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2020 climate fails

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He spells out the science. However, having all the letters of the alphabet as evidence, he picks only the ones he "needs" to spell what he thinks they spell. There's a difference between that and letting the data do the driving.

And the statement about straight lines? It's all relative; in our frame of reference, a water horizon is a straight line (yes, earth, yes, meniscus -- that's why the frame of reference matters). And, again, within our frame of reference, waves, while wave-shaped, generally go in a straight line until interrupted, and then bounce off in a straight line. Kind of like pool balls being shot at a bumper.

But you have to be honest about the frame of reference. Yours is that God directs everything (most likely including all these overlapping cycles), and that anything a person tries to reason out is wrong (unless it agrees with your frame of reference).

Cultural diversity in America means that some frames of reference don't work any more. Just as they didn't in Puritan Massachusetts when non-Puritans moved in, just as they didn't in New York when the Irish started immigrating, etc...

Wendy P.

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On 2/23/2021 at 8:01 AM, RonD1120 said:

Got this video from an engineering buddy. It's about 5 min long and spells out the science very well.

No it doesn't.

If you want good science I suggest you look to the National Academies of Science and Engineering reports, written by real scientists.

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On 2/23/2021 at 6:01 AM, RonD1120 said:

Got this video from an engineering buddy. It's about 5 min long and spells out the science very well.

Watched the first few minutes.

"It's getting colder and drier" - no it's not.  Per NASA 2020 was the hottest year on record.

"If you tell me the temperature is going to go 'straight up' - nothing ever goes 'straight up.'  "  No one is saying the temperature will go "straight up."

Gave up after that.  He's not honest.

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49 minutes ago, billvon said:

Watched the first few minutes.

"It's getting colder and drier" - no it's not.  Per NASA 2020 was the hottest year on record.

"If you tell me the temperature is going to go 'straight up' - nothing ever goes 'straight up.'  "  No one is saying the temperature will go "straight up."

Gave up after that.  He's not honest.

Hi Bill,

Are they ever?

Jerry Baumchen 

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14 hours ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi folks,

Sort of like trying to push water back upstream:  Clean energy shift hits a snag in North Dakota : NPR

Jerry Baumchen

Or the transmission line to nowhere. With the Paris agreement back in effect. Perhaps N.D. needs to understand their place in a new reduced emissions world.

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On 2/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BIGUN said:

No need for anyone to spend their time debunking that video. Rosh does a fine job of it here:


As I was watching the Rosh video a great light bulb came on my brain. The liberal progressive democrats are smarter than we are. We, the Christian conservatives, cannot defeat them. We simply lack the intelligence.

It goes all the way back to the Garden. Eve was created by God and had a direct personal relationship with Him. She was not stupid and she was creative. And yet, Satan intellectually convinced her to disobey God's law not to eat of the tree of good and evil.

Lucifer and his minions are the intelligent force in this world. We are the spiritual force and we know what the final outcome will be.

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3 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

As I was watching the Rosh video a great light bulb came on my brain. The liberal progressive democrats are smarter than we are. We, the Christian conservatives, cannot defeat them. We simply lack the intelligence.

Lots of examples to prove that wrong.

John Eccles is a committed Catholic.  Won the Nobel Prize in medicine for his work on neural synapses.

Samuel Morse.  Calvinist who lectured on the Bible.  Invented Morse code.

John Fleming.  Devout Christian.  Invented vacuum tubes, which started the electronic revolution.

Werner Heisenberg.  Lutheran.  Created the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, one of the few physics principles that laymen have heard of.

George Washington Carver.  Protestant Evangelist and Bible class leader.  Made huge advances in agriculture.

Alessandro Volta.  Roman Catholic, said he had never wavered in his faith. Invented the battery.  "Volt" is names after him.

Blaise Pascal. Roman Catholic theologian.  Invented the hydraulic press and the mechanical calculator.

Charles Babbage.  Protestant.  Invented the first mechanical computer.

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1 hour ago, billvon said:

Lots of examples to prove that wrong.

John Eccles is a committed Catholic.  Won the Nobel Prize in medicine for his work on neural synapses.

Samuel Morse.  Calvinist who lectured on the Bible.  Invented Morse code.

John Fleming.  Devout Christian.  Invented vacuum tubes, which started the electronic revolution.

Werner Heisenberg.  Lutheran.  Created the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, one of the few physics principles that laymen have heard of.

George Washington Carver.  Protestant Evangelist and Bible class leader.  Made huge advances in agriculture.

Alessandro Volta.  Roman Catholic, said he had never wavered in his faith. Invented the battery.  "Volt" is names after him.

Blaise Pascal. Roman Catholic theologian.  Invented the hydraulic press and the mechanical calculator.

