
PC nose over

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it used to be pretty common back in the days of spring-loaded pilot chutes. It happens when, after the canopy fully opens, the PC simply falls on top of the canopy and slips off the front. Canopies with very-deep brake settings often surge forward, then backwards as they come to full inflation (before you unstow your brakes).

To clear them, you simply pull both toggles down fully to the stall position and the PC will generally fly back over the canopy to the rear. If the PC does NOT clear, then you simply need to fly your canopy back and land, making sure the PC does not catch too much air and try to squeeze off the center of your canopy (sort of like a Mae West or a lineover might do). If you can't clear it and it's starting to squeeze off your main, simply fly along at half brakes to prevent the PC from inflating more and deforming your main.

Ultimately, you will find out if your canopy is landable that way when you perform your controllability check. You DO still do those, don't you? If the PC over the nose is causing your canopy to turn, you ought to be able to correct the turn with less than 50 percent brake on the side away from the turn.

I have never seen an instance where a PC over the nose warranted cutting away. I have landed a few of them that I could not clear under massive MC4 HALO rigs.


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I had 3 in 11 jumps on spring-loaded student rigs (none since on sport gear). I was told that they are more common for light students, not sure if this is true. In each case my controllability check was fine and I landed them all without any problem.
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>I have never seen an instance where a PC over the nose warranted cutting away.

I have only seen one such instance out of several hundred PC-over-nose instances, and it was when a canopy partially collapsed due to turbulence and could not reinflate due to the bridle tightening around the nose. (He cut away low, but was OK.) But 99.9% of the time they can be landed without trouble.

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I had a pc nose over on an early AFF jump. I figured it might be because I'm a bit of a lightweight - 145. It caused me to turn at a medium rate to my left but after doing my control check I judged I would be able to safely land with toggle compensation. It wasn't my most accurate landing but I felt it was safe. Like the others said it is usually probably not a big issue.

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