
Non-super wide video

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Is there a good video camera out there that does not record as wide as a go-pro?  Videoing CRW this weekend even being super close to the formation and the go-pro set on Linear it still seems super far away.  My old mini-dv cameras and such back in the day had a much better viewing angle that was not nearly as wide.  

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I modded my GoPro 7 with a 3rd party lens (was just a matter of unscrewing the standard lens and replacing it). It took some effort to get the focus perfect, but it cropped the view quite a bit).

Downside is that its a mod you do permanent, so you'd have to dedicate a camera to it.
on the GoPro8 and onward, the lens replacement is less easy (or so I understood from the websites selling them), and a mode expensive modification is needed..

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Have you looked into software solutions that correct for the wide angle?

Here's a demo of software I found by googling: Corel VideoStudio 2018 (they are now up to 2021 version).


It apparently has preset for many GoPro setting, so I suspect you can modify them pretty easily. Looks like you can get it for less than $60.

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