Charles Babbage.  Protestant.  Invented the first mechanical computer.

Isaac Newton, devout Christian, invented mathematical physics. Invented calculus. Invented the reflecting telescope. Newton's laws.  Unified the heavens and the Earth.

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Al-Battani, Muslim Scientist(858 – 929)

"One of al-Battānī's best-known achievements in astronomy was the determination of the solar year as being 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds, which is only 2 minutes and 22 seconds off.[14]

Another of al-Battānī's accomplishments is that he concluded how an annular solar eclipse occurs.[12] He did this by observing that the radius between the Earth and the Sun changes throughout the year.[12] This led him to arrive to the conclusion that when the Sun is farthest from the Earth, an annular solar eclipse occurs.[12] He was the first to make this observation and inference."


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On 2/26/2021 at 2:41 PM, billvon said:

Lots of examples to prove that wrong.

John Eccles is a committed Catholic.  Won the Nobel Prize in medicine for his work on neural synapses.

Samuel Morse.  Calvinist who lectured on the Bible.  Invented Morse code.

John Fleming.  Devout Christian.  Invented vacuum tubes, which started the electronic revolution.

Werner Heisenberg.  Lutheran.  Created the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, one of the few physics principles that laymen have heard of.

George Washington Carver.  Protestant Evangelist and Bible class leader.  Made huge advances in agriculture.

Alessandro Volta.  Roman Catholic, said he had never wavered in his faith. Invented the battery.  "Volt" is names after him.

Blaise Pascal. Roman Catholic theologian.  Invented the hydraulic press and the mechanical calculator.

Charles Babbage.  Protestant.  Invented the first mechanical computer.

Who is contemporary?

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On 2/26/2021 at 1:28 PM, RonD1120 said:

We, the Christian conservatives, cannot defeat them. We simply lack the intelligence.

History has not shown intelligence to be the deciding factor in sorting out what group holds the most control over a society. It is not that your fundamentalist group lacks intelligence that is keeping you from the dominance that you crave. It is the lack of moral consistency that the rest of us see so clearly that makes us reject your vision. It stiffens our spines and motivates us to do what we can to prevent your group from turning our world into the hell of forced compliance that theocracies always bring.

That is why you are weak and we are strong.

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1 hour ago, gowlerk said:

History has not shown intelligence to be the deciding factor in sorting out what group holds the most control over a society. It is not that your fundamentalist group lacks intelligence that is keeping you from the dominance that you crave. It is the lack of moral consistency that the rest of us see so clearly that makes us reject your vision. It stiffens our spines and motivates us to do what we can to prevent your group from turning our world into the hell of forced compliance that theocracies always bring.

That is why you are weak and we are strong.

Well, back in the times when religion held great power over the masses, it was more 'ignorance' than 'lack of intelligence'.

The "holy men" were able to convince the masses that they alone could explain all sorts of deep and puzzling questions. You know, the standard 'where did we come from, where do we go, why are we here' sort of thing.

As science progressed, usually in direct opposition to the religious leaders, some of those questions were answered.

And the answers uncovered by science NEVER were what the religions had claimed. 

As that knowledge becomes more and more prevalent, the 'fundamentalist teachings' become more and more ridiculous. 
But some folks still cling to them, and hang on stronger and stronger as more and more evidence that they are baseless and blatantly false come to light.

Then, of course, those same folks claim to be 'persecuted for their beliefs' when what's really happening is that their lies are being exposed for what they truly are:
Blatant lies used to control the masses and put the 'holy men' in positions of wealth, power and control (see Jerry Falwell Jr for a really current example).

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On 2/28/2021 at 11:15 AM, wolfriverjoe said:

Well, back in the times when religion held great power over the masses, it was more 'ignorance' than 'lack of intelligence'.

The "holy men" were able to convince the masses that they alone could explain all sorts of deep and puzzling questions. 

Now it is politicians 

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On 2/28/2021 at 6:34 AM, RonD1120 said:

Thanks but, who among these consider climate control impossible?

John T. Houghton won a Nobel Prize for his work on climate change on the IPCC; he died only last year.  He was certainly convinced that not only was "climate control" possible - we were doing it.

Katharine Hayhoe is a professor and the daughter of missionaries.  She describes herself as an evangelical Christian.  Some of her thoughts on climate change - "Climate change is here and now, and not in some distant time or place.  The choices we're making today will have a significant impact on our future."   “The six stages of climate denial are: It’s not real. It’s not us. It’s not that bad. It’s too expensive to fix. Aha, here’s a great solution (that actually does nothing). And — oh no! Now it’s too late. You really should have warned us earlier.”

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