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3 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

 I say screw them all as they did us and accept the reality that in 2 years we may not hold the senate or house and Kamala Harris may be president. We need to get while the getting is good. No quarter and no pretense of quarter, either.

[Targets of opportunity]

Republicans have a history of caving in to the Democrats, not the other way around. As evidenced on 6 Jan 2021. They know that in the end game they will come out ahead because they see benefit where the lefties only see conflict.

{Leadership vs Managerial Control}

It remains the two-headed snake.

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3 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

I, for one, have no intention of wearing a tin foil hat to demonstrate my happy go lucky desire to get along. I say screw them all as they did us and accept the reality that in 2 years we may not hold the senate or house and Kamala Harris may be president. We need to get while the getting is good. No quarter and no pretense of quarter, either.

I don't have any intention of wearing that tinfoil hat either. However, I'd rather not get while the getting is good, and assume that we're going to lose the House and Senate in two years. If we have a "fuck you we won" attitude for the next two years, then any bipartisanship goes out the window again. It's tenuous, but I'd rather build on a tenuous foundation that doesn't ignore such a large number of citizens.

Actions can be illegal (like refusing to serve people based on color or religion, like invading the capitol, like burning businesses). Feelings can't be illegal. Over the last 60 or so years, it's become unacceptable to openly discriminate and use some language, even though the language is still legal. It's no longer second-glance-worthy to see an interracial couple. Yeah, some families still discourage it, but that's not the same as every person looking twice. Personally, the more the actions that express some feelings become either illegal or unacceptable, the smaller the percentage of people that are likely to feel them.

Stephen Miller is a pretty good example that there are always the throwbacks, but the more people are engaged in general-society building, the smaller the margin who feel threatened enough to turn to him.

I hope. It's how I'm built. And we've seen a pretty good example of the results of "fuck you we won" on the country.

Wendy P.

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2 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

[Targets of opportunity]

Republicans have a history of caving in to the Democrats, not the other way around. As evidenced on 6 Jan 2021. They know that in the end game they will come out ahead because they see benefit where the lefties only see conflict.

{Leadership vs Managerial Control}

It remains the two-headed snake.

Ron, there was no Republican cave on the election. Trump lost big and not a scintilla of evidence to the contrary has yet been presented. In court case after court case Republican judges tossed out Trumps unsupported cases, the majority of which did not claim fraud. You were not robbed. You lost. Show the evidence or accept defeat. 

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2 minutes ago, wmw999 said:

Ron, obviously you think that your values supercede the continuation of the rule of law in the United States. That's now how we're built. We change the laws, and expect they will impact how things run.

Wendy P.

And that is why the hope of instant bipartisanship in the year 2021 is doomed to fail.

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35 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

Republicans have a history of caving in to the Democrats, not the other way around. As evidenced on 6 Jan 2021.

I know that you think I hate your religion, but you are wrong about that. I am completely disgusted by your selfish rejection of democracy. That is something I truly hate.

Edited by gowlerk

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37 minutes ago, wmw999 said:

If we have a "fuck you we won" attitude for the next two years, then any bipartisanship goes out the window again.

Merrick Garland, Amy Coney Barrett, two names that demonstrate the need to play hard ball. Politics is a blood sport.

Edited by gowlerk

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48 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

[Targets of opportunity]

Republicans have a history of caving in to the Democrats, not the other way around. As evidenced on 6 Jan 2021. They know that in the end game they will

If by Democrats you mean people who believe in democracy then yes, on 6 Jan most Republicans finally caved to the will of the people as demonstrated in a free and fair election. That’s who the Republicans are in opposition to.

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12 hours ago, yobnoc said:

So the issue I have with this response is that it seems like you're saying the Q(uackery) was like your version of professional wrestling; it was entertaining, so who cares if it's all fakery?  But you're failing to acknowledge and come to terms with it being actually fake.  I don't know a single person who thinks that WWE is real - they're content to say "Ok, well, it might be staged but hey those guys do get real banged up in the process." But they don't live their lives, alienate their communities, shoot up pizza parlors, or storm the Capitol based on the fantasies that entertain them. 

You completely lost me (and I'm pretty sure the entire room) when you tried to link this to how you got a bunch of free jumps.  There's no connection there, but maybe that's just a side-effect of your credulity in making nonsense connections, similar to the Q crap. 

