
Longmont City Council will take up skydiving noise

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... I need to know the real names of the following dropzone commenters and I believe you may have the answers.


I can help her there:
sundevil777 - Sund Evil (from Sweden (777 just a # 'cause its common name there))
stratostar - Stra Tostar (from Turkey I believe)
skyjumpinfool - Skyj Umpinfool (Canadian probably: they wierd up there)
RM1 - Ar Emwon (Ethiopian, right?)
theonlyski - Theon Lyski (AKA, the mad russian)

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Great names, good people I've met them all, I can attest to their exemplary character.
But Theon Lyski AKA "theonlyski" is from Poland, Gdansk to be specific.
I think you got him a little confused due to the fact that Theon spends considerable time in Russia teaching polka lessons to the Moscow Singles Club. Hey gotta pay for skydiving some way.

Thought I'd let you know!

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I wonder how far away an airport would have to be before she would approve of it?

Far enough for her to complain about the drive :ph34r:

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Apparently, last year she was bitching about cargo flights over her home.
She was bitching to Centennial Airport, which is thirty-five miles away!:D



Thank you for submitting noise complaints to Centennial Airport. We will no longer be logging your noise complaints as they are well outside of Centennial Airport's airspace and are therefore the jurisdiction of the federal government. We regret that we cannot be of any further assistance in this matter.

scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Heads up folks, she's getting even more determined.
She's threatening me with extortion and legal action if I don't drop a dime on you bitches. FYI, I have never emailed her.
My reply was quite simply "Given that you're threatening me with extortion and legal action, you can kiss my ass."

Hello Mark,

Thanks for your email - I'll be glad to add you to our distribution list.

However, I need to ask a favor from you. I need to know the real names of the following dropzone commenters and I believe you may have the answers.


We can get the information with a subpoena but that will take more time and I need them now. This is your one and only opportunity to get crossed off the list of candidates to receive a deposition subpoena for the lawsuit. In addition, I am considering legal action against you personally.

If you choose to provide their names I'll need to hear from you no later than tomorrow morning. Things are moving quickly and I don't have a lot of time to make a decision.

Thanks so much,

This twatwaffle is loopier than a roller coaster park. She should probably just log out from life if she's so unhappy.
cavete terrae.

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***Apparently, last year she was bitching about cargo flights over her home.
She was bitching to Centennial Airport, which is thirty-five miles away!:D



Thank you for submitting noise complaints to Centennial Airport. We will no longer be logging your noise complaints as they are well outside of Centennial Airport's airspace and are therefore the jurisdiction of the federal government. We regret that we cannot be of any further assistance in this matter.


Gotta love how her breathing, clearing the throat and whispering actually record higher noise levels at the mic than the plane itself.
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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Luckily in Russia we don't care about American "subpoenas" ;)

That's just what we call someone with a small penis.

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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We can get the information with a subpoena but that will take more time and I need them now. This is your one and only opportunity to get crossed off the list of candidates to receive a deposition subpoena for the lawsuit. In addition, I am considering legal action against you personally.

If you choose to provide their names I'll need to hear from you no later than tomorrow morning. Things are moving quickly and I don't have a lot of time to make a decision.

Thanks so much,

Hmmmm? Not only is she (Gibbs) unrealistic in her attempts to force her agenda onto others, she’s apparently not very bright either. Now she's attempting "scare tactics"? I’d be really curious to know why I made her list. How dare I speak up against her agenda?

Get a job Gibbs! We jump out of airplanes for fun. We’re not a group that scares easily. Unlike some, I do not hide behind anonymity here. Tell her to PM me and I'll give her my phone #.

I think you're a XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX and I believe saying so is my right. especially here on a skydiving forum.

You lost this fight! It’s time to move onto an important issue somewhere. Your efforts would be welcome working to find a cure for diabetes or breast cancer.

I've X'd out the personal attack above. Not because I'm afraid of Gibby's threat of lawsuit, but because I wanted to stay in line with the rules of this forum. I don't rile up easily. But If you're threatening to put me in the middle of your pissing match, buy a fucking umbrella! [:/]

To the good DZO's at Longmount... Please let me know where I can send a donation to your legal fund. B|
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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Folks - I'm not losing much sleep here about the prospect of being subpoenaed. At the same time, I'm not going to make this platform available for the type of name-calling that we've had to moderate from this thread.

Feel free to have an opinionated but civil discussion. If you really can't, then take it to your own site or their Facebook page or whatever works for you, but that kind of discourse is going to make this thread go away.

