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SCOTUS says federal law protects LGBTQ workers from discrimination

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2 hours ago, ryoder said:


The 6-3 opinion was written by Justice Neil Gorsuch and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the court's four liberal justices.

LOL! This should be good for some tweet-rants from someone.

Outstanding. So Gorsuch isn't a complete asshole, after all. Now let's see them rule with common sense, and with the law, on Trumps taxes.

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2 hours ago, gowlerk said:

And now it becomes clear that in the United States consenting adults are allowed to kiss each other without fear of being punished for it.

Well its been law since January 1, 1863, that Blacks are free and equal before the law in the US. It will be some time before attitudes like Baker who refused to make same-sex wedding cake wins U.S. Supreme Court case, change.

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...aaaaannnnd in "honor" of homosexual disgrace month (aka "Halloween in June")...the following politically incorrect cartoons are provided for your amusement. Don't like them? Too bad. I'm upset...triggered even.




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34 minutes ago, markharju said:

...aaaaannnnd in "honor" of homosexual disgrace month (aka "Halloween in June")...the following politically incorrect cartoons provided for your amusement. Don't like them? Too bad. I'm upset...triggered even.


Unless you are ashamed to do it, please let me know your name so I can be certain you are banned from my DZ forever. You wouldn't like it anyway, we proudly fly a huge rainbow flag display in support of all of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters and happily refuse service to narrow minded, bigoted assholes regularly.

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3 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

Unless you are ashamed to do it, please let me know your name so I can be certain you are banned from my DZ forever. You wouldn't like it anyway, we proudly fly a huge rainbow flag display in support of all of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters and happily refuse service to narrow minded, bigoted assholes regularly.

According to the new SCOTUS ruling, it's unlawful to discriminate against me because I'm hetero.

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Just now, billvon said:

You got that exactly backwards.  Which isn't surprising.

Meh. Cyberbullies don't worry me.

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29 minutes ago, markharju said:

...aaaaannnnd in "honor" of homosexual disgrace month (aka "Halloween in June")...the following politically incorrect cartoons provided for your amusement. Don't like them? Too bad. I'm upset...triggered even.

This forum has rules against those cartoons. Leave that troll shit on Reddit where you get the rest of your 'content'.

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2 minutes ago, jakee said:

This forum has rules against those cartoons. Leave that troll shit on Reddit where you get the rest of your 'content'.

I recall something about the forum rules...I'll defer to Billvon.

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I'll try this once and once only.


The SC ruling gives EXACTLY the same protections and freedoms to gays and transgender individuals as it does to heterosexuals, mark.


Heteros aren't allowed to do 'fucked up shit' around kids. NOBODY is.  As an example, heteros ARE allowed to kiss in front of kids. So are gays. That's equality. 

Edited by yoink

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19 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

Unless you are ashamed to do it, please let me know your name so I can be certain you are banned from my DZ forever. You wouldn't like it anyway, we proudly fly a huge rainbow flag display in support of all of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters and happily refuse service to narrow minded, bigoted assholes regularly.

I'll say this for the Trump administration, it's made it very clear who the closet racists and bigots among my acquaintances are, and has given me a superb opportunity to prune those associations.

'They're not like normal people, are they?' - Fuck you, bye!

'I'm not racist,but...' - Fuck you, bye!


etc etc.

Edited by yoink

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46 minutes ago, markharju said:

Of children being hypersexualized by perverts. Simple enough.

And sometimes those perverts are gay.  And sometimes they are Catholic priests.  Most of the time, though, they are straight men.  Simple enough.

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This ruling is a crushing defeat for evangelicals, for those who sold their souls in the worship of trumpism. Everything was bet on SC appointments launching a new right wing conservative agenda.

Justice Gorsuch sold them out.

With regards to bathrooms, child molestation, rape of children and adolescents. There is ample research to show that gay, transgender people are statistically less inclined to commit sexual offenses than heterosexual people.

Consider: 'As much of the nation was recently celebrating Christmas, a Memphis pastor was arrested for sexually abusing a 16-year-old family member. What makes this heartbreaking story even more repugnant is that church and family members had been informed about the abuse two years earlier, but failed to report the crime to the police. Instead, they decided that the best response was to simply pray for the offender and hope for the best. "

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1 hour ago, markharju said:

According to the new SCOTUS ruling, it's unlawful to discriminate against me because I'm hetero.

He's not discriminating against you because of your sexual orientation (hetero).

He's refusing you service because of your bigotry and hatred. 

There's a difference.

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1 hour ago, markharju said:

Of children being hypersexualized by perverts. Simple enough.

It must be a horrible world for you to live in. You can't walk past a mosque without being terrified of Muslims destroying the western world. You can't look at a protest against police violence without being terrified of communists overthrowing the government. You can't read about gay rights without being terrified of evil gay people doing things to your kids.


Maybe if you did something about your anxiety disorder you could let go of some of your hate.

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7 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

Apparently lots of things scare you. Now gay men? Are you worried you may get turned?

I gotta tell ya - Milo Yiannopoulos is so fabulous he makes me wish I was that way...almost ^.^

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22 minutes ago, turtlespeed said:

Would you deny any others their first amendment rights?

a) I didn't know the first amendment gave anyone the right to skydive.

b) Your question doesn't make sense. You're either ignorant of the constitution or you're just stirring shit. If either of the two Joes banned Mark from their property because of the things he says they would not be denying his first amendment rights. The first stops the government from limiting his speech, it doesn't stop anyone else from responding to it however they choose, and it doesn't absolve anyone from the consequences of what they say.

Funny how you guys on the right are only about personal responsibility when it suits you.

Edited by jakee

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23 minutes ago, turtlespeed said:

Would you deny any others their first amendment rights?

Jakee is 100% correct. If they did so, they wouldn't be denying me my rights; rather, they would be exercising *their* rights to free association, and refuse service to someone whom they personally find abhorrent. Sort of like a certain baker in Colorado.

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