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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:25 AM, airdvr said:

Anyone able to tell me what happens when you fly back to the US from the list of countries that are deemed a threat.  I know there are 13 airports you must use but then what?

You kiss the blessed ground upon which this great country was built.

Edited by Coreece
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  On 3/17/2020 at 1:07 AM, brenthutch said:

Sounds like global warming.  It is here, it is devastating, it is worse than we thought, but we just cant detect it yet.

Jesus Christ. Sorry but what an asinine world view. This has become something that nobody has ever lived through before. And by that I mean the lock downs, the travel restrictions etc. Not saying it’s worse than the epidemic 100 years ago, but back then global and widespread travel was not common.

We are in for a wild ride, economically at the very least

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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:16 AM, SivaGanesha said:


Hmmm...something doesn't seem right about these numbers. We are definitely at at least moderate mitigation here in the US at this point. Most non-essential businesses are closing where I live and travel is definitely severely restricted. These numbers suggest there would be no reduction at all in numbers of infections--only the numbers of casualties--by going from weak to moderate mitigation. That doesn't make sense to me, Additionally, in China/Wuhan, the rate of new infections peaked around mid-February, so strong mitigation seems to result in a peak less than a month after the number of cases was at the current US level.

I'm not sure that you can totally believe the data coming out of China.  Only 21 new cases today, with 80,000 total to date seems incredibly low.   I expect that we will be seeing that many per day a year or more from now.  US had an increase, just today, of 25% of the total cases to date, and 31% increase in total deaths to date.


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  1.   On 3/17/2020 at 4:25 AM, airdvr said:

    Anyone able to tell me what happens when you fly back to the US from the list of countries that are deemed a threat.  I know there are 13 airports you must use but then what?

    You wait in a very long line.  Delays of hours at DFW and ORD for processing.

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In the news over here : Europeans are surprised that the biggest increase in sales in the US is... Guns & Ammo... 'Cause you need to protect yourself... 

Proof that we live in different realities, and civilisation has different meanings across the world.

YAY for preppers:E

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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:25 AM, airdvr said:

Anyone able to tell me what happens when you fly back to the US from the list of countries that are deemed a threat.  I know there are 13 airports you must use but then what?

A local girl who came back from Italy a week or so ago was welcomed home. Period. She is self-quarantining at home, but no one checked or anything.

My cousin, who flew back from England a couple of days ago, waited in a reasonably efficient line in Boston, where they asked where she was going to be self-quarantining (she lives in Florida, but had made local arrangements) and what her arrangements were. At least when she came through Boston late Saturday or Sunday, she said it was about an hour, people were nice, and it was generally well-run. She did have her temperature taken and she was asked about symptoms (she'd been on a transatlantic cruise, expecting to spend time in Spain, but that sure didn't happen).

Note that you can be exposed for up to 2 weeks, and actively contagious for up to 4 days, before showing symptoms, and a noticeable number of people show no symptoms at all.

Wendy P.

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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:16 AM, SivaGanesha said:


Hmmm...something doesn't seem right about these numbers. We are definitely at at least moderate mitigation here in the US at this point. 

Moderate???  Here in Pennsylvania we are at DEFCON 1.  All of the liquor stores were closed until further notice as of 9pm yesterday.

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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:52 AM, Coreece said:

You kiss the blessed ground upon which this great country was built.

Because after 8 hours on a A/C going through two airports, standing shoulder to shoulder with 000's of potentially infected passengers.Its probably the cleanest area absent any virus.

Because now they have to worry through the next 14 days and their knees were weak from the implications of possible infection.

Because, yeah rah! rah! its good to be home.

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  On 3/17/2020 at 12:20 PM, Phil1111 said:

Because after 8 hours on a A/C going through two airports, standing shoulder to shoulder with 000's of potentially infected passengers.Its probably the cleanest area absent any virus.

Because now they have to worry through the next 14 days and their knees were weak from the implications of possible infection.

Because, yeah rah! rah! its good to be home.

Ohio is basically closed.  I'm surprised they just let them go their merry way.  Are they screening for a fever or anything?

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Could this be the beginning of SHTF?

Is this an OJT run for what is coming after the Rapture? [See the Book of Revelations regarding the judgments.]

Seriously, I hope you all find safe shelter while you ride this out. Fortunately, I am in reasonably safe enclave here in the north GA mountains. The number of cases has doubled in GA since Friday or Saturday, mostly in the Atlanta area. So far none reported in my area.

Be safe and exercise universal precautions. 


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  On 3/17/2020 at 12:28 PM, RonD1120 said:

Could this be the beginning of SHTF?

Good morning Ron. Nice to hear from you. I was wondering when you would pop up with some fresh version of your ideology. No, this is not SHTF. This is a global pandemic. SHTF is a code word for a white nationalist fantasy about a race war that will divide your country and be the start of a white only homeland. This is not that.

Nor is it the judgement. And God is not going to Rapture anyone, so you don't have to worry about being left behind for not being good enough at following Jesus. She didn't Rapture the Earth over the 1919 pandemic and She will not do it this time either. I know because an Angel appeared before me and told me so.

Just the same, you can never be safe enough. So I strongly suggest that your clan continue to stock pile more and more ammo. But try to get it shipped to you so that you can avoid the filthy hoards up in Chattanooga. I know your first instinct is to head up there to volunteer to help out as much as you can because that is what a real Christian would do. But at your age please don't do that. Stay safe and whatever you do try to be near a keyboard and an connection to the outside world.


