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  On 4/18/2020 at 4:09 PM, markharju said:

"Confederate Flag"...nice touch. So anyone who disagrees with government fiat is a fascist/nazi/racist/bigot/homophobe/whatever. Thanks for clearing that up.

Actually nowadays the federal government is the source of many of those fascists/nazis/racists/bigots/homophobes (and many other fine people.)

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  On 4/18/2020 at 8:51 PM, billvon said:

Actually nowadays the federal government is the source of many of those fascists/nazis/racists/bigots/homophobes (and many other fine people.)

It's ironic that the zeitgeist has gone from "Trump is literally Hitler!" to "Why isn't Trump taking over the country!?" That's how it looks from my point of view, anyway. There is a huge First-World Problem here: How do we contain this pandemic without violating civil/human rights? In a third-world dictatorship, this would be simple: "Anyone violating curfew will be shot." BTW where is the ACLU when we really need them most?

Edited by Guest

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  On 4/19/2020 at 6:45 AM, markharju said:

It's ironic that the zeitgeist has gone from "Trump is literally Hitler!" to "Why isn't Trump taking over the country!?" That's how it looks from my point of view, anyway. 

Luckily for us your point of view on this doesn't seem to have much to do with reality.

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  On 4/19/2020 at 6:45 AM, markharju said:

It's ironic that the zeitgeist has gone from "Trump is literally Hitler!" to "Why isn't Trump taking over the country!?" That's how it looks from my point of view, anyway. There is a huge First-World Problem here: How do we contain this pandemic without violating civil/human rights? In a third-world dictatorship, this would be simple: "Anyone violating curfew will be shot." BTW where is the ACLU when we really need them most?

"Why isn't Trump providing competent, coherent leadership?"

is NOT the same as

"Why isn't Trump taking over the country?"

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  On 4/19/2020 at 9:32 AM, kallend said:

It's ironic that the zeitgeist has gone from "Trump is literally Hitler!" to "Why isn't Trump taking over the country!?" That's how it looks from my point of view, anyway.

Then you have a very warped perception of the majority opinion. Sure, there are millions of deluded simpletons who would be thrilled if the powers Trump claims were his actual powers and he could use them to stamp out the libtard hordes. But the sad truth is that those fine people are, by and large, ignoramuses who are intellectually incapable of keeping the different moving parts of complex problems in workable order in their minds. As I see it, it isn't that they want winning so much as they want who they despise to see what losing feels like. It's those worthies who seem desirous of authoritarianism even though they can not understand what that really means. 

The majority simply want fair, intelligent, checked and balanced leadership from the executive. The exact opposite of what we were gifted with when the system went to hell in a hand basket and elected Donald J. Trump as our President.

Edited by JoeWeber
I'm a doof. I was responding to Mark, not John, but I'm too dumb to do the quote thing apparently.

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  On 4/19/2020 at 2:16 PM, JoeWeber said:

 As I see it, it isn't that they want winning so much as they want who they despise to see what losing feels like. It's those worthies who seem desirous of authoritarianism even though they can not understand what that really means. 


I think that is a very astute observation.

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  On 4/19/2020 at 6:45 AM, markharju said:

It's ironic that the zeitgeist has gone from "Trump is literally Hitler!" to "Why isn't Trump taking over the country!?" 

You win the strawman argument of the day award!

Up next -"the left claims that the right literally drinks the blood of children.  Well, they DON'T!"

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  On 4/18/2020 at 4:07 PM, markharju said:

As for your calling BS: C-16 (compelled speech). I rest my case.

C-16 doesn't compel speech.

Lie number 3 to keep your argument alive. I don't think you have a single clue what you are talking about beyond right wing talking points sprinkled with some standard military talking points. Same mindless drivel you get on Fox News.

Let me guess, you think all those "liberate x state" protests just organically started too right? They are just all of a sudden random citizens standing up? 

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  On 4/19/2020 at 11:50 PM, SkyDekker said:

I don't think you have a single clue what you are talking about beyond right wing talking points sprinkled with some standard military talking points. Same mindless drivel you get on Fox News.

Hi Sky,

By golly, I think that you're onto something here.

Jerry Baumchen

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