
Anyone know of any good apps for an android phone?

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Recently I finally upgraded my phone and I looked around for skydiving apps for it. I didn't find much.

The only really useful thing that I found out as far apps go well at least I'm curious as to how it will work is an app called "Skydive Sensor Logger"

It looks interesting its an open source code project that I think some math guys developed you can log up to 10 sensors including things like:

Accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, gravity, linear acceleration, rotation vector and a bunch of other crap. Looks great but I have my doubts that its going to work (weather has been crap here and haven't been able to jump yet this season).

Guess I was just looking for something that had altimeter, speed, G-forces, free fall time crap like that in a phone app.

I'll probably just end up buying an Altitrack in the end but was thinking if I could find a decent phone app that had MPH, freefall time, etc then I could just buy a Solo. None of the MPH, freefall time etc is essential for me but would just be fun to know is all.

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Recently I finally upgraded my phone and I looked around for skydiving apps for it. I didn't find much.

The only really useful thing that I found out as far apps go well at least I'm curious as to how it will work is an app called "Skydive Sensor Logger"

It looks interesting its an open source code project that I think some math guys developed you can log up to 10 sensors including things like:

Accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, gravity, linear acceleration, rotation vector and a bunch of other crap. Looks great but I have my doubts that its going to work (weather has been crap here and haven't been able to jump yet this season).

Guess I was just looking for something that had altimeter, speed, G-forces, free fall time crap like that in a phone app.

I'll probably just end up buying an Altitrack in the end but was thinking if I could find a decent phone app that had MPH, freefall time, etc then I could just buy a Solo. None of the MPH, freefall time etc is essential for me but would just be fun to know is all.

Always remember the danger.

Never forget the fun!

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I think that most of those useless apps are written by someone with 10 jumps that thinks they've found the answer to the question that no one has asked. My favorite is the altimeter simulator so you can learn "altitude awareness" on your phone. Give me a fucking break.

For precision (especially in WS and swooping) use a flysight and the software solutions developed by actual practitioners.

The marginally useful apps are informational / functional not fakey / bs data driven.

Burble for manifest is a delight if your DZ is so equipped (all should be, frankly). AeroWeather pulls AWOS (do I get out of bed or no). SpotAssist is ok, I guess.

Then again some people get all sweaty if their log book exit altitude reads 13,500 instead of 13,467 actual. YMMV.

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I think that most of those useless apps are written by someone with 10 jumps that thinks they've found the answer to the question that no one has asked. My favorite is the altimeter simulator so you can learn "altitude awareness" on your phone. Give me a fucking break.

Bwaahaha really? *checks altimeter* Yup, still 0!

I used mytracks for a while to collect GPS info and plot my jumps out on Google Earth. Their KML export is crap, though, so I'd export them to gpx and process them into KML with a C++ program I wrote. The GPS info was also kind of crap, though. It's much better with a flysight. My program can also handle flysight data files, but I usually can't be arsed to bring it along to get telemetry. I did think, on my last cutaway, that it would have been really handy to have access to all that crap right at the dz so I could plot on the map exactly where I deployed (My program does that too.)
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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I actually use the altimeter simulator all the time with my AFF students. When we are practicing skydives on the ground it helps them to have a "real" altimeter to read as opposed to just pretending.

This has been available for many years. An app is just a more modern implementation (and a lot cheaper).
"It's amazing what you can learn while you're not talking." - Skydivesg

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Tried Altidroid, it missed a jump. Could be my 2016-model phone, could be the app, but either way the system isn't as reliable as dedicated devices yet.

Numbers were up to a couple hundred feet different from Viso but I can't say which one is more accurate.

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Shameless self promotion:

BASEline Flight Computer

BASEline is an android app I made primarily aimed at improving wingsuit flight performance. It can:

1) Record sensor data from your phone including GPS, altimeter, and accellerometer data to a CSV file. The data can be analyzed later on https://base-line.ws/

2) Provide real time flight data by speaking your glide ratio, horizontal or vertical speed.

3) Display your position, altitude and speed to give you real-time visual flight data.

Getting good data is tough with a cellphone though. If you are going to use a phone instead of a flysight I strongly recommend using an external bluetooth GPS unit. See here for more details.
BASEline - Wingsuit Flight Computer

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