
broken neptune 2

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my service from alti 2 was not the best it could be, by far. n2 broken screen, shocker. sent it in during middle of season for screen replacement. well after the season ended i wrote them telling them my address will be changed as the skydiving season is over. i gave them my address to send to, they said they would put it in the notes. 6 months later my screen is fixed and sent to the old dz where i worked 6 months ago. should it really take half a year to repair a screen. my n2 is currently broken again, screen. and i didnt even care to send it in again

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Hi michaelm21,

The address change error was definitely a miscue on our part. For that, I offer not only our apology but an opportunity to come up with a solution to your currently inoperable Neptune2 that works for you. There are a few options . . . just email me directly johnhawke@alti-2.com

We will do our best to make things right if given the opportunity.
Alti-2, Inc. Staff

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