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  On 3/17/2020 at 10:58 AM, piisfish said:

In the news over here : Europeans are surprised that the biggest increase in sales in the US is... Guns & Ammo... 'Cause you need to protect yourself... 

Proof that we live in different realities, and civilisation has different meanings across the world.

YAY for preppers:E

That's because ammo is easier to obtain than masks:


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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:16 AM, SivaGanesha said:


Hmmm...something doesn't seem right about these numbers. We are definitely at at least moderate mitigation here in the US at this point. Most non-essential businesses are closing where I live and travel is definitely severely restricted. These numbers suggest there would be no reduction at all in numbers of infections--only the numbers of casualties--by going from weak to moderate mitigation. That doesn't make sense to me, Additionally, in China/Wuhan, the rate of new infections peaked around mid-February, so strong mitigation seems to result in a peak less than a month after the number of cases was at the current US level.

I don't see "Moderate" here (Wisconsin). Everything is open (Edit to change: No, everything isn't open. Schools are closed, the YMCA is closed, Green Bay shut down the bus system, the libraries are closed, some of the Nature Centers have closed their buildings but the trails are still open). Out on the West Coast, there are 'shelter in place' orders. That would be "Moderate". 
The difference in the number of deaths is the idea that with a slower spread (look at the peak dates), there would be far less load on the healthcare system. I'm hearing (unconfirmed) reports that it's bad enough in Italy that very old people are simply being put in a regular hospital room and left to die because they don't have enough ICU beds and specialized equipment for everyone. 

The local radio morning guys posted on FB something to the effect of:
Look at what happened at the stores when everyone wanted a three year supply of TP all at the same time. 
Now think what the hospitals would look like if all those people got sick at the same time.

THAT is why we need to take these steps to slow the spread.

  On 3/17/2020 at 4:25 AM, airdvr said:

Anyone able to tell me what happens when you fly back to the US from the list of countries that are deemed a threat.  I know there are 13 airports you must use but then what?

It sucks. I have a friend who just came back from Guatemala, on one of the last flights before the shutdown. 

She posted this:
America, you're dropping the ball, big time! I just stood in nearly two hours of customs that looked just like those pictures of Ohare and DFW where thousands of people stand shoulder to shoulder and there is NO SCREENING WHATSOEVER for Covid-19. Nada. Just making us all stand there with a filthy floor holding all our bags. Guatemala on the other hand has been taking temperatures of every arriving passenger for over a week. They were constantly bleaching the floors, sanitizing surfaces, the airport was very clean. Miami is a fucking pit. Discarded masks, trash, neck pillows even on a dirty ass floor. I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for this. I took a photo but a customs agent immediately made me delete it because you're not allowed to take photos there. Word might get out about the b******* going on with our screening procedures.

  On 3/17/2020 at 10:58 AM, piisfish said:

In the news over here : Europeans are surprised that the biggest increase in sales in the US is... Guns & Ammo... 'Cause you need to protect yourself... 

Proof that we live in different realities, and civilisation has different meanings across the world.

YAY for preppers:E

Those aren't REAL preppers. Those are 'wannabes'. Real preppers already had a year's supply of TP (along with food, water, guns, ammo, first aid supplies, soap, ect) on hand. 

  On 3/17/2020 at 12:28 PM, RonD1120 said:

Could this be the beginning of SHTF?

Is this an OJT run for what is coming after the Rapture? [See the Book of Revelations regarding the judgments.]

Seriously, I hope you all find safe shelter while you ride this out. Fortunately, I am in reasonably safe enclave here in the north GA mountains. The number of cases has doubled in GA since Friday or Saturday, mostly in the Atlanta area. So far none reported in my area.

Be safe and exercise universal precautions. 


Nope. Your ongoing fantasy of shooting the roaming gangs of thugs that will come out of Atlanta for you and your stuff is not likely to happen.

Not with a 3%-4% mortality rate. 

We may have a mess, lots of people dying, hospitals overwhelmed, that sort of thing (look at Italy). But a real breakdown in society, no police to enforce order, dudes in shoulder pads & Mohawk haircuts riding around on beat up crotch rockets? 
Not gonna happen. 

Edited by wolfriverjoe

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  On 3/17/2020 at 10:58 AM, piisfish said:

In the news over here : Europeans are surprised that the biggest increase in sales in the US is... Guns & Ammo... 'Cause you need to protect yourself... 

Proof that we live in different realities, and civilisation has different meanings across the world.

YAY for preppers:E

Well you see, gun ownership and sales are functionally unlimited so all the criminals have guns and so everyone else wants a gun because they don't want to limit how ownership and sales function.  Make sense yet?

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Elon Musk says the coronavirus response is stupid and has set an example by tweeting to his flock that he will be going to work. There you have it folks, the smartest man on the planet says "nothing to see here"


Edited by brenthutch

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  On 3/17/2020 at 3:35 PM, brenthutch said:

Elon Musk says the coronavirus response is stupid and has set an example by tweeting to his flock that he will be going to work. There you have it folks, the smartest man on the planet says "nothing to see here"


Well, you better tell Fox News

Fox News suddenly changes its tune

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