Jumpdude 0 #1026 June 3, 2015 theonlyski ******She blocked me. Again. Apparently ignoring things is how she operates. Well, except Twotter noise anyway. Odd human. What thread or forum did she block you from? I wanna get blocked!!! Join the party!!!! lol Not hard to do actually, you just have to show her how dumb her comments are and she will block you pretty quickly from the facebook page and apparently twitter now as well. Oh yeah, I got blocked from the CQS Facebook, so that shouldn't be a problem! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rick 67 #1027 June 3, 2015 theonlyski ******She blocked me. Again. Apparently ignoring things is how she operates. Well, except Twotter noise anyway. Odd human. What thread or forum did she block you from? I wanna get blocked!!! Join the party!!!! lol Not hard to do actually, you just have to show her how dumb her comments are and she will block you pretty quickly from the facebook page and apparently twitter now as well. she dug up this as a response to a comment I made on the CQS facebook page to show what an asshole I am You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #1028 June 3, 2015 Rick *********She blocked me. Again. Apparently ignoring things is how she operates. Well, except Twotter noise anyway. Odd human. What thread or forum did she block you from? I wanna get blocked!!! Join the party!!!! lol Not hard to do actually, you just have to show her how dumb her comments are and she will block you pretty quickly from the facebook page and apparently twitter now as well. she dug up this as a response to a comment I made on the CQS facebook page to show what an asshole I am Well, in her defense.... ;-)Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rick 67 #1029 June 3, 2015 You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theonlyski 8 #1030 June 3, 2015 Jumpdude *********She blocked me. Again. Apparently ignoring things is how she operates. Well, except Twotter noise anyway. Odd human. What thread or forum did she block you from? I wanna get blocked!!! Join the party!!!! lol Not hard to do actually, you just have to show her how dumb her comments are and she will block you pretty quickly from the facebook page and apparently twitter now as well. Oh yeah, I got blocked from the CQS Facebook, so that shouldn't be a problem! Yeah, but only the cool kids were on her list of people she was going to subpoena for a lawsuit."I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890 I'm an asshole, and I approve this message Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #1031 June 3, 2015 theonlyski Yeah, but only the cool kids were on her list of people she was going to subpoena for a lawsuit. Yeah. When I read the comments from her mom on the news site, I found the claims that Kim never threatened anyone rather... Amusing."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #1032 June 3, 2015 Unstable(Maybe my post should be SC) but I think this whole incident is a good argument for some degree of Tort Reform. This has nothing to do with tort reform. QuoteShe can keep suing and suing and suing as long as she has other people's money, and she can keep losing with no consequences. That's just completely incorrect. QuoteWhy isn't she reimbursing Mile High for their legal fees? Rather than giving you the basics of American legal procedure, why not just let MHS's attorneys grapple with that? This thread could use more signal, and less noise. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 814 #1033 June 3, 2015 She threatened me with a lawsuit when I signed up for the CFQS news letter. She blocked me on CFQS FuckedUpBook page after sharing and commenting on her idiotic posts. She has be blocked on CFQS Twitter after she sliced only my comments out and made of post of them alone. I copied the full text and shared it. She has a habit of blocking and ignoring facts. Must be the noises in her head. There must be a way to deal with constant crazy complainers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyMarko 1 #1034 June 3, 2015 You should be able to look at her Twitter if you're logged out? I don't have Twitter, so I just click the link and it takes me there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unstable 9 #1035 June 3, 2015 Do you think you could have been more condescending on your response? I am not an attorney (as you have pointed out), but they are fair questions. Kim has been vocal on her twitter feed (sorry, cannot post a link from this server) but that this is viewed as a setback, rather than the end. It's fair to assume she is not going to just call it quits and move on with her life - to what extent can she keep losing yet keep dragging it out?=========Shaun ========== Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #1036 June 3, 2015 theonlyski ************She blocked me. Again. Apparently ignoring things is how she operates. Well, except Twotter noise anyway. Odd human. What thread or forum did she block you from? I wanna get blocked!!! Join the party!!!! lol Not hard to do actually, you just have to show her how dumb her comments are and she will block you pretty quickly from the facebook page and apparently twitter now as well. Oh yeah, I got blocked from the CQS Facebook, so that shouldn't be a problem! Yeah, but only the cool kids were on her list of people she was going to subpoena for a lawsuit.Well, damn!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjumpenfool 2 #1037 June 4, 2015 theonlyski Yeah, but only the cool kids were on her list of people she was going to subpoena for a lawsuit. Yep!!!! Please carry out your threat Kimmy... I've a question.... How does one (an individual citizen -ME-) investigate a non profit for illegal use of funds or misuse of funds? Are these records not public knowledge?Birdshit & Fools Productions "Son, only two things fall from the sky." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mirage62 0 #1038 June 4, 2015 So who went to the meeting and can give us a report?Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #1039 June 4, 2015 mirage62So who went to the meeting and can give us a report? Not needed. The city captured it all on video, and will be posting it shortly on the city Youtube account: https://www.youtube.com/user/cityoflongmont Local news article: http://www.timescall.com/longmont-local-news/ci_28248448/longmont-residents-query-citys-aviation-attorney-airport-noise"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 814 #1040 June 4, 2015 They state her lawsuit was dismissed, that's inaccurate isn't it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #1041 June 4, 2015 normissThey state her lawsuit was dismissed, that's inaccurate isn't it? Inaccurate, unless they were talking about the 4 claims that were dismissed before it went to trial on the 3 remaining claims."There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunsmokex 1 #1042 June 4, 2015 QuoteCamille Accountius, who lives under Mile-Hi's flight box in Longmont, said she is occasionally bothered by the company's noise, but that it is drowned out when her neighbor starts a lawn mower. Accountius said she thought the city should work more with Mile-Hi, maybe agreeing to divide the flight box into quarters and asking the company to alternate quarters. "What concerns me is this talk about closing the airport or taking away the funding that keeps it safe, because that would be a detriment to the community," Accountius said. At least there are some reasonable people living there. I don't think she really grasps weather, jump runs and air traffic. It'd be kind of hard to quarter a flight box but she sounds like at least she has a good head upon her shoulders. Kim sounds like she is grasping for straws asking to forgo FAA grant assurances. I'm sure the rest of the towns ear perked up when she asked that question and she is going to slowly estrange herself from the rest of the town on her own. Too bad with all of the other people's money she is spending she could actually do something good for a charity with a good cause rather than an absurd cause like CQS. Animal shelters, homeless people or a food pantry. I just find it all rather sad. I honestly would definitely upgrade the airport security. Kim Gibbs reminds me of "The Terminator" Kyle Reese: Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolhtairt 0 #1043 June 4, 2015 JohnnyMarkoYou should be able to look at her Twitter if you're logged out? I don't have Twitter, so I just click the link and it takes me there. I think she's just blocked him from posting to her twitter account, but I admit I'm not a Twitter user and don't have the low-down on how it all works. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolhtairt 0 #1044 June 4, 2015 gunsmokex Kyle Reese: Listen, and understand. That KGibbinator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever. FIFY Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #1045 June 4, 2015 Check out the CFQS Facebook! Some Janine girl posted overnight and its still there as of a few minutes ago! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolhtairt 0 #1046 June 4, 2015 Jumpdude Check out the CFQS Facebook! Some Janine girl posted overnight and its still there as of a few minutes ago! Post a screen shot... some of us don't do facebook. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theonlyski 8 #1047 June 4, 2015 Jumpdude Check out the CFQS Facebook! Some Janine girl posted overnight and its still there as of a few minutes ago! And my comment just got deleted and I'm blocked on their Facebook again. "I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890 I'm an asshole, and I approve this message Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 814 #1048 June 4, 2015 Citizens For Quiet Skies The aviation noise bullies have been consistent in their response to citizens' concerns about excessive noise: 1. You don't have any rights 2. Aviation has the right to create as much noise as they want, without consequences 3. If you don't like the noise you can MOVE 4. We will harass and intimidate anyone who dares to speak up in order to silence our critics Are you fed up with this arrogant and rude mentality? Tired of your local airport being held hostage by the FAA? Had enough of being bombarded with aviation noise, whether it be from skydiving planes or other aviation activity? If so, please join us. Citizens For Quiet Skies - Supporting reasonable regulations to reduce the community noise impact from aviation activities. http://citizensforquietskies.org/ email: CitizensForQuietSkies@yahoo.com Together, we will find a solution to this problem. This person has mental issues IMO. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 814 #1049 June 4, 2015 Janine Bowden Why do you keep removing the truthful posts that everyone is making in response to your ridiculous and frivolous rants and attacks on a skydiving company? Why are you ONLY picking on a skydiving company when there are hundreds of other planes that are much louder, that come and go out of an airport that you don't even live close to??? I feel quite sure that you are going to remove my post as well, but I, as well as everyone else, demand that you do the adult thing and answer our questions! But I'm sure you'll take the cowardly way out by deleting my post like the others!!! I hope that a lot of your friends see this post before you delete it because they need to know how you are unfairly attacking a company that's doing nothing wrong and how you are expecting to waste more of their money with your losing cause, so if you lose one supporter, this post was well worth typing out!!! Have a nice day! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonyhays 86 #1050 June 4, 2015 So to sum up this case in a few short points: 1) Mile-Hi is doing everything by the book 2) The city council, airport manager, and FAA told her to shut up 3) The court decisively rules against her, setting a great precedent for future battles. 4) An aviation law expert hired by the city re-affirms what the court had just said. I'd say it's beyond time to let this thread go. As well as commenting on the various articles put out by the Times-Call and other outlets. It makes for entertaining reading, but I suspect every time she reads one of the comments it just gives her that much more drive to keep going. We've won, let's be gracious winners and move on.“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites