
Static Line to AFF?

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Hey all,

I've done a search but can't find the answers, so I'm hoping that some of you may be able to help me!

I've done a tandem and a static line jump, both last year, and I've been trying to save for the AFF course - I loved the freefall of the Tandem (which I did first) and missed it on the static line jump.

But what with changing jobs and having to fix my stupid car, the AFF course still seems as distant as ever. I've heard it mentioned that I can continue with the static line, then convert to the AFF course half way through?
How does this work? I'm thinking that I might be able to get my jumping fix doing some more static line, while I save for the AFF.

Ok, well I didn't really mean to write this much, thanks in advance for your help!


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I ended up doing kind of a hybrid program myself because I had some struggles with my early jumps off the static line.

That said, how effectively you'll be able to "transfer" will depend on the instructional staff at the dropzone(s) you're hoping to work with. Some will be more willing to be flexible and accomodating, others will have very specific student progressions that they won't deviate from. Best way to know is to ask.

Another thing to think about - if you continue with the static line program, by the time you're ready to switch into AFF, you may already be at the freefall portion of the static line progression, making it a moot point.

Static line and AFF eventually get you to the same place - the skills you need to get an A license. Both contain ample freefall time, they just take different approaches. Food for thought.
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I plan on continuing the static line in the UK, then go on a holiday to do the AFF course when I get to the right stage. The reason I want to go abroad is because of the weather really, but also (fingers crossed), I'd like to do the FS course as well.

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Hi Kate, hope the links below are useful to you.

I managed 3 static line jumps before the British winter and work comitments meant my 3months were up and I'd have to start again from scratch.

Went abroad and completed my AFF. Definately benifited from having done static line as the ground school wasn't completely new to me.

Not sure if its the same everywhere but I think you have to completed at least one 10sec delay before you can convert to AFF allowing you to skip level's 1&2.

Best thing to do is to ask one of the instructors where you are doing the static line course and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to talk to you about it.

I found best thing to do is to shop around when it comes to looking for an AFF course. Some are cheaper than others but some include your own equipment to keep as part of the fee (excl. rig!).

Good luck!



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Yup, you can transfer after 10s delays, which is after a minimum of around 8-10 jumps. But just because the rules say you can, doesnt mean everywhere will let you. But if you're that far with RAPS, you might aswell carry on as you're about half way there (in terms of jumps) already. Transfering to AFF almost puts you backwards.

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Hey Kate!

Some good thoughts above, but there is a specific answer, which is that at RAPs Cat 5, you can transfer across to AFF Level 3 if you want to. How easy it would be to do this if you moved from the UK RAPS system to do AFF in the US with USPA instructors I don't know, but those are the rules here.

That said, I agree with the previous poster, once you get to RAPS Cat 5 you are in many ways much closer to qualifying than if you transferred across to AFF, so with the weather we are having at the moment I would be tempted to stick with it! B|


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I transferred after 15s delays. I'd been stuck on 10s and decided I'd just do an AFF, if necessary start from scratch. After I'd booked the AFF I was progressed to 15s. Having done 15s, I was able to skip levels 1 & 2 on the AFF, and my instructors charged me on a per jump basis rather than as a full package.

One of the advantages of doing a mix & match is that you are likely to know people at the DZ in the UK where you'll be jumping before you come home form your AFF which can be helpful in finding coaches for your FS1 or FF1.

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