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More sacrifices to the 2nd Amendment

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1 minute ago, SkyDekker said:

I don't believe you have the capacity to understand when liberty and freedom is at risk unless somebody you trust tells you that is the case.


He and all the MAGA crowd are cheering on Trumpty Dumpty as he takes away liberty and freedom from everyone else.

They can't conceive that it could happen to THEM. But it will. Despots usually end up fearing everyone.

I think Trumpty Dumpty, along with Elmo and the rest are FAAAAAAAAR more likely to try to take all the guns away than Obama, Biden and Harris put together.
But he won't believe it.

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1 minute ago, SkyDekker said:

so you agree the 2nd amendment leads to significantly higher gun crime and homicide rates.

But the benefit is what exactly?

No. Criminality leads to higher gun crime and homicide rates. The 2nd Amendment protects my right, a law abiding citizen, to keep and bear arms.

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3 minutes ago, jaybird18c said:

You just keep on being a slave to your government.

As opposed to you? Buddy you have lived your entire life off the taxpayer's teat as directed by your government.

Your jobs have been nothing but doing what the government tells you to do.

You wouldn't know how to make it without getting a guaranteed taxpayer funded salary.

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1 minute ago, SkyDekker said:

As opposed to you? Buddy you have lived your entire life off the taxpayer's teat as directed by your government.

Your jobs have been nothing but doing what the government tells you to do.

You wouldn't know how to make it without getting a guaranteed taxpayer funded salary.

I’ve worked for the government and in the private sector.

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12 minutes ago, jaybird18c said:

You are correct. I do have the mentality. Does that scare you? I hope so. There are no gun free zones around where I live.

No, big talkers and keyboard warriors don't scare me. Anyone who flaunts symbols like you do is obviously a poser. 

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1 hour ago, kallend said:


I have trained with guns extensively for the last 30 years and trained others ( 30 years as a police officer and US Marine before that). SWAT teams CQB, competition shooting, long range shooting, lots of active shooter training. I have no idea what QED is or has to do with shooting or data gathering about shootings.

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1 minute ago, Hissone said:

I have trained with guns extensively for the last 30 years and trained others ( 30 years as a police officer and US Marine before that). SWAT teams CQB, competition shooting, long range shooting, lots of active shooter training. I have no idea what QED is or has to do with shooting or data gathering about shootings.

Because it has to do with general knowledge, not shooting things.

QED is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum", which is translated as "which was to be demonstrated".

Means what you said demonstrated his point.

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5 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

Because it has to do with general knowledge, not shooting things.

QED is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum", which is translated as "which was to be demonstrated".

Means what you said demonstrated his point.

Osculetur me asinum homunculum!

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15 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

Because it has to do with general knowledge, not shooting things.

QED is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum", which is translated as "which was to be demonstrated".

Means what you said demonstrated his point.

Ok so the guy who has investigated, arrested and prosecuted  countless gun crimes. Is very familiar with how criminal buy sell and obtain guns and usually from where and obviously very familiar with guns and their functions.  Been through countless classes on mass shootings is the least qualified to have an opinion? 

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3 hours ago, SkyDekker said:

Because it has to do with general knowledge, not shooting things.

QED is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum", which is translated as "which was to be demonstrated".

Means what you said demonstrated his point.

But SkyDekker knows Latin… He must be very smart…


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