
Cant seem to make up my mind

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Hi! So I've done 8 tandems and did my first solo jump a few months ago. My solo went great, the fear kinda slapped me in the face but while under canopy, I felt amazing. It was so peaceful and my landing wasn't terrible haha. BUT Im here in Texas and I can't seem to be off of work on the right days or the winds are too high for me to be able to jump.

Spaceland dallas is where I've been jumping, they seem very corporate compared to some of the other DZs. They kinda rush people through and I'm not sure im just still trying to get over the fear or if I just don't feel safe?
Did you just get your license done all at once or did you space it out? Can you tell me if you had the same kind of experience?

I REALLY want to get my license but obviously not bad enough?


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I spread mine out across a year, with tunnel time in the off season to help with having to repeat a level several times early on. But that was mostly not wanting to blow a weeks vacation without my family, and wanting to stretch my money a little further. I'm still the same as a fun jumper; I only do a few jumps a month so I can balance time with family and finances. But if I was single and money was no object, it would make sense to take the time off and get it all done quickly while things are still fresh in your head (within reason; depending on what shape you're in, too many jumps in a day can be exhausting and ineffective).

I don't know about DZs in your area, but you should find one YOU feel comfortable with. The bigger ones may feel less personal, but the smaller ones will have you waiting longer between loads and may not be able to get you up enough to finish in a week if that was a goal. Aircraft/altitude may also be different. I'm a big guy, so I get pretty cramped in a 182 (legs always falling asleep) and I fall fast. I trained in a Caravan going to 13k. I know I would not have performed as well at a 182 DZ going to 10k, between cramped rides to altitude and having less freefall time per jump. But that's just my preference.
Max Peck
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It took several months for me to get my license and weather was part of the problem.

One thing that might help is to jump with the same instructors each time. They will know you better and can adjust the learning for you, better than if you have someone different (new to you) each time. This might be hard to do if your work schedule it not the same every week.

I was a slow learner and had to switch gears and slow down a bit. A did that at a small DZ. Each DZ will have strong points and weak points. At your stage in the game it will be hard to know what is good and what is less than good. A lot of that depends on the student. Everyone is a bit different, both students and instructors. I was a student at one DZ and everyone wanted Bob to be their instructor, including me. Bob was great. But after waiting in line for Bob too much, I decided I would rather jump with someone else than wait for Bob. As you get more jumps, things will make more sense.
Instructor quote, “What's weird is that you're older than my dad!”

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You may need to travel south a bit to be able to jump Later summer/ fall is notorious at that DZ for high winds. Spaceland has bought San Marcos otherwise I'd recommend it. For a non corporate DZ with a turbine check out Texas Skydiving company in Madisonville they fly a caravan. Other than that there's many 182 DZs around. My favorite being Skydive Temple.

I took nearly a year to get my A, down near Houston mostly for money reasons but there were a few high wind days.
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I worked at Spaceland. I can tell you they have some of the best gear and the best maintained planes in the business. very structured program that is 18 jumps to get to self solo. The pay there was the worse I've ever experienced. Expected to be there early and stay all day even if there wasn't any work. 364 day a yr schedule. The reason I mention this, is because they tend to go thru instructors. I believe yer comfort level depends heavily on the instructor. Ya never know how that may go at Spaceland because of this. Overcoming the fear depends a lot on yer ability to gain enuff knowledge to put that aside by simply knowing what to do. If you can find that person, you'll have a higher level of success. keep lookin till ya get it

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