baronn 111 #1 October 15, 2018 Am I the only person having a difficult time finding a BOD candidate to endorse? Seems all of those running want to tell us about how long they've been jumping, running a DZ, skydive awards, ratings blah, blah, blah. Now don't get me wrong, we certainly don't want anybody that doesn't know about our sport but, I haven't heard a single candidate talk about addressing (what I think) are more pressing issues. Using members money to fund a failure like the Museum, failing to address the need to put the meetings online to improve efficiency and costs, addressing the problem with the rash of 182 crashes lately and a number of other issues that need to be addressed. Feel free to correct me with anything I may have missed. An informed decision is usually a better 1... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyfox2007 22 #2 October 15, 2018 No kidding. This year's pool of candidates is rather mum about many of the real issues affecting our community - or so their comments suggested. Only a few of the candidates were willing to even hint that there were problems that required redress. Rather than spend hours I don't have investigating their individual backgrounds or their professional opinions on key issues, I decided it would be much more efficient to cast a vote for each of the challengers (non-incumbents). Many of our community's biggest complaints - like the annual museum donation - were decided upon by the incumbent board members. Maybe voting them all out of office and forcing a 100% turnover of the BOD will be sufficient to remind the winners that acting unilaterally and without the community's input is not in their best interest. -JD- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3331 137 #3 October 15, 2018 Don’t let the USPA BOD waste anymore of your money on donations to the International Skydiving Museum (boondoggle) in Orlando. Here is the vote right from the BOD meeting, this is available to all USPA Members right here . Look up USPA Meeting Minutes, BOD 2018 Summer Meeting (Jul 2018) and scroll down to Motion 14, what you will see is attached. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baronn 111 #4 October 15, 2018 296K? Fuck, it's worse than we were led to believe. Clearly any BOD member that supports this is drinkin the Kool-Aid. Out they go! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3331 137 #5 October 15, 2018 I was on the National Skydiving Museum Committee with Bill Ottley and Chris Needles from 2002 to 2005. From the beginning of the Museum and Hall of Fame project all agreed NO financial burden would be on the USPA Members. The Museum and Hall of Fame would stand alone financially from donations and charging admission. Building cost started at $5,000,000 on FREE land next to USPA HQ in Fredericksburg Virginia. Now it $16,000,000 on land that’s not FREE in a second location in Orlando. Giving our dues money to the International Skydiving Museum and Hall of Fame should be voted by the Members, not by the BOD who are supposed to represent the Members.I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grimmie 186 #6 October 15, 2018 Albert Berchtold did a nice series of videos on facebook for his re election to the BOD. In this day and age, it would be nice to have a panel of members question candidates live on the USPA facecrack page. Members watching could ask questions live also. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CTSkydiver 0 #7 October 16, 2018 Are you running? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peek 21 #8 October 16, 2018 grimmieIn this day and age, it would be nice to have a panel of members question candidates live on the USPA facecrack page. Members watching could ask questions live also. Yes, it would be nice, but I can't even get members to care enough to give me a call, during which I can explain a lot in a short period of time. One guy calls me every election cycle (thanks Dave!) to ask me who to vote for, and that's usually it. People who cannot justify their answers to your (sincere) questions are not going to allow you the opportunity to put them on the spot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topdocker 0 #9 October 16, 2018 grimmie In this day and age, it would be nice to have a panel of members question candidates live on the USPA facecrack page. Members watching could ask questions live also. No reason to do anything like that. Most are just running on name recognition, not substance. Unless that changes, expect more of the same. In this day and age, there is no reason that the BOD meetings are not broadcast via web. We can see the world meet judged live, but heaven forbid we see who cast a vote for the museum! Again, unless enough members demand change, expect more of the same. top PS I will call you back in the future, Gary!Jump more, post less! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,998 #10 October 16, 2018 >In this day and age, there is no reason that the BOD meetings are not broadcast via web. There is a very big reason - no one is doing it. I am certain that if you volunteered they would be happy to let you do it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnhking1 96 #11 October 16, 2018 In my BIO for National Director, I listed my e-mail address and phone #. Out of 40,000+ members I got one e-mail. John King Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hooknswoop 19 #12 October 16, 2018 Thank you for the e-mail discussion. Derek V Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnhking1 96 #13 October 16, 2018 Thanks for contacting me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyfox2007 22 #14 October 17, 2018 Skydivers genuinely care about their community. But our cynical attitude is reflective of the leadership we have. You ran for national director and I respect that. But an email in a bio isn't going to inspire action. This highlights another fundamental problem we skydivers have: how do we genuinely develop a confidence in a candidate whom we've never met or seen? And BOD members don't exactly have the money to campaign, so then how do you get your name out there? I think streaming BOD and director meetings is a good start. If streaming meetings of a governing body doesn't sound like it would inspire a desire to get involved, then why does the average American waste time watching C-span or CNN during high-level government processes in spite of the high levels of cynicism out there? Look at how the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing ignited the public. I guarantee you that had the BOD streamed the last meeting in Wisconsin and advertised a month or two beforehand, folks would have tuned in and the BOD's inboxes would be full of messages regarding the museum donation. If you want participation, you have to engage... -JD- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baronn 111 #15 October 17, 2018 Soooo, you're suggesting that the members do the job that elected BOD shude be doing. What a crappy response. If I had the time (and desire) to run, I wude. Because I don't does that mean I shude just be happy with whatever these folks do once on the board? Elected officials are suppose to reflect what the constituents that elected them want. Simple. If they aren't doing that, then they shude be held accountable and if they can't/won't get the job done it's time for someone who can. That's why it's an election. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,209 #16 October 17, 2018 Some people here sure do get worked up about this. Let me tell you a little secret I've known for a while now. Most members don't care who is on the BoD as long as someone else does it. A few people here act as though it is the leadership of a powerful organization with money and power in the hands of the unworthy. In reality it is a small recreational sports association. Serving on the board is a mundane chore that a few people feel called to do because the are passionate about the skydiving community. The next time you see one of these people, remember to thank them for giving a shit. Instead of attacking them for the way they do a job you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. When are you running? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AtrusBatleth 0 #17 October 17, 2018 I have to agree with gowlerk. You probably get notices about board elections for your bank, investment fund, work union, employer corporate board, etc. Do you actively participate in those elections and meetings? Even in political elections which have far more impact, the vast majority of people just show up to vote on election day (and a primary if you're lucky), never going to any local party meetings or meet-and-greets, etc. Probably 99% of USPA members don't know who is on the BOD, what they do, nor do they really care. I'll admit, I'm one of them. I appreciate what the USPA does, I think they genuinely try to promote safety and such, and for that and the magazine I get, I'm happy to pay my annual dues. Do I support contributions to the museum? Probably not, but since I don't play any active role in the organization I don't really have a right to complain. Maybe some day I'll have enough interest to attend a BOD meeting (I was surprised to discover there was a recent one in Wisconsin, where I could have actually attended easily). But for now, I'm happy being part of the 99% that don't give a damn what goes on at BOD meetings as long as I can show up at my local DZ and have some fun once in awhile.Max Peck What's the point of having top secret code names, fellas, if we ain't gonna use 'em? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baronn 111 #18 October 17, 2018 Have to disagree. This discussion was never about who does the job, it's always been about how the job is being done., Cudos to anyone that chooses to step up and be on the Board. This raises the question: If it's such a shitty job, why run? Clearly has to be motive. What is it? If you choose to run and get elected, what fiduciary responsibility is there for protecting the interests of those you were elected to represent? Seems that is being ignored here and some other agenda is taking place. The museum was NEVER suppose to be funded with members money, This boondoggle has failed to materialize in 30+ yrs, no clear plan to ever get it done is being presented and how is throwing another 125K (or 150K) gonna change that? If yer gonna choose to do the job, have a plan to get it done. So far, very few have even come on here to state their position on almost anything for the future. Mysteries make ya wonder why...….. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topdocker 0 #19 October 17, 2018 billvon>In this day and age, there is no reason that the BOD meetings are not broadcast via web. There is a very big reason - no one is doing it. I am certain that if you volunteered they would be happy to let you do it. I don't have the technical expertise to make it happen. Nor do I want to take on the expense of such an undertaking for the organization. There are actual people at USPA who get paid actual salaries to have this knowledge and expertise. Elijah Florio (Director of Communications) and Jen Sharp (Director of Information Technology) would come to mind, or an underling. However, staff only operate within the directions of the BOD and the Executive Director, so it would still need to come from the top. (Not trying to throw those two under the bus, they are great individuals and work very hard, just showing that there are people already at USPA who probably CAN do this.) topJump more, post less! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,998 #20 October 17, 2018 >Soooo, you're suggesting that the members do the job that elected BOD shude be doing. >What a crappy response. Well, I am saying that if it's important to you, do it. If it's not important to you, then stop complaining. >Elected officials are suppose to reflect what the constituents that elected them want. Yep. But if constituents can't even be bothered to tell elected officials what they want, then they deserve whatever they get. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topdocker 0 #21 October 17, 2018 gowlerkSome people here sure do get worked up about this. Let me tell you a little secret I've known for a while now. Most members don't care who is on the BoD as long as someone else does it. A few people here act as though it is the leadership of a powerful organization with money and power in the hands of the unworthy. In reality it is a small recreational sports association. Serving on the board is a mundane chore that a few people feel called to do because the are passionate about the skydiving community. The next time you see one of these people, remember to thank them for giving a shit. Instead of attacking them for the way they do a job you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. When are you running? I served two terms already. I had no misgivings about the size of the organization or the money involved, but I took the job seriously and tried to provide the members my best effort. And while some aspects were mundane, it was great to know you were serving the sport. In general, I think the BOD does a good job, but I know they can serve the members better. topJump more, post less! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baronn 111 #22 October 17, 2018 I'm saying it now. And I'm not the only 1. Pay attention Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,998 #23 October 17, 2018 >I'm saying it now. Cool. How many have you talked to? (Not just posted on a forum, talked to, via email or phone.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyfox2007 22 #24 October 18, 2018 You know, most skydivers may not give a damn right now. But the museum and licensing decisions have got everyone's attention - at least at the DZ's that I frequent. Are most skydivers upset about paying a few extra bucks a year or making a few extra formation jumps to pass licensing criteria? Not really. But do you think these decisions constitute good precedents? Nope. The folks up at the USPA feel they can make X donation or Y rule without consequence and there will be more to come. You'll be singing a different tune when the USPA passes some silly rule that negatively impacts your regular experience at the DZ or when our community experiences a rash of accidents that the FAA holds the USPA in contempt for and steps in to correct the issue. -JD- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyfox2007 22 #25 October 18, 2018 Really. I've been after my regional director for some response via email nor a call back. Is it that we're not talking or is someone else not listening? -JD- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites