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The best builder

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"I am the BEST builder, just look at what I've built."  "I'm a builder; I know how to build. Nobody can build like I can build. Nobody. And the builders in New York will tell you that. I build the best product."

Yesterday a large section of Trump's new wall . . . fell over.  Because it was windy.

Up next - "no one could have predicted there would be wind.  No one."

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I'm surprised scrappers didn't show up and chop it up for recycling.

I can put anything at the curb here, even with the slightest bits of metal in it, and it's gone in very short order. Even the receiver hitch mount bike carriers we had next to the house on the RV pad disappeared. Dammit.

Scrappers are very efficient at what they do.

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15 hours ago, ryoder said:

We need that wall ASAP!!!

Then it will put a stop to things like this!!!

Oh yeah.  Also it turns out that the builders had to put hundreds of two foot high, four foot wide openings in the wall at ground level that the border patrol leaves open all summer.  To keep it from falling down.  Well, to keep it falling down even more often than it does, that is.


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