate change. Trump will bring about the end of the world before they put a Coast Guard station in Atlanta.Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done. Louis D Brandeis Where are we going and why are we in this basket? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #23 October 16, 2017 Niki1If you tell a big lie over and over more and more people will believe it. Especially if it's something they want to believe anyway. "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts." The good news is that we maybe shouldn't as worried about climate change. Trump will bring about the end of the world before they put a Coast Guard station in Atlanta. The next End of the World (TM) is scheduled for Oct. 21. Don't miss it.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #24 October 16, 2017 aphid***When I am overwhelmed with data that supports whatever the communicator is attempting to communicate, I ignore the message. Rejecting a message because data overwhelmingly supports it? I thought that was the domain of conspiracy mongers. In my case, I simply lose interest.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites