
in praise of parachutist mag

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to balance out the USPA bitching that occasionally pops up here, I want to thank Parachutist in general and Annette O'Neil specifically for the 18k jumpable days series.

Keeping a specific sport magazine like ours fresh month after month can't be easy, and reading about the old timers is a great way to bring new stories and content to us. I laughed out loud at least once reading some of those stories, as we all know there was some crazy shit that went down, and at least a little bit more has now been shared.

After 10+ years as a member, I don't open the mag to see the boogie and specialty jump pics, I want to learn something new about gear, about the sport, or the people who made it what it is. Lately Parachutist has been doing a great job with that, with Tales from the Bonfire, the Profiles, and features from history.

So thanks, keep up the good work.


I do appreciate the place for pics though, having got my little face in the mag years ago. :)
It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".

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