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Reflex Rig - Need Cap for Reserve Pop-Top

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18 hours ago, Philfun said:

Reflex! Anyone have one of those old rigs no longer in use? I need the cap that covers the reserve pop-top; mine came off in freefall recently. If you’re willing to part with it or the rig please contact me.

I am seriously shooting from the hip here, but here goes . . .

You might send RiggerMick a PM (he designed the Reflex) and see if he can help - https://www.dropzone.com/profile/8349-riggermick/

You might also try to get in touch with Dave Singer of Peregrine to see if he'd manufacturer you one: https://peregrinemfginc.com/contact-us/

Finally, you might also send a PM to RiggerRob for a directional steer: https://www.dropzone.com/profile/569-riggerrob/ 

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Thanks for the recommendation ... but it has been more than a decade since I sewed a replacement cosmetic cap for a Reflex. Actually, it is more than a cosmetic cap because it protects the Cypres loop.

I started by laying a tape measure over the fiberglass cap, then adding a little (0.12 or 0.5 inches) for the binding tape.

I forget how many layers of fabric are in a Reflex cap: Cordura, foam, ballistic and ? I would need to look at an original to confirm the number of layers. I sewed them together around the circumference, but allowed thread tension to shrink the perimeter. Then I sewed on the channel for the elastic cord.

Then I bound the edge and finished binding with the same trick as Javelin pilot chute caps: diagonal end ....

The last step was installing the bungee cord (cloth wrapped around rubber for North Americans). I used the same style of bungee cord as is used in free-bags. My first bungee cord was too long and it blew off in freefall, so I made the second cap with an even shorter bungee cord. The second cap lasted a few years.

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1 hour ago, SStewart said:

This mod will help keep the cap from getting snagged. I have seen 3 people lose the caps with a Reflex and all 3 were on the door during exit. Standing up too tall in the door.  


That extra flap was originally designed for a canopy formation team. I think they also built a few Reflexes with a similar flap protecting the bottom edge of the pilot-chute cap.

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On 11/1/2021 at 7:12 PM, chaospilot said:

I have a few Reflex Reserve PC's with caps, message me if you are still looking.

Bryan Cavage

Hello Bryan,

I need cap for Reflex Reserve pilot chute. I still have Reflex rig which have 2 more years of life time and I have lost the cap recently at Xmass fest in Spain. If you can help me I would appreciate it. Please mail me or sen a message.

Thanks a lot! Blue skies,

Tony Karasek, Czech Republic, +420 777 059 006, a.karasek@cbox.cz

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On 10/25/2021 at 2:31 PM, riggerrob said:

That extra flap was originally designed for a canopy formation team. I think they also built a few Reflexes with a similar flap protecting the bottom edge of the pilot-chute cap.

That would be for the Perris Valley Ghostriders.

Mick added a similar flap for the CFLEX(s).

C = CReW


Here's a photo of me wearing mine as i backflip out of a Skyvan on a "big way".


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