
VMag chin mount

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Anyone has experience with the VMag chin mount on a Kiss?
The mount looks super secure and it's very nice to be able to remove the camera while keeping your helmet on but I'm wondering how it will disconnect if a lateral force is apply in the event where a line pulls on it sideways.
How does it compare to Grellfab?


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I got this reply from VMag but I'm still interested in the comparison with Grellfab if anyone know.

Arrow colors
In red: a line caught in the camera for whatever reason
In blue: the force required to pull the camera off the mount
In green: the resultant force in the system where friction will probably play a role


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I would be more concerned about losing it from the occasional combat RW encounter. The mag and Grellfab also protrude so far, which makes interference with the mud flaps while looking to the side under canopy worse. 

I love the https://chinmount.com/ alternative. I haven’t seen anything so low profile, so inexpensive, so well made, and can be used on a Kiss helmet. The ability to dislodge, and break or cutaway is superior to the mag IMO.

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Thanks for the info, the mount looks nice. 

I bought the Vmag since it was on sale a few weeks ago but testing will wait till next year. 

I found this video from Brian Germain and its easier to see the features than the videos on the official website



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Finally got to testing the mount.

It's AWESOME, you should see the faces of everyone on the plane when you pull the camera to start it prior to jumping, priceless. 

They are now multiplying at my DZ since Grellfab went under.
It's a breeze to install on the helmet and it doesn't move unless you pull straight out.
I don't find that the mount interfere with my risers

I heard that first generation are sometimes cracking at the camera mount when over torqued but mine doesn't show any weakening

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A friend of mine has a chinmount(.com) on Kiss helmet. He recently had a cutaway and said he had trouble looking down for handles (due to the mount hitting his chest when he bends his head down).

Not sure on the geometry of vmag (and if it differs from chinmount), but you might want to check this while under canopy next time, to be prepared for it if nothing.

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I've been using VMag mounted on Cookie G4 for few months now and I'm satisfied.
If I may say that I'm confident that it will release if it's needed to release and that it will not if it's not supposed to (high-ish speed :D).
It doesn't vibrate / wobble during free fall and it doesn't obstruct my line of sight.
Also, regarding @Binary93 comment from above, I have no problem looking down, and seeing handles, although this might be difference in helmet type, not necessarily in camera mount. 

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