
The New Face of Dropzone.com Is Nearing

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Hey guys/girls,

Firstly, an apology. I realize we (our admin team) have been a little scarce around the site in recent months, but with fair reason. We've been hammering away at creating a modern version of dropzone.com that caters to the way our online behaviours have changed.

Our primary goal was to move DZ.com to a responsive layout that will work seamlessly on mobile devices, something that the site hasn't been able to cater to in the past. About half of our visitors are using mobile devices, and we apologize for the fact that we haven't been able to cater to your experience sooner.

With that said, the new site will bring with it full responsive layout, improved forums and forum functionality, and improvements to all the sections on the website. From classifieds and articles, to the way you upload media and reviews.

Attached is a screenshot of the new classifieds section, it gives a glimpse into what you can expect in the coming months (or possibly even weeks). We're going to be focusing heavily on the removal of scammers and the prevention of them, while the latter is tough to do without forcing paid ads only -- we are going to work hard on ensuring that the site is a pleasure to use, and not one where one feels threatened by scammers. The new website will include a feedback system to allow for users to easily decide whether another member is trust-worthy enough for them to complete a deal with.

This is just one small aspect of the new website, but wanted to share it with you all to at least give some insight into what is going on behind the curtain.

Change can be scary... And we realize that. That's why we're going to have developers on standby during our release, to ensure that we are able to walk through the release with you guys. There are bound to be some bugs hidden in the floorboards, but we're dedicated to getting it under control, with your help. We will release another statement closer to launch, but know that we're excited and ready to provide you guys with the website you deserve.

Thank you for the patience in the development process, it's been a long one, but we can't wait to get back to focusing on content and making dropzone.com a site where you feel at home.


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