
Diving after another jumper

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When I first started diving out after another jumper that I want to dock with I waited a good 2-3 seconds thinking it was suppose to be vertical seperation. This made it very difficult for me to catch up to them(I'm a slow faller). So, when I started asking what I was doing wrong, everybody said I was waiting way to long, and that one second would be plenty to give the required seperation.



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What??? Skyfest is almost in your back yard and you're thinking about going?

Get your butt over there...you will NOT regret it...I guarantee it!
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Yeah, lately I've been giving it much more serious thought because everyone keeps telling me how great it is. HOWEVER, I'm having a hard time finding out very much about the details, like what is scheduled to happen on each of the days, and whether there will be any formal-type classes so I can LEARN while I'm there, what the cost is, etc. etc. Apparently the website is still under construction; I get a lot of "More info coming" pages.

I got my 'A' this past weekend. I still can't believe it. I was going to post my good news on a new thread, but I've hardly been able to sit still long enough to do so!

I'm a POP, too. I did my first tandem on my 50th b-day.

I'm still on cloud 9 about my 'A'!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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