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More sacrifices to the 2nd Amendment

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In the interests of accuracy, the teachers found the drawing and called the parents to the school.  Although the parents were told to get counseling for their child within 48 hours, they refused to take their child home and he was returned to the classroom.  When the parents met with school guidance counselors they did not mention that they had already purchased a gun as a gift for their son (which he knew about), and neither they nor the guidance counselors searched him or his backpack for weapons.  The shooting happened a couple of hours later that same day, so Ethan Crumbley already had the gun in his possession at the school. Allegedly, the son had previously told and texted his parents on multiple occasions about seeing demons in the house, having urges to harm animals or people, and so on, yet they did not seek help for him and instead they bought a gun as an early birthday present, and took him to a firing range to try it out.  The parents claim the gun and ammo were locked up, but clearly it wasn't (at least not properly). 

Obviously no-one wants to suspect their child of planning something like this, but this particular case seems to be especially egregious in that the parents seemingly willfully ignored many significant warning signs, and instead obstructed efforts to prevent the tragedy.  There are also questions (and lawsuits) concerning the way school officials deferred to the parents.  Personally I am not sure what they could have done considering the parents flatly refused to take their son home.  Could they lawfully lock him alone in a classroom for the rest of the day?  At some point they would have had to let him out, even just to go home, and he could have carried out his rampage then.  Also he had a somewhat plausible explanation for the drawing, he said he was designing a video game.  The guidance counselors were not aware of his history of delusions and urges, nor were they aware that he had access to a gun and ammunition.  They were aware that he did not have any previous history of disciplinary actions, and his parents were extremely dismissive of any notion that he could be a threat.  Only the parents knew of all the elements that pointed to the high potential for harm, it seems to me.

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4 hours ago, billvon said:

A few days before the shooting, teachers at Crumbley's school found a drawing of someone shooting guns with the caption "The thoughts won’t stop help me" .  Teachers showed this to his parents and told them to get him counseling within 48 hours. 

My understanding is this happened the morning of the shooting and the father asked if his son could stay in school.

4 hours ago, billvon said:

They did not, and further they purchased new weapons and left them in unlocked storage.

It was locked. The code was, 0000 <FP>

They did more than provide him access. They bought him the weapon he used.  

An interesting read on parental liability.  https://www.cga.ct.gov/2011/rpt/2011-R-0061.htm

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5 hours ago, kallend said:

Parents just exercising their rights.  So there are a few bodies:-  just collateral damage, nothing to get worked up about.  I'm sure Clarence T. can find no historical precedent for keeping guns away from loonies.

FOX News viewers know that the REAL threat to kids is drag queens converting them into trannies.

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14 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

Its a religious school. 

They've got LOTS of prayers.

Not sure about the 'thoughts', but prayers aren't a problem there.

From the story:



“I thought I would just see this on TV,” she said. “And right now, it’s real.”

Apparently we've gone from 'I never thought this could happen' to 'I never thought it could happen to ME'.

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2 hours ago, gowlerk said:

GOP is doing its part:

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) responded to the shooting  that left six people dead, saying  “join us in prayer for those affected.”

What more can you ask?

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On 3/14/2023 at 9:59 PM, BIGUN said:

Brother, between 2001 and the end of the war, there were more children killed in the U.S. by gunfire, than our own military killed in Iraq/Afghanistan.  In fact, roughly 7,000 children were killed by gunfire in the five years after Sandy Hook (2012-2017) than the 6,900 U.S. military killed during the war. Think about that for awhile. Then get pissed off.   

If you really want to get pissed off look at fentanyl deaths


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30 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

I mean it isn't good, but it also isn't close to guns.



Sauce: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/14/magazine/gun-violence-children-data-statistics.html

Edited by SkyDekker
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30 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

Gentlemen, you're right at the edge of being giddy over someone's lost child - because they're Christian. 

The GOP doesn't seem to care about any childrens' deaths from gunfire, or it wouldn't block every effort to do something about it.


