
Zhills tradition

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Revival of a tradition. The Zhills 10-way patch. The patch was started over 30 years ago. It is back.

10-way speed. Single line. Completion in under 30 second completion. Hold it for 5 seconds.

Mike Woods has been organizing this effort and bringing back the recognition of a skill.

If you are going to be in Zhills, get in touch and participate. :)

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I would love to do a 10 way speed comp, by the old rules, let me know if there gets to be something organized.:)

You really need a DC-3 to do it right. ;)

But don't get me wrong. It's a blast no matter what you get out of. Back in the 1980's we used to do a 40 way competition at Z-hills. I always loved doing the big round out of a DC-3.

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Mike Woods has been doing one jump each weekend for the patches. Pretty much every weekend.

Contact me, the dz, or Mike if you know him.
I haven't got an actual schedule at this point.
Just getting the word out.

If there is interest, I contact Mike about posting something here.

try to organise one or 2 for when I'm there Bill B|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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You bring the DC-3 and I'll bring the scary old rig's and we can do it up right.;)

DC-3, Loadstar and Beech18 - do we actually get to spot for ourselves? can we do round CRW too? :)
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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I've got 3 or 4 Beech 18 jumps. It really wasn't bad, but there were only like 6 of us on the plane. ;)

I've got a few more then that out of DC-3s, maybe between a dozen or two, but now-a-day's a lot of DZs are classifying DC-3s as "specialty aircraft" and charging a premium rate to go jump them. :(

And I've got no gutt-gear jumps.

I'm really glad y'all old grey hairs jumped that scary shit "back in the day". ;):P:):)
But, I always say that some day, propably about 20ish years from now, will drag out one of our old Jav's, or Vectors, or Talon 2s, pre-skyhook with a Stilletto or Sabre main and F111 reserve... or what not... out to the DZ to show it of to the then "kids", with their anti-gravity belts, and we'll get similar looks like what's cast the way of today's "legacy" jumpers when they start talking about DC3s, Beech 18s, gutt-gear, Para-Commanders, Pigletts, etc.

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premium rate to go jump them.

Yea beech 18s too, I've been tellng Steve Stewart for the last few years to fix the 18 he has and we can offer real "vintage" jumps out of the 18 with gutter gear, bet we could charge about 85 bucks a jump.:S


I'm really glad y'all old grey hairs jumped that scary shit "back in the day".

Hey now, my hair aint gray yet! My guess is I'll end up looking like this guy dose today, in the future.(just not as ugly) :P (see attachment)

But yea we do get some strange and :S looks when jumping old gear, but that is part of the fun.;)
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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This is just a one-group event for the patch. However, the Zhills Thanksgiving weekend boogie has an annual 10-way speed competition on Turkey Day.

I agree with on doing 10-way out of a DC-3. That is the best in my book. There is no cutting the corner on the exit, unless you are ok with limping for 3 days. :D

The Super-Connie had essentially the same door and prop blast, but they were kind enough to pad the tail side of the door. It didn't help a lot, but it was better than metal.

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Path designed by Jim Hooper with assistance/input from Mike Patterson.
Patch designed to recognize ZHill's/Florida's first 10 Man.
Jump made November 08, 1970 from C-196 and C-182.
01: Mike Patterson 06: Larry Gossler
02: Bill Burr 07: Ron Brissey
03: Bob Veil 08: Jeff Searles
04: Phil Smith 09: Jim Hooper
05:Billy Revis 10: Step Livley

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ooooo - I'm OK with the DC3, but I'll pass on the scary old rigs.

Had enough of them when I burned one of them that almost killed me, right in the pit at the 'Hills.

Classiflyer? Top Secret?:o

You know what the Top Secret was on those rigs ?

The reserve wouldn't come out. Anyone else remember the Jesus Toggle ?

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But don't get me wrong. It's a blast no matter what you get out of. Back in the 1980's we used to do a 40 way competition at Z-hills. I always loved doing the big round out of a DC-3.

I was lucky enough to get into the sport just about the time they were still doing those 40 way comps from the 3's at the Hills. I lurked Bird's team a few times. They cleared the Southern Cross 3 like it was on fire. Being in the middle of the lineup was one of the most intense exits I've ever done, next to actually launching a 10 way speed chunks out of the damn things.

And then within what seemed like a couple of years, all the DC3's had gone, to be replaced by Otters. I still miss them. Nothing like strecthing out on the floor and letting that low sonorous rumble lull you off for a few Z's on the way to altitude, and the diet of motor oil to keep you nice and regular if you were floater.

And of course, you occaisionally got to see an integral part of a motor decide that it wanted to get to altitude faster than the rest of the aricraft.

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Mike mentioned their best time so far was a bit under 20 seconds....


Thats with an otter and the new rules right? With the old rules and a DC3 a 20 is a cery bad time, before you could hold on for dear life for exit and then build the formation. You should see how fast the last people fly out of the plane when everyone has tight grips on the person in front of you's leg straps!!!

Anyway I dont know how he is doing it so let us know.
Blue Skies.
P.s How the hell have you been?

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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Wow, there's a couple of names I haven' heard in a long, long time. But no, neither of those. It was an MS copy of the Jerry Bird teardrop rig. Front and back mounted canopies. Was in a funnel and the reserve container was prematurely opened right in the middle of it. Had another jumper blow right through two gores on the left side, barely missing me. Fortunately, she was not hurt, and we both were fine. I landed right by the clubhouse. Stood it up, too.

Very scary sh*t. So no, I'm NOT sorry the gear is gone.

Wouldn't mind another 3 jump, though.....
Mike Ashley
Canadian A-666

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Jerry stopped by for a visit last weekend.
The son of a former jumper is doing AFF and Jerry was telling him about the first time that he met his dad.
His dad was a Captain in the army and was liason officer for the US skydiving team.

Phil Smith also came by to hang out with the locals.

Mike is doing the 10-way as a single-line, no show, no grips.

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