mjosparky 4 #151 August 3, 2016 JerryBaumchenH jf951, Quoteyou seem pretty intent on bragging about knowing something we dont know Jerry. I truly would hope that no one would ever consider me to be a braggart. John Mitchell said that it was a 'normal skydiving rig.' Kelly F and I share a fair amount of info on some gear ideas/subjects. One of the mods falls under this category. Since Kelly built the rig & did the mods, I feel it is not my place to announce what he did. He can & does speak for himself on here quite often. Jerry Baumchen Anyone that knows you, knows you were not bragging. You post things to inform others. Thank you for doing soMy idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiverek 63 #152 August 3, 2016 ryoderSo what is the reason for doing the jump at 25K? Seems like doing it at half the altitude would have avoided the bother of O2, and made spotting simpler. Luke beat the existing record by over 7 000 %. So, I quess he wanted to set a new record which more likely nobody will beat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxx 1 #153 August 3, 2016 Do we have some post-jump-statements by Luke in the mean time? We have so many questions unanswered - we might need a skydiver AMA (ask me anything) Maxx This Aikins dude is legendary! What an achievement - congrats to everyone involved, planning and executing this! My question: As you can see, he was way off-center on one side. My (really uneducated) guess from the frame grabs is, that he was about 20-25ft away from the edge. On the other side he had about 80-75ft of spare net. On the other axis he was more or less center. Because I didn't hear it in any of the post-jump interviews (btw: are there any at all, except the one with: "The words I want to say I can't even get out of my mouth"?): Is my impression that this was a really close call correct? Did he or the people around him make any statement regarding that? I know, every landing you can walk away from is a good landing, but we are skydivers, we want to have more facts How did he feel? Any side effects from that massive decelaration? Whiplash, concussion anything? Is this repeatable for a normal person? Felix (you can think about him what you want) was very honest talking about the stratos-jump and the fact he nearly fucked it up regarding the rotations he was getting into, his goggles malfunctioning, he had to pull higher, etc.. All my questions aside, this is a massive achievement for mankind! Thumbs up Luke! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keithbar 1 #154 August 3, 2016 Squeak ***So what is the reason for doing the jump at 25K? Seems like doing it at half the altitude would have avoided the bother of O2, and made spotting simpler. Spectacle and Drama I watched it intently. was totally taken in by the the screen actor's guild is making him wear a rig OMG! drama and spectacle. but he missed the opportunity to hype the drama more. after he passed off the o2 bottle. he should have ditched the rig in freefall too. then the commentators could have had fun with the whole he doesn't care what s.a.g. says thing..i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolhtairt 0 #155 August 3, 2016 keithbar ******So what is the reason for doing the jump at 25K? Seems like doing it at half the altitude would have avoided the bother of O2, and made spotting simpler. Spectacle and Drama I watched it intently. was totally taken in by the the screen actor's guild is making him wear a rig OMG! drama and spectacle. but he missed the opportunity to hype the drama more. after he passed off the o2 bottle. he should have ditched the rig in freefall too. then the commentators could have had fun with the whole he doesn't care what s.a.g. says thing..He could have pulled out a sign with the letters "SAG" and the birdie finger gesture drawn on it, in freefall too... But I suspect he's not that kind of guy anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrashProne 4 #156 August 4, 2016 I was listening to Luke talk about the jump today, and the subject of the practice pulls came up. As I suspected, he said the practice pulls in freefall were a lark, meant as a joke to the skydiving savvy who were watching. However, when he felt for the hackey before leaving the door, that was the real deal, and he was a little surprised when he couldn't find it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #157 August 4, 2016 Radio Skydive UK is going to be interviewing Luke next week. Check out their facebook page if you want to submit any questions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
321 0 #158 August 4, 2016 1001001sos*** I think it is reasonable to think that the muscle memory was not from his 18,000 regular jumps, but from the practice jumps for the stunt. He did the real thing just like he practiced it, which likely included doing practice pulls. Just a thought. I love what he achieved. But I gotta admit: the more I watch it, the more suspicious I get of those "handle" checks. Those are some very, very deliberate practice touches, at very interesting times in the jump. I only ever made several hundred skydives and I stopped doing practice touches very early on, and I never did it out of habit or "muscle memory". But, yeah, maybe he was just replicating his every move from the practice jumps. There's also a part of me that wonders if the highly suspicious last-minute SAG parachute demand being lifted was because the producers told SAG he had a hidden rig -- maybe a lie to just shut them up, and the practice touches were to help sell the BS. That would be funny as hell, now wouldn't it? :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joellercoaster 6 #159 August 5, 2016 321 maybe a lie to just shut them up, and the practice touches were to help sell the BS. That would be funny as hell, now wouldn't it? It would, but: once he was out of the plane, there's not a lot the SAG could have done about him not wearing a rig anyway The simplest explanation for everything we know at the moment (including his own statements and those of people who were there) is that he jumped without a rig. The practice touch was a joke, and even at the time I thought it was funny. None of the conspiracy theorists have managed to come up with a real reason for why he might actually have worn one.-- "I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan "You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raff 4 #160 August 5, 2016 councilman24Your right, I don't know you and my comment was much more at Red Bull's PR program than at you. Its effective but I still don't like it. I'd say the same thing about any extreme sport stunt that Red Bull sponsors. They leave a bad taste in my mouth. Pun intended. I must agree. I have huge respect for both Luke and the technology on display for the event. It's just that I have a problem with what I call junk-made-for-TV-sport of any kind. It simply does not convey to the public what we are about. That said, I'm certainly glad that the outcome was successful.If you leave the plane without a parachute, you will be fine for the rest of your life. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpoxon 0 #161 August 5, 2016 Joellercoaster ***maybe a lie to just shut them up, and the practice touches were to help sell the BS. That would be funny as hell, now wouldn't it? It would, but: once he was out of the plane, there's not a lot the SAG could have done about him not wearing a rig anyway Except stop him working in TV/film ever ever again.Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