Much obliged. :)

Safe swoops

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New round of threats this morning:

Sooo...citizens for quiet skies won't allow me to reply to her throwing me out there like her attached comments...but I must say:
I have never threatened anyone.
It is NOT illegal to review public records.
I live 2 miles from an international airport with a shit ton more traffic than she does at 8 miles away (or 38 miles to Independent Skydive that she complains about.
She is now publicly threatening over the internet.
I am not the idiot that bought a house near an airport only to try and complain and sue the airport out of existence.
The noise from the airport is entirely legal and she has no way out of this.
(Also - comments she says I made to Andrew Stamire - I have not mentioned that person as I have no clue who they are.)

Here is her post on citizens for quiet skies.

Comments made on dropzone.com by normiss

Andrew Stamire seems eager to get his message across, as he posted the same thing in 3 different locations on our FB page. So, I'm going to respond in detail here, so that there is no confusion.

Andrew: Thanks for your comments. You seem eager to get your message across, considering that
you posted it 3 times on our FB page. If you don't mind I'll clean it up a bit and just have it in
one place.

I'm curious, why are you posting it instead of Mark Cochran, the person who I had the email exchange with.

For 2 years now I have been harassed by Mark Cochran and his gang of bullies.
Mark Cochran and his clan post comments on dropzone.com - just search
online for dropzone.com gibbs normiss. Mark
uses the name "normiss" on dropzone.com. Mark lives in the Orlando area, coincidentally near the town where I grew up in central Florida. Mark, for some reason, has shown an
intense interest in "investigating" me.

Mark and his clan have posted online comments about buzzing my house with their airplanes, they referred to my family members by name, they joked about an online photo of my husband sitting in a cockpit (yes, he is a pilot), they've talked about my father's occupation, they searched the Pasco County appraiser site to learn about my real estate holdings, they've commented on an old beat-up camper that sits in our driveway, and they've contacted my employer.

This has been going on for 2 years now and it needs to stop. Now that the lawsuit is moving forward I am going to identify some of these bullies and potentially subpoena them for deposition. Incidentally, Mark had emailed me the other day asking to join the Quiet Skies email distribution - that's why he got the rather unexpected response.

We are all entitled to our opinions, and we can have discussions about the issue at hand. But it is very uncomfortable when I read mean and nasty comments directed toward me that could potentially become physical and violent. If it continues I will seek a protective
order for myself and the other named plaintiffs.

When you threaten someone's home and family, it is not going to go well for you.

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Uh... I'm not sure that would hold up in front of a judge unless someone has made threats. If the harassment is not directed at her then I think what people say ABOUT her is covered under "freedom of speech", especially in a private forum.

Boy what a disaster though...

At the local shooting range I frequent (the oldest and longest running in the country, by the way) there are a number of recently-moved-in folks who went to the town to complain about the range being too loud. The range has already fitted several coverings to the outdoor area which were then insulated, built new berms, made certain no shooting sundays until noon, stuff like that.

And still they complain

I guess the reality is no matter WHAT you do, there will always be people who disagree with it, and all we can do is play the game. I think most of the lawsuit against the airport is going to fail, but in today's legal climate you never know what will happen... and its always expensive. If the airport wins I do hope they sue for the cost of legal defense.
You are not the contents of your wallet.

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Gibby sez:


Now that the lawsuit is moving forward I am going to identify some of these bullies and potentially subpoena them for deposition

Does anyone have proof that her complaint was even filed? I commented earlier that I can sit around and write ludicrous legal motions all day too, and as far as I am aware that's all this has really amounted to - a bunch of hot air.

She uses words like "moving forward" and "potentially". That's vague, non-committing language. She uses the popular catchphrase "bullies" in a terrible attempt to gain attention and build empathy for both herself and her manufactured cause.

I think that if this woman(?) were as intelligent as she would lead her cult of followers/neighbours to believe, and if there really was an actual (in the REAL WORLD) pending legal action as opposed to the ill-worded and rambling complaint that was presented a week or so ago, NONE of this would be happening. Her mouth would be shut tight.

Has anyone given thought to the possible scenario that Gibby raised enough money to put legal counsel on retainer, that her counsel is just like most every other lawyer out there (sorry folks for generalizing, I know I've jumped with some of you in the legal profession:S) and will of course take her retainer money just for the sake of, welll, taking on new business?? And that possibly CQS KNOWS there isn't a snowball's chance in Iraq of their case moving forward and are just grasping at whatever she believes might help her prove to everyone how much of a victim she is?

I usually don't run-on sentences like that.. whew. But really, we are all mostly level headed people on here. We know when a person isn't "right".. And is there anyone among us who thinks that there aren't some serious mental issues at work with this woman?

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