
My song about Skydiving-based on your information

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Very nice, will send it to a dj friend of mine in london.. let's show the world that skydivers are much more then crazy.....

hehe sounds good! but who says that being crazy is a bad thing??:) "some claiming not to be crazy isn't half as smart as they think they are" :)


Nice work! It looks that you are highly expert blogger. Your post is an excellent example of why I keep coming back to read your excellent quality content that is forever updated.

hmm, not sure how I should interpret this :)

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Hi guys.
Six years ago I created the song skydiving thanks to you.
Well it only took me six years to get the courage to try skydiving for the first time. The time has come. This Sunday I will skydive in Queenstown, NZ :)

Best regards

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You got the song quite right - and after Sunday you won't have to take our word for it anymore. :)

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Hi guys.
Six years ago I created the song skydiving thanks to you.
Well it only took me six years to get the courage to try skydiving for the first time. The time has come. This Sunday I will skydive in Queenstown, NZ :)

Best regards

Goes without saying that your vid should have your song. B|
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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You got the song quite right - and after Sunday you won't have to take our word for it anymore. :)

Hopefully I don't need to do a remix/remake after Sunday :)


***Hi guys.
Six years ago I created the song skydiving thanks to you.
Well it only took me six years to get the courage to try skydiving for the first time. The time has come. This Sunday I will skydive in Queenstown, NZ :)

Best regards

Goes without saying that your vid should have your song. B|

Haha could be an option ;)

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My jump has been cancelled three days due to weather conditions. Tomorrow is my last attempt before I fly to Melbourne. I really hope I will be able to jump before I leave town.
The anticlimax after each cancellation...

Next time I'm in Oahu I let you know! I was so focused on surfing I never considered to be a great spot for jumping!:)

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I finally did it!
On the 4th attempt, the weather conditions were perfect in Queenstown!
The feeling was crazy. Just before the jump, when the door opened and the actual freefall is by far the most awesome feeling I have experienced! :)
I was pretty nervous on plane ride up though! :)
But now I can relate to my own song!
It was also really flattering that my jump master was a fan of the song!

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