As for your last line, you should know what a "deepity" is in your line of work.  It's basically baffling with bullshit, in case this is a new term for you.  Life is dynamic.  "Expand and elevate your consciousness" is a catchy buzzword way of saying you think you've got some secret the rest of us don't have, but you're going to be super duper vague to the point where you're saying nothing at all.  And whether things happen for you or to you is a simple mindset change in positive thinking.  No mystery to it, Ron.  You might have those "double diamond" wings, but your philosophy is "bar napkin" at best.

Please, for your own safety do not try to live your life like mine. God has a unique plan just for you. The key to finding it lies with Jesus Christ as the gateway.

God has allowed me to seek the danger of crises. For in danger there is opportunity.

To quote Dr Hawkins again, A+B does not equal C. A,B, and C manifest congruently within a given paradigm.

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3 hours ago, RonD1120 said:

As evidenced on 6 Jan 2021. They know that in the end game they will come out ahead because they see benefit where the lefties only see conflict.

As evidenced on 6 Jan 2021, lefties prefer the rule of law; Trumpies prefer violence, murder and armed insurrection over democracy.  And in the end, the violent mob will lose.

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21 hours ago, RonD1120 said:

Q keep occupied, excited, and fascinated for almost three years. I thank God that He gave me that blessing. Now I will look for something else.

And 5 people died. Are you entertained enough yet?

You remember how the Romans persecuted early christians by feeding them to the lions in the arena for entertainment? 5 lives - this is how much your amusement cost.

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31 minutes ago, olofscience said:

And 5 people died. Are you entertained enough yet?

You remember how the Romans persecuted early christians by feeding them to the lions in the arena for entertainment? 5 lives - this is how much your amusement cost.

My fascination as a sociologist is that an obscure poster on an esoteric web site was able to organize the voters like no other movement in my lifetime. 

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2 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

My fascination as a sociologist is that an obscure poster on an esoteric web site was able to organize the voters like no other movement in my lifetime. 

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. Thanks to Q, more people voted for Biden than any other POTUS in history. They certainly got the vote out. Thanks to them, Georgia is now blue and will likely stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Edited by okalb

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3 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

My fascination as a sociologist is that an obscure poster on an esoteric web site was able to organize the voters like no other movement in my lifetime. 

So now you're a sociologist, too? Has your fascination as a quantum theorist caused you to wonder why the truth always seems to happen somewhere else whenever you're there?

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1 hour ago, RonD1120 said:

Portland Oregon

Yep.  There's actually not that much going on up there.  If you think that the city is burning - you are just another victim of the sensationalist media.


My fascination as a sociologist is that an obscure poster on an esoteric web site was able to organize the voters like no other movement in my lifetime. 

Uh - Georgia went blue.  Biden won.  So if anything, an obscure poster on an esoteric web site was able to . . . make the Senate, House and presidency blue.  And some of the South as well.

So far the only enduring legacy of Q will be a deadly riot, and the vandalism and looting of the US capital.  And a dead cop.

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24 minutes ago, olofscience said:

That wasn't for fascination, excitement or amusement. Why bring it up?


Deflection, is important when mental gymnastics, the mascinations of Q and god are in conflict for the underlying personal needs of safety, forgiveness.

In other Q style conspiracy news. Texas Supreme Court rejects Alex Jones request to toss lawsuits from Sandy Hook parents

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53 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

My fascination as a sociologist is that an obscure poster on an esoteric web site was able to organize the voters like no other movement in my lifetime. 

And as a result lost the House, lost the Senate and lost the Presidency despite having the incumbent advantage.

If that's what the Republicans were able to do with the greatest voter mobilisation tool in 80 years, just how bad was their core message? Think about it, how out of touch, how devoid of ideas, how politically and morally bankrupt did the Republican's platform have to be to have such a phenomenal voter effort on their side and still lose everything?

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Those "other people," who disagree with Ron's assessment, aren't in his information stream. It's kind of like when a 9-month-old plays peek-a-boo - when they can't see you, you don't exist. True for so many of the people I see on FB saying "Trump has an overwhelming majority."

Wendy P.

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6 minutes ago, jakee said:

And as a result lost the House, lost the Senate and lost the Presidency despite having the incumbent advantage.

If that's what the Republicans were able to do with the greatest voter mobilisation tool in 80 years,

Do you mean gerrymandering,redistricting,  voter suppression, robocalling fear techniques, limiting early voting-voting by mail, discouraging registration, registration barriers,etc? Or QAnon?

Because as Ron knows already, QAnon is just another form of poll taxes and literacy tests. Whatever it takes to suppress minority votes. Don't forget god endorses these actions because god is white.

jakee, I direct your attention to Brent in one of his climate denial threads. I need your help because banging my head against the concrete wall hurts.

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