321 0 #162 August 5, 2016 QuoteNone of the conspiracy theorists have managed to come up with a real reason for why he might actually have worn one. If there had been a pattern of practice jumps / approaches to the net that were often fouled by sudden, unexpected changes in winds aloft, it might inspire a hidden rig. But it's my understanding that wasn't the case, and the last 81 of 82 practice jumps he was dead center on the net. And as we know, jump 83 went very well! I don't think he had a hidden rig. But would not blame him if he did. He is a father. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
321 0 #163 August 5, 2016 QuoteI have huge respect for both Luke and the technology on display for the event. It's just that I have a problem with what I call junk-made-for-TV-sport of any kind. It simply does not convey to the public what we are about. That said, I'm certainly glad that the outcome was successful. Yes, it's sad that the money for these otherwise very cool achievements often comes from corporate advertising/sponsorship. Once you strip that all away, and just look at the achievement, it seems worthwhile in the end. I had a friend on a few world record jumps that the King of Thailand paid for as his personal birthday present to himself. As the old Right Stuff saying goes "no bucks, no Buck Rogers' " it's rare, and wonderful, when a record is set with no fanfare (like when Alan Eustace broke the altitude record very quietly). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjosparky 4 #164 August 5, 2016 Last night I was thinking about what Michael Mullins posted about the need for a waiver. Quote“Luke did not request any form of waiver for the actual chute less jump as no waiver from USPA was required. According to USPA definitions, and FAA definitions, this was not a "Skydive" or a "Parachute Jump" or a "Parachute Operation" nor was he a "Parachutist" or a "Skydiver" on this fall from an aircraft.” Part 105.5 PARACHUTE JUMP means a parachute operation that involves the descent of one or more persons to the surface from an aircraft in flight when a parachute is used or intended to be used during all or part of that descent. There was a PARACHUTE JUMP happening during Luke’s jump. There were at least three other jumpers wearing rigs with the intent of using them. Not sure what this means.....any thoughts?My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,385 #165 August 5, 2016 Hi 321, Quotethese otherwise very cool achievements Based upon discussions about current 'things' with my non-jumping friends, this stunt is already on the ash heap of history. The general public gave it a day or so to talk about, watct the video, and they have moved on. I wonder if the sponsors think that they got their money's worth. Jerry Baumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sundevil777 102 #166 August 5, 2016 Another similar, but with parachute stunt that would be cool - to get out high and freefall through the opening of the sinkhole "cave of swallows" in the Mexican jungle. 200 ft wide opening, over 1200 ft deep.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjosparky 4 #167 August 5, 2016 sundevil777Another similar, but with parachute stunt that would be cool - to get out high and freefall through the opening of the sinkhole "cave of swallows" in the Mexican jungle. 200 ft wide opening, over 1200 ft deep. Already been done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbhZUEY7cNYMy idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sundevil777 102 #168 August 5, 2016 mjosparky***Another similar, but with parachute stunt that would be cool - to get out high and freefall through the opening of the sinkhole "cave of swallows" in the Mexican jungle. 200 ft wide opening, over 1200 ft deep. Already been done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbhZUEY7cNY I do remember that, but was thinking of it being done from a much higher altitude.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjosparky 4 #169 August 5, 2016 sundevil777 ******Another similar, but with parachute stunt that would be cool - to get out high and freefall through the opening of the sinkhole "cave of swallows" in the Mexican jungle. 200 ft wide opening, over 1200 ft deep. Already been done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbhZUEY7cNY I do remember that, but was thinking of it being done from a much higher altitude. Can I watch?My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
321 0 #170 August 6, 2016 QuoteI wonder if the sponsors think that they got their money's worth. Yah, I have my doubts about that. But whoever built that giant net might get a bump in sales. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #171 August 6, 2016 321 Quote I wonder if the sponsors think that they got their money's worth. Yah, I have my doubts about that. But whoever built that giant net might get a bump in sales. Especially after they paint a giant bullseye on it, and hold the first accuracy meet."There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,385 #172 August 6, 2016 Hi Robert, Quote hold the first accuracy meet I can just see it now; from 25k ft and you do not have to worry about any reserve being in/out of date. Jerry Baumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #173 August 6, 2016 JerryBaumchen Hi Robert, Quote hold the first accuracy meet I can just see it now; from 25k ft and you do not have to worry about any reserve being in/out of date. Jerry Baumchen The net will also come in handy at the Cat Chasing Championships, to save the uncaught cats for reuse."There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpsalot-2 3 #174 August 6, 2016 Cats always land paws down ........ ( grab the net little kitty cat ) ...... Life is short ... jump often. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
michaelmullins 81 #175 August 6, 2016 mjosparkyLast night I was thinking about what Michael Mullins posted about the need for a waiver. Quote“Luke did not request any form of waiver for the actual chute less jump as no waiver from USPA was required. According to USPA definitions, and FAA definitions, this was not a "Skydive" or a "Parachute Jump" or a "Parachute Operation" nor was he a "Parachutist" or a "Skydiver" on this fall from an aircraft.” Part 105.5 PARACHUTE JUMP means a parachute operation that involves the descent of one or more persons to the surface from an aircraft in flight when a parachute is used or intended to be used during all or part of that descent. There was a PARACHUTE JUMP happening during Luke’s jump. There were at least three other jumpers wearing rigs with the intent of using them. Not sure what this means.....any thoughts? Means nothing. The other 3 were making a perfectly legal skydive. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites