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Trump - The Forgotten Person

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Hi folks,

Maybe he was 'forgotten' before he was known:  There is nobody who believes that when Donald Trump goes somewhere he does not generate the biggest, largest, and most rambunctious crowds on the planet

Trump aide says they paid actors to appear at his 2016 presidential campaign announcement (msn.com)

Jerry Baumchen


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Another sign that the influence of the dotard is waning. In a runoff primary between two Rs for a Texas seat in the US House of Congress, his chosen and endorsed candidate who he campaigned for lost. (Although the winner actually is someone who claims to support Trump).


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4 hours ago, gowlerk said:

Another sign that the influence of the dotard is waning. In a runoff primary between two Rs for a Texas seat in the US House of Congress, his chosen and endorsed candidate who he campaigned for lost. (Although the winner actually is someone who claims to support Trump).


Hi Ken,

Re:  Another sign that the influence of the dotard is waning.

And another one:  Trump’s efforts to derail any infrastructure package have, so far, mostly been met with a shrug on Capitol Hill.

Trump tries to sabotage the Biden infrastructure deal - POLITICO

The power he once thought that he had is waning.  So much for the has-been:`o

Jerry Baumchen


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On 8/17/2021 at 7:33 AM, winsor said:

Apparently the Taliban leader's twitter account is still active and Trump is still banned.

Works for me.

Heck, there are US Nazis whose accounts are still active.  That's because Twitter bans people for breaking their rules, not for their beliefs.  (This is a difficult concept for conservatives, I know.)

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Hi folks,

Doing what he can to not be forgotten:  Trump also took the opportunity on Wednesday to falsely claim that COVID-19 "was virtually gone" and "over" when he left office

Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation' (businessinsider.com)

What a strange world he lives in.

Jerry Baumchen

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9 hours ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi folks,

Doing what he can to not be forgotten:  Trump also took the opportunity on Wednesday to falsely claim that COVID-19 "was virtually gone" and "over" when he left office

Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation' (businessinsider.com)

What a strange world he lives in.

Jerry Baumchen

Once again Trump assuming everyone else is as venal as him.

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On 8/19/2021 at 4:37 PM, jakee said:

Once again Trump assuming everyone else is as venal as him.

Who pushed and pushed for the vaccines when people were   laughing and saying it would take years.??  On Yeah Donald.    Who got the USA energy independent  Oh yeah Donald  Who got your economy booming before covit  OH yeah Donald     Who built your military again  Oh yeah Donald  Who had a solution to your border situation  yes it was Donald. Who called out China on so many issues Yes you got it Donald !!!    Has a lot of admirers here in Aus (and detractors of course)

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