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16 minutes ago, kallend said:

The GOP doesn't seem to care about any childrens' deaths from gunfire, or it wouldn't block every effort to do something about it.

The GOP was fillibustering proposed gun control legislation in Colorado.

The Ds had enough votes to end debate (there was still a significant amount of debate, the Ds just had the ability to stop it from going on endlessly).

Of course, the Rs are all butthurt about it.


From the article:


“I spent the past two days negotiating in what I thought was good faith with our colleagues across the aisle on Senate Bill 168,” tweeted Rep. Jennifer Parenti, an Erie Democrat and prime sponsor of the bill. “On multiple occasions, agreements were made and then broken. This didn’t happen because we can’t agree with Republicans — it’s because they can’t agree with themselves.”


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1 hour ago, BIGUN said:

Gentlemen, you're right at the edge of being giddy over someone's lost child - because they're Christian. 

Hi Keith,

Speaking for myself only:  ABSOLUTELY NOT.

As I just started watching my local tv news with this story, I was thinking:  No matter what your beliefs are, this is tragic & wrong.

Jerry Baumchen


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1 hour ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi Keith,

Speaking for myself only:  ABSOLUTELY NOT.

As I just started watching my local tv news with this story, I was thinking:  No matter what your beliefs are, this is tragic & wrong.

Jerry Baumchen

Evening, Jerry. 

I know what everyone meant, but it was getting close to being mean-spirited with the T's & P's stuff. It's how they grieve. I'm really angry about this one. It's going to be a political bullshit volley of weapons vs. the child was a trans, Biden calling for an Assault weapons ban INSTEAD of both aisles developing a Gun Owner Responsibility Bill. We have the money for TSA which is a joke, but not money to secure our children in school. It's all theater.   


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Just now, BIGUN said:

Evening, Jerry. 

I know what everyone meant, but it was getting close to being mean-spirited with the T's & P's stuff. It's how they grieve. I'm really angry about this one. It's going to be a political bullshit volley of weapons vs. the child was a trans, Biden calling for an Assault weapons ban INSTEAD of both aisles developing a Gun Owner Responsibility Bill. We have the money for TSA which is a joke, but not money to secure our children in school. It's all theater.   



It's not those of us who see reality who are offering thoughts and prayers after every kid is killed, Christian or not. Like it or not there is real, legitimate bitterness amongst those who wish gun control was a reality in America. Like it or not Evangelicals aren't helping anymore than the Second Amendment nuts are. Just to underline the difference that does not exist, you wouldn't fault us too much for being snarky if Wayne LaPierre's kids were the latest school shooting victims. Sorry Brother but what will heal this nation is the end of Christians getting a pass.


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4 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

Evening, Jerry. 

I know what everyone meant, but it was getting close to being mean-spirited with the T's & P's stuff. It's how they grieve. I'm really angry about this one. It's going to be a political bullshit volley of weapons vs. the child was a trans, Biden calling for an Assault weapons ban INSTEAD of both aisles developing a Gun Owner Responsibility Bill. We have the money for TSA which is a joke, but not money to secure our children in school. It's all theater.   


It IS getting mean spirited with all the talk of 'thoughts and prayers'.

That's ALL 'they' ever offer. 

No solutions, no ideas, no NOTHING

As has been asked many times, how many kids have to die for something to change?

I'm not in favor of another ban. The first one didn't do all that much. 
If a new one is anything like the original one, it won't do much either.

Don't forget that the original AWB simply banned the sales of newly manufactured guns with certain features. There were still brand new 'post ban' AR-15s being sold the entire time the ban was in effect. 'Post ban' had no flash hider, thumbhole stocks instead of pistol grips, no bayonet lug and came with 10 round magazines (a 20 or 30 round mag could be used, but was technically illegal).
The guns that had been sold prior to the ban could still be bought and sold freely (for a lot more money than they originally sold for). 

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