
Please help me and fill out the survey

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Hi I'm Marta, I'm a skydiver but also an industrial designer, and it's time to finish university. My MA project, Supportive Devices in Skydiving Training, is beeing prepared at the Laboratory of Ergonomic Design. To implement good design I need your experience so I must conduct a survey. You will find all info on www.martaosi.pl/ankieta/en and please complete it. The survey is divided into two parts: for the instructor and for the skydiver. Thank you in advance and wish you a blue sky!

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The instructor's survey may be able to help people find common problems with students even though a couple of searches on here will have most of your questions answered.

The skydivers survey is very close to the instructors just reworded, can also be answered by a couple of searches and who ever came up with those questions sounds like they arent gonna last long.

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Well, not all people on here are dicks.:)
I filled out the survey. Honest opinion: you need to rethink some of the questionswith a specific aim in mind. Especially the 'biggest threat' question. Ask a friendly instructor at your DZ to help you if you get stuck. And less is not always more. Perhaps you could extend te survey a bit. Chop the general questions into several more specific ones.

Good luck with the project!

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Well, not all people on here are dicks.

In keeping with the spirit and context of the subject matter.

Anatomical appendage notwithstanding.
Who is a dick?

Do we need a survey questionaire or "you know you're a dick if..."

Just wonderin'

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